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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. I've claimed the hot tub and the naked elves. The kilted ones belong to Bronx.
  2. IRL, a long time ago (last year) I held a position wherein witch was the nicest thing I was called. I've since retired. Don't stop reviewing, please? Reviews are like crack for the imagination. They're also the reason I revamped my entire style of writing. Yes, that first review stung like hell. After I gave that person's advice careful consideration, I started down the path to becoming a much better writer. So, even if they delete the reviews - the seed has been planted. Don't let them throw you. Oddly, I have had many review replies requesting beta services - services which I no longer have the opportunity to provide. Review as much as you read.
  3. It is only "bad" for those who have no love or care for the craft; those who are only writing and posting for the asspats from their fanpoodles. The rest of us are still willing to withstand the sting. Sadly, I tend to stay far, far away from writers who only want the glorification. They're fairly obvious in some fandoms - which is why I check the reviews page before I start an unknown/author story. And, at times, I'm suckered in ... if I leave a concrit review - I've been known to time the speed of the deletion. I wonder if that's one of the reasons folks call me a witch?
  4. What's AO3? *sarcasm* Any REAL writer will embrace real concrit. While it stings, the benefits outweigh the temporary pain.
  5. If you want your child's CUSTOM costume to fit perfectly, try bringing her to the *$( %&* fittings. Or class. Or pictures. When I fit everyone!

    1. BronxWench


      Oh, but that child is SPECIAL, and PERFECT, and you should be able to magically KNOW her measurements... >.<

    2. pittwitch


      It fit fine for the whole of twelve minutes it is going to be on her body. And seriously, I went especially to classes trying to catch this ONE to fit -- never there. :( Furious.

  6. pittwitch


    Please read here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/54033-woman-kidnap/#entry343622
  7. I can't recommend these because I haven't read them, but here's what I found on the search: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=14827 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544174577 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544181819
  8. It seems the author pulled the work down. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/32883-vampire-story-mm/?hl=600101680#entry272017
  9. ... heartbroken over the events in Pittsburgh today

  10. I'm curius - y'all do understand that we aren't affiliated in any way with FFN?
  11. We do have a miscellaneous non-English archive found here: http://ne.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?cat=6
  12. pittwitch

    Fics by JennieB

    The user, JennieB, requested that their account be deleted entirely.
  13. pittwitch

    Old M/M story.

    I think you are talking about, "At His Throat, A Promise," which was pulled by the author to work for publishing.
  14. I can assure you that it is listed in the Archive as Adult++. Not sure why you are seeing something else. As far as the description, the tags count as part of the description. So, if you need more room, you can state something like, "Please see first chapter for complete warnings," then list them all there.
  15. Learned on a manual - manual = not electric typewriter. We were so high tech. I thought I died and went to heaven when I could afford an electric.
  16. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
  17. JayDee - I love you. From dictation, my forte: 125 wpm on a bad day.
  18. when the support character wants to take over the WHOLE story.

  19. Thank you for making the report. Please be assured that the staff take each and every case for consideration. We will research the matter in depth.
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