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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
starr: No, Severus hates Harry for the same reason he always hated him: He sees far too much of James in Harry. Severus actually feels that Lucius and Harry being together is a BAD idea. He thinks Lucius would get sick of Harry rather quickly and break his heart, thus turning the entire light side against him, though he won't tell Lucius that in so many words. Lucius has a habit of going through lovers at an impressive rate, but he was discreet enough about it that only Narcissa truly knew how quickly he tired of them. Severus1snaoe: Just be patient! I know, the teasing and hinting at it is HORRIBLE of me, but just wait and trust me. You'll get to see just HOW questionable Lucius' morals are VERY soon, I promise. The sequel is shaping up to be VERY interesting, indeed. It won't disappoint, if you can wait until then! Dark: Well, that won't happen until the sequel, but we're getting close, I promise! Ten more chapters to this one! Jan: I'm glad you're enjoying my fics so much! Just wait until we get to the sequel, there are some fun OCs I've been working with lately. I think you'll like them! nari-chan: He'll be keeping his hands to himself (mostly) in this fic, but hands (and more!) WILL be wandering once we get to the sequel! -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Djaddict: Oops, indeed! Haha, I kind of feel sorry for Draco, but he really should have known better. Tarcha: Yes, she's enjoying teasing Draco while she has the chance. Pretty soon he'll be Lord of the Manor, and she won't be allowed to enter his room without knocking. -
Catch Me if You Can review replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Jan: Sorry for the long wait! This chapter started off easy enough, but the ritual didn't want to happen. Me and my muse had a long talk about it, though, and we got it all sorted in the end. And yes, Harry did pretty good for his first time. I don't think Draco will have any reservations about allowing him a repeat performance. Morningstorm70: Sorry it took so long, see the above response for the reason. ^^;; I'll try not to let that happen again, but I can make no promises! Kolista: Thank you! -
starr: Your enthusiasm always makes me smile! But yes, things would be a lot easier if both of them could just admit their feelings! Then again, I do so love toying with them, so there probably won't be any admissions coming any time soon. ChaosLady: I'm so sorry this update took so long! I was just having a lot of trouble with this chapter, but I finally managed to get it all out onto the page, and I hope you don't give up on it. I never meant to take two months to update. Hopefully, it won't happen again! BAFan: I'm glad you gave it a chance, and that you're enjoying it! Hope you like the new chapter just as much! Miss Adora: Thank you, I try to make my smut as pleasing as possible, since I know I enjoy writing it, and I want my readers to enjoy it just as much! Glad you liked it!
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
starr: It IS cute, and that's why Sev is so secretive about it. Can't exactly be feared and respected if you look cute and cuddly, now can you? -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Tarcha: Hope I didn't make you wait too long. Got sidetracked. It happens from time to time. starr: Nope, it's pretty much smooth sailing from here... At least that I can remember. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Anon: Severus is definitely having a hard time sticking to his guns, but with Draco pushing him all the time for more, who can really blame him? We still have... uhm... Ten chapters, after this one, before the wedding, but I'm happy with the wedding chapter, so I think it'll be worth the wait. Severus1snape: Why thank you! (Wait until you see the wedding night! I think I may have outdone myself on that one!) -
brownbey: I totally understand, but I honestly had no idea that so many people were still reading this. Happens when reviews seem to stop coming in. Feedback is the only way I have of really knowing how many readers I have, because the hit count can be unreliable. If someone accidentally clicks the story, it registers as a read. Can't really count on it. Sharae: Good to know. I was worried, thinking most of the readers had stopped reading after the end of last one. It was mostly the same as GoF, after all. I needed to keep true to that part of the story, so the differences were very minor. Kay: I'm glad you spoke up this time, thank you! I do need a little bit of encouragement from time to time, LOL. Especially with this story, because we're getting to the parts that are really going to start deviating from cannon. For example: No umbitch! You'll see who gets installed as DADA professor soon... Kittykat575: Ahh, good to know you're following this one, too. I'll keep that in mind. shorty776: Makes complete sense, yes. I intended then to be different and yet similar. After all, Shiloe is based on an alter of mine, and while he's different enough to be a different GENDER than me, we share a lot of the same likes and interests. nightCat: Good to know. I understand lurking, I do it myself a lot of the time. I just wondered if it was my writing or something, when people seemed to drop out of my readership. Glad to know there are just a rather large community of lurkers reading my fic. Doesn't bother me, just had me worried. Allysa: Well, thank you for the review! Yeah, I got a bit paranoid, it happens from time to time. After the overwhelming response I got, I now know that I have to continue working on this, even when it gets confusing, which it will soon do. So many things are going to change from the books, haha. It'll be a wild ride. samantha.breeze: I plan to have him be a bit kinder to Harry, since he's going to be working rather closely with both him and Shiloe. He knows now that Harry's had a tough life, so he has less reason to be his caustic self to him. Anon: Oh, yes, there will be some bumps in the road, more so as the year progresses. Severus will not be lenient with him either; He set the rules, he expects them to be followed! AnotherAnon: Um... Okay, things could get confusing here, LOL. Glad you set yourself apart with the name, though. Here's another chapter! WitchwithFangs: I will continue this, it will never be abandoned, though updates may not come very often. I'm a little caught up in another story right now, so know that this one may not be first priority, but it is still being worked on! I promise!
Somber Sweetness review replies.
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Yaoi-Male/Male
fan: Glad you're enjoying it! I'm really trying to keep up on it, but I have a HP fic I'm waay into right now, and the sequel is going to be absolutely DELICIOUS, so I'm a bit distracted from this fic. But the reviews keep me going! Vyperbites: Glad you liked it! Hope this next chapter proves just as good! solitare1: I agree, but I'm doing what I can to fill the void. kit-kit: Hope this chapter doesn't disappoint! It's sex, so it should all be good, right? -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
ChaosLady: Thank you! Talliane: Glad you like it! TsuroDaegon: Is this a fast enough update for you? -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Me too! This is why I write: to live vicariously through my stories. I wish I could actually LIVE one of my works. It'd be awesome! Talliane: Heehee, we'll see. Draco is trying his hardest to get into Sev's pants, though. Kittykat575: Ah, well, about that... There's still... About ten chapters before the wedding. So it'll be a bit of a wait, still. Jan: Mark and Pierce are only here for these two chapters, but we will be meeting some other OCs that will have a more important, and recurring, role in these two fics. You meet them in this one and that plotline continues in the next fic. You'll see what I mean. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: I'm sorry, I know the feeling. I have the beginning of the get-away for you as a peace offering... Forgive me? -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
jami_lee: I'm glad you liked it. That part always makes me giggle, too. djaddict: Good to hear! Hope you like this next chapter, too! AchillesTheGeek: You'll see. It doesn't take too terribly long for her to find out, but the way she finds out creates a problem of its own. phoenix-rob: You'll also see. I'm not going to give anything away. Just keep reading! Carrie: I'm glad you like it so much! I aim to please, after all! starr: Yes, he got what he had coming to him, LOL. -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
starr: Yep! I seem to be incapable of writing a story that doesn't include Mpreg to some extent. Oh, well. Tiffany: Haha, glad you like it! They are cute, aren't they? -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
alectrona: Well, I'm glad you're liking it, but the Harry/Lucius plotline is only really going to take off in the sequel, so we've got a ways to go yet. But we will get there, so no worries. Harry/Lucius is my favorite pairing, although this will be the first fic I have that's strictly Harry/Luc. I did have a Harry/Draco/Lucius once upon a time, but it hasn't been up on this site for YEARS. I may get back to posting it someday, but I don't know for sure if I will. starr: It will be tough to keep to the rules, but who knows? They may decide they don't want to follow them after all. You'll just have to wait and see. nari-chan: Haha, I love that line. Wait until the sequel; Malfoy men and their lax morals INDEED! I've already started working on that one, and Lucius is a BAD BAD man! Which is good for us, of course! It'll be great. -
Somber Sweetness review replies.
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Yaoi-Male/Male
Vyperbites: Yeah, I'm still working on it, and I recently had a little bit of a brainwave regarding it, since I wrote something on a different Inu fic (that I may or may not post) that got me thinking. So don't worry, this story will be continued, and I think it'll end up being a pretty good one. At least, that's the hope. squeeeeeee: LOL, glad you like it! Look, smut! That's always nice, ne? Alishea: I'm happy to hear that! Here, have some more! kit-kit: That's coming up. Not quite in the next chapter, but the one after that, I promise! Yuki: Glad you like it! I had no idea I had so many readers! It spurred me to write more, so it's a good thing! -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
ChaosLady: Glad you liked it! Hope you enjoy this chapter, too! starr: They really are, aren't they? I wonder how long it'll take Harry for that to sink in... We've got quite a ways to go. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Yes, they really are. Harry and Luc right now are a bit stuck in a state of denial. Luc will get the push he needs in the prologue to the sequel, which is already written. Cut him a little slack for now, he's still against the idea of EVER marrying again. Remember, 'it's more trouble than it's worth.' nari-chan: I'm glad you like it! I know how you feel, I want a Severus of my own, LOL. Or at least something close to it. -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
unneeded: Long time no talk! Yes, yes, this is already completed, I'm just re-posting it. After that nasty bit of business with Speedytomato, all my fics were taken down, LOL. But I've decided that maybe starting flame wars is a bit of a bad idea, and I got some requests to re-post this one, so here it is! And yes, I went and read 'second-hand robes,' and the epilogue. Very nice, Samayel's work is always good. So, yes, the sequel is already underway, I just have to get this re-posted and start working on that again. Which will be hard, since I'm so in love with "Of Potions and Wings" right now, but I promise to try, at the very least. ChaosLady: Thank you! Here's an update! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Yeah, I'm with you. Why not look if you're given the chance? starr: Yes, he's getting closer, but Sev's still reluctant to go very far. Poor Draco. Jan: Yep, and now Sev gets in on the dueling action. Fun times. -
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
starr: Ron's not really all that bad, he just has a tendency to blow up with the slightest provocation. But, from what I've seen of the world, that's just the way redheads seem to be. Hermione's always been the most level-headed person of the three. As for your hopes, I'm not going to give anything away. Just keep reading, and eventually you'll see. I already know where the sequel is going to end up, it's just a matter of getting there. IloveHGDM: Is this soon enough for you? I would have updated sooner, but I got sidetracked working on smut for a different story (my Snaco fic, it's my baby right now). Don't worry, I have no PLANS to let this one fall by the wayside, but we'll see what happens when it comes time to continue the sequel. Hopefully, I can get back in the groove of this fic without too much trouble. ChaosLady: Ahaha, guilty as charged. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that's the only really bit tease in this fic. Now, you can have some smut, with my (insincere, since I'm giggling over the teasing) apologies. Hope you don't hate me too much, it was the only place I could really break the chapter up. If it helps, it cut off in the same place last time around, and everybody survived it, so I knew it was safe. -
Anon: Sorry the updating has slowed down so much. I'm just so in love with OPaW and the sequel right now, I can't stand to step away from it. No worries, I WILL finish this story (if it kills me), it just... Will probably stay slow for a while. Anyways, yes, Aquila is adorable. And Shi HAD to tell SOMEONE, that's not the kind of revelation one keeps to themselves. Glad you liked the Sex Magic lesson, there will be more, I just don't know when yet. One more note: I think you're the only person still reading this. On both sites. *sob* That's another reason updates have slowed so very much. But as long as I have at least one reader, I will keep going!
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Aren't they? I think I may have a new OTP, which is weird, cause I READ primarily Snarry lately. Oh, well, I suppose I'll just have to fill the world with Snaco single-handedly. I'm sure I can think up enough plotlines to fill the void. Maybe. Jan: Yes, he really is. It's really his right to gloat, though, Sev doesn't lose his cool very easily. Broski123456: Glad you like it! Hope this chapter goes over just as well! starr: Well, that is his goal, haha. -
clash: Yep, and now it's just pretty much a countdown to the final battle, then a few more loose ends to tie up. We're getting close to the end. starr: Yes, Harry will definitely do whatever he needs to to protect Draco. He doesn't like the way Moody reacted to the news AT ALL. ChaosLady: There are a few more chapters left, since it will take quite some time to break through the Manor's Wards, so we have some time yet. And yes, even though I hate action scenes, seeing as how I have so much trouble writing them, the final battle is coming up. Hopefully I can do it justice.
The Zabini Cover Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
djaddict: It would, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, Harry seems determined to NOT do things the easy way. Oh, well, what can you do? Anon: Yes, the story is mine, thank you for checking! I totally understand and I would hope that if someone DID plagiarise one of my fics, someone would let me know. Thankfully, though I've heard of it happening to others, to the best of my knowledge, it's never happened to me. I'm glad you liked it the first time around, and the only difference this time will be the fact that I lost a chapter somewhere along the way, and I don't think I did it justice when I re-wrote the scene, but I can't really do anything about it now. It's all very upsetting. Well, and the chapters are longer, so there's less of them, but I think longer chapters is a good thing, so I'm pretty sure no one will mind that. starr: They're going to do all they can to minimize the risks, but if they can't, they'll tell Harry what the risks are before they go ahead with any "treatments" or "cures." I agree with you, Harry should just be happy with the way things are, but he's not going to stop looking for a way to get back to normal.