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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain

  1. kat: I know. It sucks, but things get better, so don't worry too much. misssy: Well, I won't say much, but keep reading. You might be pleasantly surprised. djaddict: It does, but don't worry too much. The issue pretty much resolves itself in this chapter. Lunar: Well, keep reading. I don't want to spoil the story, but this section gets over with pretty quick.
  2. staar: I'm glad you're liking it. Fair warning, some of the later chapters are taking a bit of a darker turn, but it's a bit down the line. And don't worry, it doesn't get TOO terribly bad before it gets better. Anon: Well, you'll see. She's pretty special. djaddict: Don't we all. Just makes me want to squee. Loudly. kat: Thank you!
  3. WolfPup5683: Yes, well, I'm going to ignore that comment, because I just can't agree with you there. Sorry, but I personally hate the git. For obvious reasons. Anon: Glad you think so. This happens to be one of my favorite fics, and the sequel pretty much wrote itself over two days. I was trampled to death by rabid plot bunnies that wouldn't et me rest until they'd had their say. ^^; djaddict: Well, hello, again! Long time no talk! I'm glad you like it. I'm sorry you missed it last time, but it's back now, so enjoy!
  4. Anon: It is sad, but I had the idea of a sexually abused counterpart to the Shiloe in my head from the first, I was just waiting for the perfect time to slip that info in. It had to be done. Kat: I'm glad you like it! I hope you continue to enjoy it! Georgie: So do I, LOL. Lucius will back soon, and both Luc and Severus will play big roles in the story, as Shiloe is really going to need their help with the war effort in the coming chapters.
  5. staar: I agree. If only they could see it...
  6. Anon: LOL, yes, yes it would. Luckily, I'm not that mean.
  7. Anon: Thank you. I wasn't expecting the amount of plot bunnies that attacked me when I re-read this, but I'm glad the ideas are coming in! staar: Glad you like it! I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint! jami_lee: Thank you! Here's more! SlythindorMalfoy: Glad you like it! Updates should be frequent for at least a little while, since I have a few chapters saved up already.
  8. Kat: Yes, the many faces of Shiloe, LOL. WolfPup5683: Well, if you ever figure it out, let me know. I happen to really like that chapter. *pout* Anon: Well, he IS Snape. I assume he can hold his own. To some extent, at least. steve: Well, Shiloe doesn't really see it that way. He sees someone hurting his host and goes a bit ballistic as a result. He can't really contain his anger at that point very well, and it shows. I don't mean to bash Ron, but he really had no reason to push Harry away like that. At least, not in Shiloe's view.
  9. Swizzle89: I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm not as far along in this as I am in my other fic, but I have no plans of leaving it unfinished, so don't worry! delia cerrano: I'm happy to hear that it sounds sensible to you. That WAS my biggest worry, going into this, but it seems to be playing out well, so far. Hope you continue to like it! staar: You're welcome! And thank YOU for the review! I treasure every little bit of feedback, and reviews help me write faster and better.
  10. Anon: Well, I couldn't let Severus get away with NOT participating, LOL. I do so love to torture him. WolfPup5683: Ah, yes, Draco in silk underwear: My secret obsession. You know me too well. This is why I have to keep you around, LOL. Otherwise, I'd have to kill you.
  11. staar: Wow, such enthusiasm! I'm glad you're enjoying it! WolfPup5683: You know I LIKE your interruptions, so I have no idea what you're talking about. And yeah, SO not talking about that pic here. LOL.
  12. Kat: I agree with your review entirely! And yes, I do aim to make Draco and Harry friends, but the going is slow. WolfPup5683: Yeah, yeah, I'm working up to that, be patient. Anon: Yes, well, I've finished Shiloe and started working on the sequel, so I'm a little excited to get them all out. The chapter I most enjoyed writing is this next one: Truth or Dare.
  13. Anon: Yeah, I actually just finished writing the scene where Shi and Harry gain the immunity (which will be in the sequel), and it was rough. Luckily, it's a one-time thing and they're good for life.
  14. Anon: Glad you liked it. And yes, shadow-walking is a much more pleasant way to travel than Floo or portkey, and won't have any negative associations in Harry's mind. WolfPup5683: Trust me, you don't. RealmTender: Thank you. I happen to love Luna, so I had to have her in this story, and I think they make an adorable couple. I'm glad to hear you know about DID already, because, as I said, this is my way of raising awareness. I'm trying to let people know that it can take its toll on the people that have it, but it also isn't ALL bad. There are pros and cons to everything.
  15. WolfPup5683: Well, fine, leave reviews if you want, but texting me is faster, you know. And I can respond instantly to that. staar: Don't worry, that's coming pretty soon! Winged-ashes: You'll see. Harry's definitely going to have to do some soul-searching before he'll know if he can do it. CrimsonRose94: I have a yahoo group, I added a link to the chapter, I'm sure you have seen it or will see it. Join that for update notices. I tried to m an e-mail list years ago, and that didn't go too well, so I use the yahoo group now. missy: Here you go!
  16. Wolfpup5683: You're a dork. Really, you are. LOL. Love you to bits and pieces, though. Anon: Glad you liked it! And here you go--the reaction chapter!
  17. Anon: Glad you liked it! enlyasuregon: I'm glad you think so. I tried to come up with something orginal, and for the first time, my mental issues have actually worked for me, in helping me find a good premise to work with. And voila! We have Shiloe. It's great stress relief for when I'm feeling that I can't escape my problems any other way, and have to wrm out, and I'm thrilled that other people are enjoying it so much!
  18. Wolfpup5683: I know, the chapters are going to be shorter than Shiloe's chapters until I get a bit further along. They will get longer, around chapter seven, I think, they'll grow a bit. And they really aren't all THAT much shorter, anyway... Just a few pages, is all. staar: Glad you like it! Hopefully I can keep up with this story AND Shiloe. If not, this one will be the one that will slow down on updates, so send creative vibes my way, LOL. delia cerrano: That's all true, but Harry is more than willing to do whatever it takes to keep Voldemort from gaining more followers, and truly, giving himself to Harry is Draco putting quite a weapon into Harry's hands. Harry could easily order him to fight on his side, if he wanted, and Draco would have to do it. Draco knows this, but in his eyes, the risk is worth it.
  19. UniciaScout: Thank you. Every little review helps keep me sane. Well, as sane as I get, LOL. Mick: I'm glad you like Shiloe, haha. There's someone over on HPFanfdom who delights in telling me that they hate Shiloe, and he should be locked away all the time, and the story should center on Harry, and Harry only. I haven't quite decided if I'm being trolled or what. I told this person that if they feel that way, they don't have to read it, but yet they persist. -.- Whatever. angel: I'm glad. I was seriously wondering for a while there. Katie Poppy: Last I checked, I believe there are two more. The last one will show up right before the Third Task, and doesn't get a chance to do more than seal the bond before this story ends, so I AM planning for a sequel. And who knows, Harry just might end up doing a bit more with Neville. n: Charlie is going to show back up soon, but he's about ready to head back to Romania (after visiting with family, of course). No worries, he'll see Shiloe right before he heads back. Kat: I'm glad you like Luna. I was a bit nervous adding her, as this is primarily a slash fic, but responses have been mostly positive on that front. Rosealynne: For now it's a wait and see. I'm thinking Harry might be willing, but a lot of it would hinge on Luna and whether she gave him the go-ahead. But the possibility is there. (Cause I love Nev. He's TOO CUTE!) Jupi: Thank you for reviewing. I'm glad you like it. I aim to please, after all!
  20. n: I'm happy you liked it. I do aim to please, after all.
  21. Sera21: I know, I know. Think of it like this: They're special MAGICAL cock rings, OK? LOL. I feel if you have a way to improve on a good thing, why not go for it? And about the smut getting better... Well, you may not think so after this chapter. I may rewrite the smut scene, if enough people would rather I do so. As it is, I'D rather I do so, so it'll probably happen, regardless of what others say. Norische: I'm glad you like it so much! Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside! I hope you continue to enjoy it!
  22. Calmzone1: Glad you like it. I hope you continue to enjoy it. ChaosLady: Thank you.
  23. Clair: Harry shows up again in chapter 34, I believe. And I do plan to have him and Shiloe as equally shown as I can get them. We'll have to see how well I manage that.
  24. Isa: Your english isn't too bad. At least I understood what you meant. Hope you continue to enjoythe story! milapink: Shiloe loves his anchors, yes. He trusts that fate wouldn't assign him anchors that would be bad for him, so he lets himself feel for them without reservation. Hope you like the new chapters!
  25. Sera21: Well, in my defense, the real friction between them comes a bit later. LOL, I know, the tite doesn't really fit, but I didn't want to bother renaming it, so it stands. Maybe I'll change it later. Or maybe I'll redo the chapter, we'll see. I'm glad you liked the sex scene, I try to write it well, but I'm never sure how well I actually did. There's a few in here I'm not proud of, but oh,well. I'll fix them when I'm having a mania, I'm sure. My alters have never really gotten me into trouble, although that may change. I have woken up in places I didn't recognize, those were the scariest experiences of my LIFE, but it hasn't happened in years, thankfully. Hope you continue to enjoy the fic!
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