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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain

  1. Rocmom: Oops, forgot one! Yes, this is a repost, and pretty soon it will be back to where it was, and then some. It was down for quite some time. It's also up to chapter 30 on hpfandom right now, but this will be the only site that has the companion fic, "Shiloe: Just the Two of Us," and "Shiloe, From Brutal Beginnings," the (admittely short) textbook I wrote to accompany this. They'll be up... Soon-ish. As will the rest of the fic.
  2. IT LIVES!!!!!!!! Finally, lol. And now, for review replies: WolfPup5683: Dork. You don't have to review. Just call me or text me. It's faster. Sera21: I'm not so sure about that. I had a boyfriend who was a virgin, and he just couldn't manage to come easily his first time; It ended up lasting almost three hours. So, it's possible, just not very probable. But, I didn't have the heart to leave anyone unsatisfied. So yes, not the most realistic first time, I'll admit, but it's just going to have to stay that way. And thank you, I was a bit iffy about that note; Some people get weird when I bring up my mental issues. I can't really help that I'm a bit damaged, and I knew that stating it like that was a bit of a risk. I'm glad someone commented on it, and better yet that it was a positive response. Fushigithedruid: Why, thank you! I plan to finish it this time, and I'm finally in a stable environment where I have internet access that isn't at the mercy of my (rather limited) checkbook (or lack thereof). It's finally past the second task, and I'll be posting several chapters a day, or close to every day, until I've got all I have so far posted. Then, updates will inevitably slow, but they shouldn't be too terribly far apart for at least the near future.
  3. Saphire Phoenix: Charlie will be an anchor, he just hasn't made it on-screen yet, is all. But remember what the first task is. *giggle* He'll be there soon. I hoped it would be original enough to be interesting, and I'm happy my mental issues proved to finally be of use, LOL. And I totally agree about Dumbledore. I think he's stupid, but I don't really hate him for it. He's only human, and that means he's not infallible. ChaosLady: Indeed. Even I don't know if he'll be cured at all, yet. It's still under consideration. SP777: Harry will be getting to know them, slowly, since Shiloe is so protective, but he will have his own girl OR boyfriend. I won't say more than that yet, because that would be telling. Besides, he's only fourteen, he can take things slow in finding love, right? And yes, he will be taking on more of a role in the story, I just have to get to the parts that I need him for, is all. Shiloe needed to be established and have his views and temperament explained, and now, we get to the real story. You'll see both of them frequently, no worries. SilverLion: You'll see a lot of Luna in this story. *giggle* And I hadn't thought of the twins, but now... You have a good point, and I can see a way for this all to work out now. Hmm... I owe you a thank-you for giving me a wonderful burst of inspiration!
  4. ChaosLady: Thank you. And don't worry, Harry will have his own Significant Other (don't want to give it away just yet), so he won't be sharing any lovers with Shiloe, unless it's for experimentation. I think that should make you happy, yeah? Green_eyed_lover: Thanks. The title was good, but I do hope to have some Harry interactions in there, too, if I can manage any, so it wasn't totally IDEAL, per se. I do plan to read your story fully, but it needs to be when I have the time and patience for it. Probably when my son starts head start in September would be the best bet for me to get all the way through it. pucks: LOL. There are more chapters than just that, so it doesn't quite work, but it's cute. Morbid_and_Sexy: Why, thank you! I'm glad you like it that much! SilverLion: I know, I've been reading RotD, and that's where the idea stemmed from. It's also a good way to keep "Shiloe" relatively Beastiality-free for those sensitive readers, and still push my squick limits at the same time. Mostly, though, it's an excuse to have little interactions of the Pack that don't really have a place in the fic, and maybe add some past scenes that don't quite fit in the story. I will see about your smexy foursome, okay? kitty: Cute idea, but sadly, not quite what I was looking for, for reasons stated above. I'm glad you're liking the story, though. That's always wonderful to hear! hotflower901: Well, yes, but Shiloe and Harry are still getting used to each other. It's not the easiest process. LOL. Gods, the Baha Men. That was one of my favorite songs when I was... Much younger. Thirteen, maybe? I don't even remember. unneeded: Uuhmm, where to start... Well, when Shi takes over, it's pretty much that same as with DID/MPD--He loses the memories when he's back in the "Driver's Seat," so to speak. Shi did help with 'Imperio,' but Harry would have fought it himself (eventually). Yes, Shi knows when he's taking over, so he's prepared, but for Harry, it's kind of like a time-warp and leaves him a bit discombobulated for a few moments. I've gotten rather familiar with the feeling, and trust me, suddenly being in my room at night when the last thing I remember is fixing my son lunch is SO BIZARRE! I feel that Harry has a right to use Slytherin tactics, such as manipulation, every once in a while. Whatever works, right? ssingley: Thank you!
  5. ChaosLady: I'm glad you approve of the Animagus form. There are a few more as yet undiscovered, they will pop up in time. unneeded: Yeah, Most of the time I don't plan either, but this one has some ideas in store still. Well, the ones that are "strong" (read: arsehole-ish) enough to get by without help are pretty much prevented by thier demeanor from letting their magic take a will of its own. Once the mating bonds are in place (when the Host reaches adulthood), the mates are pretty much guaranteed to be so deeply in love with Shi that they'd never leave him (or her) willingly. That's why only a few of the anchors are made permanent mates. Heart bonds can grow stronger, but they can also be broken without too much pain for Shi. Seff I actually yoinked from "Jaded" on hpfandom. It was the name for Harry's animagus wolf, and it means "wolf" in Hebrew. Since Seff is a sub, he will be Moony's beta, yes. Heehee, so many Gryffindors, Sev will LOVE it. *evil giggle* Harry is allowed to love/marry whomever he likes, BUT Shi has to meet and learn to tolerate, if not like, his chosen lover, first, since he will be spending a lot of time with them. He will also help raise the children Harry has, if any. So he needs to approve, but he will let Harry have as much choice as possible. (Don't worry about the length. If you have more, keep 'em coming, I don't mind.) SilverLion: LOL, I don't think Harry will experiment, but you never know. If he does, it would most likely be with Neville. Or maybe Blaise. Someone he feels most comfortable with. kittyfiction2008: I have the Werewolf!sex written (on paper), so as soon as I can think of a suitable title (maybe "Shiloe: Just the two of us" or "Shiloe: Private moments") I will type it up and get it on here. nekluvshp: I looked at some of the clips, and I think that's a pretty good approximation. I always just hear Rayne's voice, since that's who he is modeled after, but the two are actually similar. Scarily so, as a matter of fact. And now that I've seen some of the clips, that game is looking like something I want to play, LOL. And thanks, I try to keep new stuff in my fics, so they don't get lost in the throng of similar stories out there. tkykitty: Thank you very much! hotflower901: Ah, don't we all? A wicked Shiloe is the best kind, IMHO. And there will be Werewolf smut soon for Seff, but it will be in a side story that might end up totally non-linear. *shrug* It happens. Morbid_and_Sexy: Thank you. Glad you liked it.
  6. unneeded: I'm glad it's just the wait making it seem longer. One more chapter of Shi (this one is nice and long) and then Harry will be back in action. Yeah, the Horcrux is still there, and I have an interesting idea on how to get rid of it. Hmm... Ok, this will be cool. *snicker* Anyways, yeah, he still has to seal he bonds with Bill, Charlie and Remus and then form and seal the bond with Krum. He'll get to watch an anchor bond form. If there is sexual abuse, there is a different creature, and maybe someday I will create it and write a fic for it, LOL. (Maybe it's called Eolihs... Or not.) Yeah, usually letting someone get hit with a blast of accidental magic is enough to stop the abuse, but that only works if the magic is allowed to lash out. Suppressing it causes it to overthrow the Host in order to preserve the Host's life (which is why Shi was so snarky at first). If a child that is too young to defend itself is abused, their magic will form a "protector" Shiloe. These types start out like older siblings, much kinder to their Host than the you-held-me-back-I-had-no-choice variety, like Shi. Anchors are allowed to boink anchors. Beyond that, Shiloe are homicidally jealous. They will let their anchors pursue other Pack members once they are Mated for life, but even then if an anchor wants to pursue a relationship, Shiloe has to meet the person and come to trust them first, unless the anchor decides to sever the anchor bond. If they do this before Shiloe forms permanent Mating bonds, the Shiloe will die. (Not to mention Shi will try to win back their anchor any way they can before they go.) Heart bonds are unlimited, and can be formed throughout life and severed without consequences should Shiloe be betrayed by a Pack member. If a Pack member is hurt, Shiloe will be pissed, but not harmed. If an anchor dies of disease, Shiloe will die shortly before their anchor passes. The other anchors will survive, and will usually come together stronger than before in their mourning. I love the reviews that make me think like this one did. You just gave me at least two ideas for later on. kittyfiction2008: Hahaha! No demos, but there is a nice long description, LOL. Shi is so shameless.
  7. unneeded: Goddess, NO, there wouldn't be any sex at six (the youngest age a Shiloe can Manifest)! *giggle* I may be sick in the head, but even I have my limits! Blood Feedings would be used until the Shiloe made the first sexual advances toward their anchors, which would usually happen around thirteen or fourteen, once puberty is fully underway. Until then, the Shiloe would react violently to any overtly sexual attentions, since instinct would force them to reject anything thier bodies were not prepared for. I know the month seems long, but we are almost done. Just give Shi one last chapter after this one, and Harry will be back, OK? And Dumbledore can't give the Dursleys to Shiloe since they are in custody awaiting their change into Harry's personal house-elves. *evil chuckle* Since Harry passed on some of his memories to Dumbledore to deliver, there is no trial for them. And yes, Harry is still going to be friendly with Dumbledore. *manic giggling* Severus totally SHOULD "pull the plug," so to speak, LOL. But no, it's not him. ChaosLady: Two more Shi chapters, just to tie up a few things, then Harry will be back. I promise, I have it written already, just need to post the chapters I have and you'll get your Harry back. hotflower901: I'm sorry you feel that way. I've never thought of my writing as being particularly dark, but I suppose this is quite different from my usual fare. And, again, Shiloe is based on Rayne, Rayne can be a dick at times (especially to me), so I guess this is a little darker than most of my fics have been, but if you can keep with it, things will be getting better soon. I think...
  8. ChaosLady: Heehee, I loved writing that! Lo is a fun character, I'm really enjoying her. And even big, bad Slytherins need a cuddle every now and then! kittyfiction2008: No, what's bad is that I'm looking FORWARD to pushing the limit on my squicks! There is something seriously wrong with me, LOL. -.-
  9. SilverLion: Yes, those three are in (no twins, sry), along with Krum. So I think you'll be pleased. hotflower901: Ah, but if and when Lucius' cover is blown and he's known to be Dumbldore's spy, he can give the names of any Death Eaters he wants to. And who says I wouldn't do that just for shits and giggles? dominique1: Yeah, I think everyone has a bit of bitterness toward Dumbledore for his just 'forgetting' to check on Harry all those years. Ahh, and Flint did not make the cut, sorry. He didn't even really make it into the running at all. ^^' Don't worry, Harry will be with a girl, but NOT GINNY. (Can not stand the bint.) kittyfiction2008: Bella the Bitch?! Even I wouldn't make Shiloe suffer THAT fate. No, all the anchors come with a cock, but Harry is going to be with a girl. Who, I hear you all asking? NOT TELLING!!! *runs away with hands over mouth* LOL. ChaosLady: Mm, yes, I see sinful times awaiting our favorite Shiloe. Aren't you guys lucky to get a front-row seat to the lovely Shiloe/Lucius action? Too bad it's not here quite yet... (It will be worth the wait, though.)
  10. hotflower901: Indeed. LOL. unneeded: LOL, I happen to have a bit of animosity towards the captcha. I've had to refresh the same one FOUR times to get something legible, and that's happened more than once! 0.o ...It hates me. T.T One more vote for Helga's class, duly noted. SilverLion: He's going to get SOMETHING, all right! ChaosLady: I'm glad you like! He was working on the Animagus Revealing potion, which will display his top (three?) Animagus forms. I still need to decide the other two... kittyfiction2008: Near the end of the review it became apparent that either your fingers were overly excited about the chapter, or you were already drinking, LOL. So many typos, it made me laugh so hard. Thank you for giving me a good giggle. I needed it. FOUR VOTES FOR HELGA'S CLASS SO FAR!!!!! ALL OTHERS ARE AT ZERO VOTES! THERE IS STILL TIME TO VOTE!!! (But hurry.)
  11. There's three votes for Helga's class so far, and thus far the votes have been unanimous. <-- Did I misspell that? It looks wrong... So, if you want something different, now would be the time to speak up.
  12. ChaosLady: Hope the info at the beginning of the chapter helps. LOL. I had no idea that you could refresh the captcha until I saw the button and clicked it, thinking, 'what does this do?' For once, it was a GOOD idea to try it out with no clue what it did. LOL. heartstar: I plan to take it as far as it will let me. Though there's no telling where it will end up, LOL. hotflower901: Wow, Sev is old. LOL. That is kind of pervy. Poor Shiloe. Heehee. unneeded: Shiloe can have a childhood of their own, depending on their age when they manifest and the age the Shiloe feels they are required to be. But Harry needed a guardian rather than a friend, since he already had Ron and Mione. Shiloe is developing his bonds still. It will hopefully feel less like casual sex in time. They are all still getting to know each other, after all. 'smut is good, smut is fine, but where the hell's my story line'... I like ^that^, very punny. The plot train is coming back now that most of the anchors have had their firsts with Shi, since the last one is set to appear, then no more new anchors for awhile. There IS a plot, it just needed to wait until the relationships were somewhat sorted out. I'll be getting back to it, now. First, Animagus training. ALSO, I am taking votes now on what Shiloe should learn after the Animagus transformation has been achieved. The options are: 1. Harnessing and controlling Shiloe powers, taught by Helga's Shiloe 2. Fencing, taught by Salazar Slytherin and 3. Duelling, taught by Godric Gryffindor Leave your vote in a review and I will tally them up when Animagus training is complete and announce the winner then.
  13. Kantirocks: I understand where you're coming from, but I'm already pretty set on who Harry is going to be with. It's a girl, yes, but only one, so far. He may hae sex with others first, but I think I know who he's going to end up with (date, marry, etc.) in the end. Sorry I didn't notice the review earlier. XP That's totally my bad. unneeded: Yes, and this why Shiloe is going to flip his lid completely IF Sev decided to keep playing the double agent. I'm not even sure, I may change that. I haven't fully decided what Sev is going to do, but seeing as how it's still Shiloe's month out, it's still early enough that I have time to decide. And really, Shiloe is protective enough of their anchors and their anchors' identity that it usually never causes problems for them. heartstar: Thank you, and here's more! hotflower901: Well, stick with the fic, and who knows? It may grow on you. But Sev is stepping out of the picture for a while, anyway. What he did was something that's hard for him to handle. Shiloe wants the power games, he needs to be able to give up control with some of his anchors the same way he needs to dominate some of them, himself. As I stated in SFBB, Shiloe are neither sub nor Dom, and they switch between the two roles depending on what their partner wants or needs, but (and this wasn't in the textbook Harry had) they also need both to be truly content. Also, I'm going to ask (and feel free to decline, if you want) if you'd be willing to elaborate more on why you don't like the idea of Sev being his Master. Because Lucius will also have an interest in those kind of games when he comes in, though rather than Master/slave, it will be a Sir/pet arrangement, and much more indulgent to Shiloe's whims. I'd hate to lose a reader because of the BDSM aspect of a fic, so I'd like to know if there is a way I can make it any more palatable for you. Demitria_Miriam: LOL. No, the first one didn't go through. Which is why I sometimes copy reviews that are long or were hard to word, so if that happens to me (again) I can just paste it and try again. I've had that happen too many times. But thank you for reading, and if you continue to read, I will be thrilled, but I don't expect it. Just reading what I had so far was enough to make me all giddy.
  14. Anon: LOL. He won't find out like that, don't worry. And you forgot Krum, Charlie, Bill, Remus and Lucius, who haven't shown up yet. They're still on the way. ring of fire: I'm sure I will borrow sections from the book once in a while, but most of this will differ. The last two stories will probably be totally different from the books, if this goes that far. unneeded: He's got others watching him, now. They won't let it go that far again. kittyadult2008: Well, I plan to have Shiloe dormant when Harry gets called. That way, they both know and Shiloe doesn't have to explain THAT one, LOL. But yes, it will probably cause a few LOL's, the way I plan it. kat: LOL, glad you like it. I do plan to keep with this as long as it is still getting feedback to show I have readers. I'm enjoying it just as much, after all! It's fun to play with this idea. And I have some long-term plans for this. And Sev kind of got his hand forced, but wait a bit, things aren't as easy as they seem. As for the other review, I wanted that part of the story in here, LOL. I just didn't expect the class to be that long. That should be the only scene that spans more than a chapter of borrowed content, though. But yes, I had to reference the book, I hope I did it right. If not, I have the fic saved, so if all else fails, *sigh*.
  15. ajj7sunhawk: Thank you. And I know it's short--That was just a prologue, plus I started this about... Three years ago? Something like that. yoko0525: I try to keep him IC, but SOMETIMES he slips out and goes for a joyride in OOCland. I'm going to do my best to avoid that, though, LOL. Good to know I've started on a high note. Let's hope I can hold it for awhile, at least. addiena saffir: LOL, that's fine with me. They will be up pretty quick, possibly all by the end of the day, and readers will be informed when it's all new content, since I may string a few chappies together. Just make sure that if I'm lagging for awhile, you or someone else had the balls to come over and poke at the cacass with a stick (leave a review reminding me that it still has readers), so I remember to continue writing it. About three months would be when I could use a gentle (or threatening, threatening works too) reminder. Red: Thank you. I hope you like it.
  16. Tried to post this already, dammit! So, this is where RR's for SS will be. (Sorry, it had less acronyms last time, but I'm too angry at the delete fairy to name everything properly right now.) Usually, I will post review replies in one message right before posting the newest chapter, unless I come across something that just HAS to be replied to immediately. (A correction, really good point, or really good question.) So, chances are that if this has been updated recently with more than one review reply in the same message, that's the last time I updated Somber Sweetness.
  17. kittyadult2008: Duly noted, and thank you! unneeded: There is indeed a reason, and it will come up now. SilverLion: Free writing is something I usually don't turn to. I may try it, who knows? The interludes idea is a good one... hotflower901: LOL, me too! And the intergration thing is SORT OF what's going on. Except that the integration will never be complete for them. But, yes, they are coming to know each other a bit more, and that's making Shiloe better able to see why Harry has the friends he does.
  18. unneeded: Harry will be getting training as well, though in different things. Yes, Shiloe was acting like a bit of a prick, but then again, he's extrememly empathic, and has never had to deal with people before. This is all very new to him. He's still getting used to it all. Darkserpentcat: ....Yes, it does. But... We'll see. HeartStar: Soon. Patience for a few chapters yet. kittyadult2008: Are you still reading?
  19. I am working on getting some stories ready for my website, where I will have my original stories up for those that can pay a small fee and want a hand in heping me mold them into manuscripts and/or ebooks, so fanfic may lag for a short time. I apologize, but I want to get a head start on this website, since the money to get a domain name is coming to me for Yule from my mom! So, this is both good and bad news. I will finish Shiloe and TMC, but as for timing, well, we'll have to see. I don't plan to take too long, jut letting everyone know. And as an aside I may be stepping away from fanfic. We'll have to see how this works out first.
  20. unneeded: Yeah, Mione and Ron are going to insist on being part of Shiloe's Pack, and he will have to give in sometime. As for the shopping, he knows better than to use much, and the goblins recognize that he is part of Harry, so the money technically is still his. ChaosLady: Heehee. I rectified that, don't worry. And they will have explosions from time to time, but for Shiloe's sake, they're going to TRY to get along. Sometimes.
  21. _bloodshound_*: Yes, Shi is a being kind of careless, but then again, he's making sure he has his support system in place so that he can be strong enough to work behind the scenes while Harry is out, bolstering his occlumency and helping him in times of crisis. He's just really bad at dealing with others. Things will get better, and he is going to be better toward Harry than he was at first, since his emotions will be more grounded.
  22. Darkserpentcat: You make a good point. However, this is my fic, and I do have a few ideas I am set on, this being one of them. You'll just have to bear with me on this, sorry. I promise not to make it a huge part of the story, if that helps.
  23. Darkserpentcat: You are evil. LOL. Anonymous: I will look for your e-mail address, but I am going to warn you (or reassure, I'm not sure which) now, I am basing this off of my intereactions with an alter of my own when we became able to communicate. I have a plan for this.
  24. Anonymous: You have some vallid points, and all I can say is: There is more going on here than we are seeing at the moment. Just keep with the story, things are going to get better. Remember, Shiloe only gets this one month before he and Harry have to learn to coexist peacefully. He wants as much time to "be himself" as he can get, because he won't get that again, and he knows it.
  25. BloodTear: Thank you! Always nice to see a new name! kani: Harry and Shiloe are going to start getting closer soon. I'm working on a scene that will start that relationship development right now, I just don't know exactly WHEN that scene is going in yet. But it will get better for them soon. unneeded: As I just said, it's going to get better. Shiloe is just not very willing to accept Hermione and Ron yet, so he's trying to keep a wall between them and him. It will crumble under Hermione's willpower, though. SilverLion: ...Okay. Rant over? Good. There's a sex scene you are going to LOVE currently in the works. Heehee. Tesgura: Well, Sirius and Harry are going to know pretty quick (I'm writing the scene where arry finds out already, heehee.) and they ARE already close, so it could very easily get deeper. We'll see.
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