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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain
ChaosLady: Yeah, this will get interesting. unneeded: I refuse to ruin the plot for you, LOL. Suffice to say, I have things worked out PRETTY well for the most part. All your questions will be answered in time. SilverLion: This looks like it will be mostly slash. Darkserpentcat: As for the first question, yes, as for the parseltongue see ^that^ post up there. LOL.
Darkserpentcat: Regarding the Parseltongue--Harry got that through the curse scar. He IS Salazar's heir, yes, but he will need to LEARN Parseltongue in order to retain the ability once he defeats Voldemort, since the gift has died out of the line Harry is descended from. After all, James and/or Lily weren't able to speak Parseltongue, so why should Harry have the ability inherently? Luckily, Salazar will be teaching him how to read and write in Parsetongue, which will also (sort of) teach him the spoken so that the ability will, in fact, be permanently HIS by that time.
Tesgura: Lucky you, Siri is in by defualt. LOL. DemoLordLife: Really? Sweet, LOL.
ChaosLady: Oh, it will be, rest assured! SilverLion: Aww, but those are going to be some of the best parts! Okay, fine. It's your loss, though. Darkserpentcat: Yeah, I'm pretty sure Harry will turn out to be bi. LOL, no worries. I once called SilverLion a she, and got corrected. I felt like an ass (especially since the name he gave me is one of my favorite male names. I was like "he's got my fave name, and I offended him! OH NO!"), so now I'm a lot more careful. I mean, SilverLion, Wolfpup, Shinji and you are all male slash writers, so I know better than to think that all slash writers are girls now. And I corrected the hyena thing. Meh, I thought I was right, but I had forgotten that hyenas were part of the feline family. Oops. unneeded: And it wasn't Snape that changed, as I said. Draco will be mentioning something next chapter that will let you know who it is. (If this comment didn't totally give it away, which it almost surely did, LOL.)
unneeded: Well, where did I EVER say that Snape's bond was the new one? It's not unheard of for him to skip meals or, in my fics, take meals in his room to avoid the students sometimes. But, Draco will explain soon.
Darkserpentcat: Oh, for the love of hyenas! LOL. Fine. Fixed now.
Darkserpentcat: Yes, Remus is an upcoming anchor, and sure, he can have threesomes with Shi and Blaise. He's going to end up being Blaise's Alpha, anyway. So, kind of like his werewolf-Dad. Ish. LOL. IF there is any beast, I would have the wolf top, but I seriously doubt I can go that far. I may try, but it probably isn't the kind of thing I CAN write, at all. As to bi Harry, I am still deciding on that, but I am sure he will, at the very least, have a bi-curious phase that he explores with Neville, and maybe some others. And lastly, I am a girl. Well, woman, but you get the idea. unneeded: Yes, there will be a pecking order, since Blaise will always defer to his Alpha. And no, Harry does not need to Feed the way Shi does. It's kind of like this: Harry gets his energy from his stomach, so he needs to eat food. Shi gets energy straight from Harry's magical core, so he needs to take in magical energy INSTEAD of food. Magical energy is contined in small amounts in the blood, and is released in large amounts through the emotional aspect involved in sex. If you are reading this before the next chapter is up, I will be able to post it sometime after eight PM, PST tonight. I'm just waiting for my beta to get off work.
Darkserpentcat: Well, too bad! My Blaisey is a subby, like me! So there! I do agree with the sharing thing, though. Tinkerbabe7: To Blase, no, to the anchors, in time, and to the sex, if he wants. Darkserpentcat: Re-SFBB, I totally agree.
unneeded: I might be able to add some girls, if I open up slots eleven and twelve... 0.o Not sure if I could handle that, though. LOL.
ChaosLady: Regarding Shiloe, From Brutal Beginnings: It's a textbook. It's SUPPOSED to be dry, LOL. But I had planned to post it when Shi first became active, so I guess better late than never, and it gives you a better idea of what's in store. Without giving TOO much away, even.
LOL. WHERE IS THE INFINITY KEY?! NOOOOOO! I think I should mention that all the anchors are picked (and one will be tricky). Sorry, unneeded. But, Charlie is in there for sure, and... Well, the tricky one, you already said you didn't want, but he was for sure before I even started writing. My three favorite sexy Slytherins will find thier way into his bed eventually, so they were included by default, LOL. ...Moony might be included, I can't remember. And I think Siri lost when I made my yahoo goup members choose between him and Bill for the last slot. (They were tied.) And, Fizzy, try going into yahoo groups and looking up sablesfics. if it doesn't come up, I will post it on the story itself again eventually. Update notices are posted on my facebook (link in The Zabini Cover, chapter 25, or somewhere around there,) and thru the yahoo group. And I reply to all reviews in one message on here USUALLY right before I post the chapter, or when I have the chapter ready to be beta'd. (Wolfpup and I beta thru skype, so I can post right after we give it one last read-thru together.)
Darkserpentcat: He needs to sit and think about it for a while before he realizes that his imaginings of Harry's childhood and a Shiloe don't really mesh well. And yes, several people mentioned that the chapter felt rushed. QuintiliVare: Woohoo, I'm a Goddess now! unneeded: LOL. You'll see. SilverLion: I'm sticking with cannon, since I've already mentioned that he's black. Meh. Easier that way. Plus, I think Harry needs a bi-racial baby. It'd be cute. Sabrina: Harry will be allowed to, but not forced to. PrincessKay: Just like with MPD, Harry may later be able to experience co-consciousness with Shiloe. But I'm not sure. Fizzyology: You'd have to have a yahoo account to sign in, and you can have the mails sent to any e-mail account. I believe the link is already on the fic a few times, and it's in the forum somewhere up ^there. LOL.
Darkserpentcat: You'll see what Shiloe is in bed eventually, and the parentheses were for what Shiloe would be with each partner. ChaosLady: Neville is one that I couldn't bear to part with, so I added a tenth slot for him. He did get quite a few votes on the yahoo group, actually. But no, he didn't win. So I cheated a bit. I just have a great idea for him that I'm too for to give up. Keep in mind, my Neville is NOT the one from the movies, but a much more muscled Neville. TheQuiveringQuill: Aside from an overprotective lover with godlike powers (LOL) you'll just have to wait and see. unneeded: LOL. Shiloe will not mind if Harry sleeps with his anchors, but he will not force the issue.
Awesome. Do you like the new poll? That's a yahoo group exclusive. Heehee.
a.bunni: Thank you. That's high praise indeed. I don't THINK anyone has ever called ME amazing before, just my writing. Fizzyology: LOL, I know that feeling well. And like I said, you don't need to use the yahoo account for actual mails if you want to join the group. ChaosLady: Hey, no problem. I understand not wanting to reiterate. SilverLion: Hopefully the next chapter doesn't kill you. The one after might, though. ^^' There's a blonde featuring in part of it, LOL. unneeded: They can manifest within the castle. Unfortunately, Harry's first class that day was Herbology, so Dumbledore was a bit off about how it would be handled. Salazar will explain things. No worries!
Also, my two yahoo groups, sablesfics and HPslashficsearch, are both pretty much the most spam-free groups I'm a member of, so don't worry about your inbox getting flooded with spam messages. When they do happen, which is rare, I catch them and moderate the person sending them pretty quickly. Then I'm the only person that sees the message unless I approve it and let it be posted. I do my best to keep my groups user-friendly.
You have a good point there, Pucks. And thank you, but it was mostly the reader's choice, LOL. There are a few I'm not too pleased with, but I can make it work, and maybe I'll grow to like them more. Darkserpentcat: You need to have a yahoo e-mail account, not one you use often, but just to log in and sign up. You can have messages sent to any e-mail. Mine are sent to my hotmail account, rather than yahoo. I'm pretty sure the link is on the story at least once, but here it is again for you: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sablesfics/ I will need a message of some sort to prove you are human, because I have two members on moderated posts right now for spamming the group, so I no longer add those without some kind of message added to thier join request.
SilverLion: Oh, thank Merlin! I was hoping it wouldn't come off as horrible b-actor porn or purple prose, and I almost hacked it to bits, since I hated it. I'm glad my hatred was unfounded and maybe now I can go back and read through it again. Hopefully it will look better a few days old, LOL. QuintiliVare: Well, Fleur is, sadly, not an anchor. No girls were, so I may not have any het.
Poll Results are in! Blaise, Remus, Charlie and Viktor are in. My yahoo members are currently voting between Sirius and Bill (as one of their perks) for the last open spot, and I have decided that I am too set on Neville to see him go, so I am opening up a tenth anchor slot just for him to be in there. So, I will inform everyone when that last tie is broken, and now, on to the review replies for last chapter:
VOTEVOTEVOTEVOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The options for Shiloe's remaining anchors are: MALES: Viktor Krum Blaise Zabini Bill, Charlie, Fred or George Weasley (Twins count separately this time, but if Shiloe is with one, he may include the other in sex from time to time as well) Remus Lupin Sirius Black (Might be a squick to some, being his godfather and all.) Neville Terry Boot (Ravenclaw) FEMALES: Professor Sinistra Cho (Although I would prefer not, but if I must...) Fleur You get FIVE(5) votes, any more and I will not count any of your votes at all, since I want to keep this as fair as possible. Anyone else can be suggested, but the ones that are already decided on are: Severus, Lucius, Draco and Cedric. I wold prefer at least one Ravenclaw Character, and I believe we don't know what house Sinistra was in, so she could have been one.
grumpygills: Thank you, and happy birthday! ^^
Darkserpentcat: I'm still undecided on that, but it's extremely likely. And Shiloe is the one with al the cool powers only because he is supposed to be able to protect Harry from further abuse, as that is the purpose for Shiloe. However, since there will be no more Dursleys beating him, Shiloe will not have to use them until much later. (Doesn't mean he won't do things just for shits and giggles.)
unneeded: Hm... I hadn't thought of that. Well, I have an idea now, but you will just have to wait.
Darkserpentcat: I don't think I will be doing any costumes, LOL. That would also be a little difficult for me to write. What do you mean by who's the Daddy Dom? Do you mean MINE? As for the poll, I'm pretty sure it is going to only be on my yahoo group, simply because that makes it easiest for me, and I did say when I began the group that members got special perks. Like the ones who are about to get the next chapter dedicated to them for their assistance before I started posting this fic.
Lerianis: Shiloe's main purpose is to be a protector to Harry, and he dislikes that Dumbledore still tries to fill that role, even though it is clear at least to him that the man has already failed in that regard. He is so focused on seeing that Harry is kept safe that he may never be able to forgive Dumbledore's lack of foresight in sending Harry back to the Dursleys each summer.