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Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: I didn’t write the Death Eater meeting, since I had a discussion planned for Harry and Draco that needed to be subs-only and it took precedence (that and I HATE dealing with Voldemort, so I avoid it a lot). But we see him soon, so there IS that to… Look forward(?) to. Yes, Lucius is a little shit sometimes, but Harry WANTED to bring out his playful side, so he only has himself to blame for that one. I have up until the day before the battle written already, so I THINK this story will make it to seventy chapters AT MOST, but don’t quote me on that JUST yet. Jan: I know. I kind of feel for the man, but we all know he’ll enjoy it all the same. It’ll be tougher dealing with five, but with Harry at his side, I’m sure he can manage it. The sequel is a definite yes, now, so I will let you know what I’m letting everyone know so far: It will be darker, and will deal with addiction. That’s not to say it will be horribly angsty, because I write angst sparingly, so it will have plenty of fluff, too, but it won’t be AS light-hearted as this one was. I hope you’ll at least give it a fair try, all the same. I think it’ll be pretty good, personally. I plan to finish a few fics first, but once I do, this universe will become a trilogy. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: It’s a good thing we don’t use that word often, then. Haha. I can usually say it right the first time if I say it carefully. If I go too fast, I screw it up and have to start over. The flying scene is in this chapter, so you’ll get to see that. And yes, Lucius helped Harry get that idea out of his head so he can relax a bit more in bed, and be less squicked by it. Jan: I put it to vote in my yahoo group, and although two people said I should go for it and write it, only one said they’d for sure be able to read it. Of course, only three people gave me their thoughts at all, so I’ll probably write it. It’ll be a while before I start posting it, but when I do, I’ll add a link to the end of OPaW2, so just check back every month or so when I’ve finished it, and you’ll eventually be led to the next one. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: I don’t usually write het anymore, so I probably won’t be giving them their own story, but if I do write the sequel to this that I’m thinking about, I could have them show up in it… So many reasons besides catharsis to write it… Anywho, enjoy the new chapter! Tiffany: Glad you liked it! Sorry this is a little later than a week, I tried and failed to remember to get it out on time. Niffler: Glad you enjoyed it! It took a long time, but we finally got there! Jan: Well, here’s the thing: There IS a sequel IDEA. The idea would be for a darker fic than this one, and there would be a trigger warning involved due to the subject matter it would focus on. It wouldn’t be as scary as that sounds, I don’t think, and I’m not big on angst, so it would still have lots of fluff and it wouldn’t get horribly dark and depressing, but it would be a BIT darker. I would need to work on my other fics first, get a few finished, but the idea is percolating, and I’m going to talk about it a bit with my yahoo group and see what they say. I will probably decide before I finish this, so just keep reading and I’ll let you know when I decide one way or the other. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
A.R. Fleets: Thank you, that’s high praise! It’s always nice to hear that you have the characters in character, for the most part, because I’ve been writing HP fanfic for so long that I tend to just let the story write itself, and then there are times I’ll read something and go “I really hope that’s in character, cause it sounds a bit strange there...” and then I have to wonder if it’s just that the story has gone somewhere JK never took it, or if I’ve flown off on some wild tangent I had no business pursuing in the first place, LOL. Apparently, my wilder ideas are well-reasoned, so I’m happy with that. Talliane: Well, I had originally intended to let you decide if Jasper can keep up (or, there’s always the chance I’ll write that sequel I’ve mentioned...), but maybe—MAYBE—I’ll add a little something in. If I remember to. I have no idea whether I’ll remember, though. I hope this wasn’t too long a wait, I’m trying to finish up the story. We’re SO CLOSE! And yes, Annabelle and Aceline tend to mother-hen Lucius a bit (odd, considering they’re younger than him by a few years), and he puts up with it because they’re family. He knows they’ve got his best interests at heart. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Haha, I thought that might be your reaction. Yes, I wanted to do something a little different for those two, so I went with that. (Plus, I will admit to a weakness for Malfoycest that might have had something to do with it.) No, the interlude is just a little something that happens after the wedding proper, but instead of telling you, I’ll just get it posted, shall I? -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Yes, he’ll be very distracted. But we’ll all let it slide, because marriages are days when distraction is a forgivable sin. Your new spouse is supposed to be distracting. Hope you enjoy! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Katonie: I understand what you mean, but in this verse Harry has grown close to Ginny and is more than happy to share his experiences with her, since he has no one else he can really gossip with. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, though, we’re getting close to the end. I’m not sure how many chapters are left right now, but I’m estimating no more than ten. I’ll know for sure soon, and I’ll probably be telling everyone who reads here via an author’s note, or here in the forums. Severus1snape: Haha, yes. Don’t worry, I think Ron learned his lesson last time. Talliane: The wedding is next chapter. So yes, it’s soon. Just a little more time before it’s up. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Jan: I’m glad you liked that.I was toying with having him be angrier, I just felt that it’s been done too often, and he deserves a chance to find out about impending fatherhood without popping a blood vessel, for once. Severus1snape: Yes, I felt it was a good time to have Severus find out. And yes, poor Ron. He’ll survive the waiting, though. Talliane: Oh, you have no idea what I did with the past-life flashes. *grin* I had a field day writing them. I already have the wedding written out, and I think I did a pretty good job. Anyway, enjoy the new chapter! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Yes, Sev is going to confront Draco. You’ll see what happens. Jan: Don’t worry, I don’t mind hearing it again! Enjoy the new chapter! nari-chan: I totally understand, don’t worry. The wedding is getting close now! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Well, he’s trusting Lucius to give sound advice, and he knows that the man trusts Severus, which must mean Severus is trustworthy to some point, at the very least. Niffler: Glad you like it! Here’s the next chapter! Severus1snape: Green and purple are also two of my faves. I’ve been able to use both of them and my absolute favorite, silver, also plays a big part. It’s made this story a lot of fun to write. lol: Glad you like it! Hope this chapter doesn’t disappoint! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Got it! Thanks for the heads-up, I'll remember that! Talliane: Well, Harry was more than willing to find something else to focus on; he's not the type to wallow in his grief, he just needed something to distract himself with. Lucius naked is pretty distracting. Sorry you've been having a tough time. I hope it gets better for you! Severus1snape: Yes, Lucius is willing to admit that he's got his own fears. If only to his soon-to-be mate. Severus will ALWAYS be a git, but he's getting better about it, little by little. Jan: Here's the next chapter! Enjoy! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: The colors will be mentioned soon, I think it's the next chapter. Anywho, I do think that Harry and Severus need to find some middle ground, but with Harry making overtures of friendship between them, hopefully we're on our way. It will make the dynamics even more confusing between the four of them, but... Well, they were weird already, what's a little more strangeness? Haha. Jan: Some parents just know, it's weird. My mom, thankfully, did not have that ability (I got away with way too much), and I was able to roll my eyes with impunity. When she DID catch me in the act, I'd get scolded, but it wasn't often. I took to walking behind her a lot to get away with it. Tarcha (Who is STILL marked as ANON in my e-mail): OH, HAI! Wow, haven't heard from you in FOREVER! I have a lot of time to write because I don't work. I'm not exactly sane enough to be safe working, so I stay home and write to keep myself from spiraling further downward. I still want to read your story, though. I can be patient, just let me know when it's up. Via a review, or whatever. I didn't mean to make you cry, but I cried while writing that chapter, too, so I understand. (I think the only way to solve the ANON issue may be logging in properly, BTW.) -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
ANON: Well, congrats on the job, first off! And if binge reading is bad for you, why is it so enjoyable? Yeah, don't answer that, haha. I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! Ginny is a little on the nosy side, but Harry doesn't mind it too terribly much, so it's not that bad. If he minded, he'd say something about it. Funny you should mention the Ron thing, since I just recently realized it myself. *facepalm* I added in a scene just for him and Harry to chat, since I realized I'd been ignoring the poor boy. He's not my favorite character, and sadly, it's showing in this fic. My bad. If all goes well, I'll remember to give him more than a minor part int he future. We'll see how it goes. Talliane: Well, it's not a sexy detention, sorry to say. But don't worry, you will get plenty of smut soon enough. The wedding is just on the horizon. Jan: Not a sexy detention. That will come in due time. Lucius won't be able to resist the temptation once they're married. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Slytherkins: Haha, I try to be. I just happen to have a lot of free time and very clear plans for this particular fic. I'm not usually like this, this fic is a special case. I've been planning it for years. Jan: The answer to your musing is coming up in about five chapters. And thank you, I try to keep them cute and happy, since there's a big battle coming up. They deserve to have some happy, fluffy times before all hell breaks loose. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: He returns the favor most of the time. Besides, I don't think Lucius minded too terribly much, haha. There will be time for that later. Talliane: Haha, magic piercings are healed magically, which drastically reduces the amount of time you spend afterwards hissing in pain from your arm brushing over your nipple, which happens a lot more often that you'd think. I never got pierced there myself (because they're already too sensitive, and it can either make them more sensitive or deaden sensation completely), but I have several friends who have, so I've seen the end result. It doesn't look like something I'm interested in experiencing. I have a cat that likes to step on my nipples, I can only imagine how often she'd insist on doing so if I got them pierced. There isn't much more time left before the wedding, but I have a few scenes written out for before that, so be ready. There's some mild angst on the horizon. Jan: Glad you liked it! Here's the next chapter, and we get to see a bit of how Draco and Sev are faring. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Thank you! I consider the ring to be one of my more inspired ideas, haha. And yes, Luc has decided that he could definitely use a hot tub, but I'm pretty sure he's going to discover whirlpool baths while shopping for a hot tub. All bets are off when that happens. He's looking forward to being married enough now that he's exerting his iron will to keep himself from going too far. He knows EXACTLY how far he can push the rules, and he's going to bend them as far as he can, but at this point he's not going to risk the marriage failing. He's fallen too hard for Harry to ruin everything they're working toward. I'm glad it was worth the wait! But fair warning, in a few chapters, there will be some heavy scenes. They aren't terribly long, but they ached to write. I will admit to crying during one of them. Jan: I've had that happen a few times myself. It's always pleasant. Severus1snape: Glad you liked it! Here's the next chappie! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
ANON: Haha, you're welcome! I'm glad you liked them so much! Severus1snape: Oh? *makes a note to look up yours* I'm intrigued. (This is my favorite universe right now, and I have a possible sequel idea I'm kicking around, too. But it would only be once I finish something else, because... Priorities.) Talliane: Glad you liked it! The penthouse was a stroke of genius, I think. And thank you. Actually, that shower scene was the first scene I wrote for this fic! Even before the prologue! I wrote it while Sev and Draco's weekend away was going on, haha. I was all, "Oh, and Lucius would totally do THIS!" and it demanded to be written. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Haha, so I've decided when Sev notices Draco's scent changing, and there will be slow hints dropped on that front. We'll see if he figures it out. (He's convinced that pregnancy is impossible, because, let's face it, how could he have POSSIBLY mis-brewed Draco's contraceptus?) But I digress. Anyway, they've finally gotten to their weekend trip destination, and I've been able to fit in the scene I wrote for this fic while I was about halfway through OPaW! So I'm pleased with how this turned out. Enjoy! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
ANON: Glad you liked it! We're finally to the weekend getaway, they just have a few stops to make first! Talliane: Severus will have a few suspicions, and we'll see how well Draco allays them. I have a plan, and I intend to keep to it. If I actually manage to I'll probably be surprised at myself, but I'm going to try to keep to my plans... Which means Severus can't know (yet). But he will be commenting on Draco's changing scent, and I have no idea right now what Draco's going to say to him... But I'm pretty sure I'll get to that scene today, which means I'd better decide soon. -.- -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Always glad I can make someone happy! Jan: Yes, poor Harry. Haha. I'm glad you liked the flirtiness, I actually didn't know whether I wanted to leave that interplay in or take it out. I dithered over it for a while. Glad someone found it cute. Talliane: Glad you liked the talk, Harry will be getting more... "Instruction" soon, so to speak. Hehe. Valentine's Day falls on the Saturday during their trip, actually, so I got to do something very nice for Harry on that day. Followed by something not-so-nice, but it needed doing, so... Yeah. Anyway, two more chapters to go (one of which takes place outside of Hogwarts en route to where they're going to be, so I don't know whether that counts or not... ANON: No worries, it's fine! I wasn't getting review notifications that day, anyway, I think something was up with the site, it caused a lot of confusion on my part. I'd take that cupcake, still, though! Yes, things are heating up. There's quite a bit of excitement in store! -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
First off, let me just say, reviews didn't come directly to me e-mail on the 24th for some reason :'( so I may have missed someone. If I did, please forgive me! That being said, I did go into my reviews directly and looked to be sure I got all of them, and found like, five, that didn't make it to my inbox. So, now that THAT is out of the way: Jan: Thank you for the beautiful cake! There are three more chapters before that question gets answered, but I think everyone will like it. (I'm dying to blab, but I respect that people probably don't want spoilers.) ANON: Thank you! I think you'll be surprised just how long they can keep the dominants in the dark. And that's all I'll say on that. ANON (another? Uh-oh, confusion will reign!): Thank you! I did have a good birthday, although I ended up blushing more than I would have liked... ANON (Ummm... So that's THREE): Thank you! And you're welcome! I tend to hand out chapters on my birthday, if I have any ready! Because nothing says "happy birthday" quite like a review, haha! Morningstorm70: Thank you, I did. Talliane: Thank you for clearing that up, because FOUR ANONs is madness! Ah, a birthday twin! We went to the Barnes and Noble party thing to celebrate HP and the Cursed Child, and my boyfriend and sister made me tell everyone there it was my birthday. They all sang "Happy Birthday" to me and I wanted to die, haha. I turned VERY red, according to my boyfriend. There was another girl there, named Temperance, who was also celebrating her birthday, so she got the same treatment, so at least I wasn't alone in that. Anyway, I'm going to get this chapter posted now. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
nari-chan: I love writing the visions, so I think it's safe to say I will probably end up writing the sequel I've been thinking of, but I won't be posting any of it until I have a few more stories done first. At least that's the plan, we'll see how things go. Lily is a lot like Draco, and she'll end up being just as headstrong and confident, but with a bit more of a down-to-Earth personality, thanks to Harry being her other parent. He won't indulge her like Narcissa did with Draco. She'll be expected to earn things she wants more often than not. I have two younger sisters (well, one sister and a trans sister that's in the process of becoming my brother,) as well, so I know what it's like to have siblings. You either want to kill them or snuggle them to death, there's not much middle ground. Yes, Lucius will enjoy his children, especially when Harry teaches him to play once more. He'll recover from his mistakes with time. Harry will make sure of it. Talliane: Yes, it makes a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean Harry has to let things stand the way they are. He's determined to get his mate to loosen up and have fun again. Jan: Yes, Neville to the rescue! I'm getting to play with him a lot lately, and it may just make me start working on another fic of mine that never got very far that started out as Harry/Nev... But I'm undecided on that score for now. I have to say, I am enjoying working with him, though. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: I know, I'm a terrible tease. You know you love it! Yes, kids are so needy and demanding, especially when one (or both) parents just want some time to themselves. And there was one other review that I ended up deleting!!! OMG, whoever left it, I am SOO SORRY! I freaked out and couldn't find it anywhere, so please forgive me for not being able to respond and take this chapter for my apology! If you want to leave me an angry review for this one, I will accept it gracefully. Again, I deleted it on accident. Sorry. :'( -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Severus1snape: Haha, I understand completely, no worries! Yes, Harry and Sev are just not compatible. Draco likes spicy; Harry, not so much. And yes, I had to include that sonnet in here somewhere, and who better to have knowledge of such a beautiful poem than someone already known to be the consummate charmer? Draco's mouth may yet get him into trouble, but his snark is one of the traits I love best. Thank you, I try to keep things sexy. I'm always proud to know when I succeed. Glad you liked the shower. There will be another shower scene coming up that I wrote back when I was still working on the first fic. I've been waiting to get to the weekend get-away for a long time. nari-chan: Aww, thank you! Your review was so sweet! I'm seriously blushing at it, again. It made me so happy I had to show it to my girlfriend, who doesn't even read my fics, but she smiled and congratulated me anyways, haha. And yes, I think most of Harry and Lucius' times alone will become memories they'll look back on fondly. Talliane: Well, I'll make sure there's some yummy Draco/Sev smut in one of the future chapters, but it may be awhile before I get to it. Patience would be a good thing to exercise at this point. -
Of Potions and Wings Review Replies
Sablesilverrain replied to Sablesilverrain's topic in Slash-Male/Male
Talliane: Yeah, the Elves hadn't needed to mix the elements (they are a peaceful bunch, and aren't prone to fighting on a large scale), so they never thought to TRY. It just never occurred to them that you could mix them and form formidable weapons. They respect their elements, and they have an unspoken rule that you don't use your elemental abilities to harm another. Revyn's the only one that actually (accidentally) managed to find a use for his that could be considered a weapon. And yes, we will be seeing some after-mating-bite preening between Harry and Lucius. And possibly even between Draco and Severus. nari-chan: Aww, thank you! Your review made me smile after a difficult doctor's appointment, when I was worried about my ovaries and in pain, so I really appreciated it! I also like the way Lucius and Harry seem to complement each other's personalities. They seem to be exactly what the other needs, since Lucius helps Harry to be more grounded and thoughtful, rather than impulsive, but Harry also is teaching Lucius (and will continue to) to be more spontaneous and fun-loving. They are adorable together, and I'm trying to keep things sweet while also letting Lucius' lack of sexual restraint shine through. The man is certainly a sexual creature, and he's finding it hard to hold back. Luckily, they're getting close to end of their courtship, so he won't have to hold back too much longer.