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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. Araneola

    Five words

    and realized she was about
  2. ^should tell us where all this lube is stashed...
  3. ^likes red and green most likely and to ^^^^ (that's 4), I guess I'll have to look him up now, lol
  4. ow... *snap* ow ow ow *snap* HOW DO YOU GET THIS THING TO STOP!? *pokes the person below while running with scissors*
  5. ^seems to have a vast amount of lube
  6. ^has suddenly released a new form of cosplay into <'s little world
  7. my muses poke me with enough of those already *le sigh* *pokes the person below with the dreaded blank sheet of paper*
  8. C: Carson Palmer (american football, CIN, even though I'm a Pats fan )
  9. ^covered up those glorious abs with words
  10. Araneola

    Five words

    backwards over the table and
  11. My boyfriend tells me he's not the jealous type... and he's really not. He happens to be very open and if I didn't want a serious relationship he would have been okay with that. Lucky for him I don't want anyone else to have him But I think this situation is a person-to-person basis. I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there who are just looking for a good time and couldn't care less who you decided to have a "relationship". There are the guys that are simply so infatuated with you that no man can come within 50 ft of you. And then there are some guys who just want you to do what's best for you. (and those are the good kind!!) Assuming you trust this man or whomever, I would have to take his word. If he freaks out, well, quite frankly it's his own damn problem because he told you it was alright. Most of the men I know don't dance around these sort of issues. If he's going to lie to you about this, then he isn't worth having anyway Hope this helped!
  12. ^is setting the record straight, lol
  13. Araneola

    Five words

    she wanted to take that
  14. I feel like this has happened before... Oh well, I was looking for breakfast anyway!! *pokes the person below with her mascara wand*
  15. ^should know that < has no idea how it got there, but < is pretty sure it's Italian for Family of Orchids
  16. Actually, since the Topic includes "whoever's A picks a Theme"... I believe it's actually your turn to pick a theme Shirotaka I'm B for whatever ya got comin'
  17. I think it's very pretty Might take me a while to figure everything out though, lol
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