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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. ^ is looking for a rousing fight... perhaps a little too rousing
  2. ^is out for vengeance? just as long as < stays out of it. don't wanna be messing with a spider, now do ya?
  3. ^is playing the cute and innocent game and thanks for the info, Lost_Soul
  4. ^will tell < what show ^'s avatar is from
  5. That's called pool, Zyx Unfortunately I don't know the dutch Just stay positive. You'll convince them to go camping eventually, and you will all have lots of fun
  6. I love folding clothes, especially when they're warm and right out of the dryer I use to help my mum do it when I was younger, so it may be a technique that I just picked up by watching her. But they do sell items that help you fold shirts! Maybe you should invest in one of those if folding just becomes too frustrating to do. Or you could just hang them all up in the closet
  7. ^has a dancing avatar... which should do the YMCA
  8. I feel ya, cu-kid9. Winter really sucks. Give me my flip-flops and the sunshine! My toes always feel trapped in socks B) But I'm glad that everyone else is getting the snow. It means less snow for us on the east coast
  9. I actually go the opposite way. I'm an Aquarius through and through, but the Chinese New year has a tendency to fall either before or after my birthday each year. If you want to go the cheesy way (just by numerical year) I'm a Dragon, but if you go by the date, I'm a Rabbit by a day
  10. ^is giving everyone a lap dance?? yes, make a bank account and then bank all your naughty points. you can then go to "My Controls" where a nice little section is called ibProBattle, or something quite similar to it. You should be able to click on it, and when the page loads I believe there's this nice little box where you can put a check mark to take you out of the battle mod. Update those settings and voila! no more fighting for you! If that didn't help at all, I would suggest PMing DemonGoddess for additional help
  11. ^should expand her taste buds to the delicious possibilities of "stinky" cheese I don't know if you've looked it up or not, Ginny, but you can opt out of the battle mod quite easily You should, however, bank your naughty points before choosing to do so, as opting out also takes with it any spare naughty points you happen to have on hand...
  12. reminds me of home but i am through-and-through anti-snow. it's really pretty to look at and all, but it's also cold, wet, slippery and just a hell of a mess!
  13. The only advice I can give is to NEVER EVER say something like "just because you're a girl" no matter what follows it. That, honestly, really seems to be the problem. It doesn't matter if "and you don't know" or if "you don't want to believe" follows it. Some females, when they see "just because you're a girl" will immediately link that with sexism. Like "you can't throw because you're a girl" or "you can't hang out with us because you're a girl". Obviously a lot of the females on the forum don't or will not do this. But this girl/woman is obviously one of the "some". It's been drilled into our tiny innocent minds since we were wee lasses that women must struggle against the gender role set for us and when that statement comes around... well, you best be putting on your battle gear and expecting the worst. I have to agree that she's probably going a little too over the top on this one. I wouldn't have been offended by that comment, but then again, maybe the person you're talking to has a deep insecurity about the way she looks. It's seems "you're sexist" is either an auto-response or a defensive response to the situation. Try saying something like "just because you use make-up you don't want to believe". It possible that the very fact that you bring up gender into the conversation is pissing her off. Pissing her off makes her defensive, and defensive means equal sexist! It is not quite that simple, but if you want to avoid being called a sexist, avoid using either gender to describe something.
  14. oooo cotton makes me itchy.... *pokes the person below with a rain of cheez-its*
  15. ^is probably on the hunt for more targets
  16. ^should check out the battle mod that was recently set up
  17. you're not like... going to turn into a zombie or something... are you? *pokes the person below with her crossbow, just in case...*
  18. ^should get an odd pet and be strangely fun with the rest of us
  19. Don't worry, Shinju. We're all just as screwed as you are. Though perhaps if we all pretend long enough, maybe we'll find (in the end) that we had feelings the whole time, we just kept them buried under the dirty laundry we never cleaned.
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