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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. "Hallelujah" (the version by Jeff Buckley)
  2. You're looking for Angrophobia, and the roots are in Greek You can find the complete list at phobialist.com And sometimes it's hard to control passionate feelings like anger, but releasing large amounts of "Fuck You" to the world won't help you get at the root of your anger. Anger tends to eat away at your insides and sap your energy, so it may actually be in your best interest to pick your battles and let the rest just roll right off of you.
  3. ^recruiting members for the madness and all my sexual needs are being satisfied, Lost_Soul, but thanks for trying anyway
  4. ^wants me to jump Lost_Soul... or ^ could just satisfy Lost_Soul instead... *wink wink nudge nudge*
  5. sushi and anything that involves pasta and/or mushrooms. if it's covered in enough cheese, i'll eat it, even though my cholesterol is bad enough as it is
  6. give me a nice pair of hands and some strong arms and i'll just melt into a little puddle
  7. Marriage scares me. I'm staying far away from you :P Don't know how the wifey could do it!

  8. well... at least I'll get my exercise in?

  9. ^should have gone to bed a long time ago
  10. ^ is going to bed and i'm still nasty
  11. ^should figure out a different way to catch me... and awww spider isn't nasty
  12. ^ will need to be faster and stronger to catch me
  13. ^will now punish Ginny
  14. ^messed up my last post
  15. ^ is thoroughly corrupted... which is not necessarily a bad thing i'd love to join in, really, but my boyfriend would enjoy that faaaaar too much
  16. ^ pervert. SMALL AND DELICATE!!! i'm going to diiiiiie
  17. ^ will save me from becca's... uh, how you say... "curious hands"
  18. ^ started an orgy it must be that whole "losing your forum virginity" thing....
  19. ^'s kinky banter with ^^ makes me go back a page just to catch up on all the ... er .... "action" Oh, and Lost_Soul, you know me too well already
  20. Depends on your definition of "sin" ;)

    And depends on how much control you have over your own temptations...

  21. ^ means that it looks uncomfortable for the male in that picture :-P poor guys, doing all the work
  22. ^asks a lot of questions... and ummm... maybe.
  23. ^should realize that you need a lot of yoga to be able to do the book *le sigh*
  24. Ah, that does sound quite lonely. But then again, if you let me fall on my own, you would still be quite lonely :/

    Not like you would want to reproduce with a black widow, we get hungry ;)

  25. Figured I would return the comment favor ;) Hope everything is well on your piece of earth!

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