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Everything posted by Shinju

  1. PS, I will get around to giving the points out once I get off of work
  2. Seeing as this forum is kind of dead, and I have maxed out my naughty points, I will give the next five people who post a new thread (meaning start a new topic) in the aimless babble section in the next 24 hours 10,000 naughty points. Subforums included. Please try and make it interesting.
  3. Shinju


    Just wanted to get an idea on how many people here, if any at all, use tarot cards and what your experiences are with them.
  4. Oh I did. And then I killed you in iprobattle. And then I went to that site and laughed some more.
  5. I wish you really DID rule the world, Squall.

  6. Babies are made by cold fusion.
  7. I am so hot, people don't invite me swimming because I turn their pools into saunas.
  8. ^ Is wrong about the coffee because < is about to go to sleep. < Is frustrated because she has butterflies in her tummy that are not allowing her to sleep. Or work. Or think strait. V Will clonk me out with a mallet so < can finally get some sleep.
  9. Shinju

    I Am...

    I am thinking you guys are hilarious and kind of cute!
  10. Nope, it's Shinju again. Oooh, the traditional! maidenhair???
  11. Shinju


    ^ BANNED for not finding a more constructive way to deal with my excessive horniness.
  12. Babies are bought at the grocer-mart.
  13. I'm so hot, I orgasm when I look in the mirror.
  14. She's right, she wins. Cheese is just one notch above wombats. I had sex with Batman.
  15. Ya know, I've thought about this some more, and I was just thinking, that no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I'm fantasizing about sex. So, I guess you can say that's what I do all day.
  16. I have it bad for one of my friends for some reason right now. Not that I want to pick out china or anything. I have some other cute/hot friends too, I was thinking a threesome or maybe a forgy . . . . A girl can dream, can't she???
  17. It's all about the birds and the bees. The bees take the pollen from the flower, the bird eats the bee and then poops out a baby. That didn't make much sense . . .
  18. Take me now. I'm so hot I can't cry, my tears evaporate.
  19. Drat! maidenhair???
  20. Shinju


    ^ BANNED for going against the power that is Zyx.
  21. Dear Thug Co-worker, I know you moonlight as a pimp, but please do not ask me again if I want to "sell my ass" out on the street for you for $300/hr. If you really make so much money with your little "side business," then wtf are you doing working at this shithole job in the first place? Sincerely, - Shinju
  22. to get a
  23. NOT! See, crossing your fingers is just a myth. maidenhair???
  24. I invented awesome.
  25. Babies are made from paper-maché.
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