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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Did you copy/paste from an html document instead of a word document? That's what I fixed in the database. You should be able to access it all now.
  2. so you clicked menu>settings>advanced settings>clear browsing data made sure cookies and cache were checked? in content settings, you'll want to check and see if "allow local data to be set" is also selected. Be very sure you've logged in using the boxes at the upper right corner.
  3. The cookies thing is not a suggestion. You need to do that, so it works right for you. The thing about the story is also not a suggestion. As I've not had time to go through all the subdomains there yet, and move them to Misplaced, as I have done with How to Train Your Dragon, today; it's really a common sense thing. You need to add it to the cartoon subdomain, as it's a new load.
  4. You're able to edit the others with no issue? Because I updated the rte, which is heavily java dependent, clearing your cookies for this site only would be a good idea, to begin with. Secondly, as this is a How to Train Your Dragon movie, and is animated, it belongs in the cartoons subdomain.
  5. Nope, that's all it is. I just did it myself, and am still having no issues at all with Chrome
  6. I just checked, and I'm not able to duplicate the error in Chrome. I'm having no trouble. You may have a corrupted cookie string. Try deleting ALL cookies for *.adult-fanfiction.org, closing the browser and restarting it, and then see what happens.
  7. It looks like the browser from hell FINALLY works in the archive! *crosses fingers*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      awwww thankee. The actual fix was by the coders at ckeditor. Although I certainly have things I must do to OUR code to make it all work.

    3. BronxWench
    4. JayDee


      Hopefully that pain in the ass is resolved then! thanks, although I stick with my shiny firefox browser (with adblock disabled on aff!)

  8. Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the new users we're seeing daily! Glad to have you here! Please do familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. This IS a moderated archive. Moderation Status (2013) Updated monthly. November report is here. Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales Current bi-monthly prompt is here Current monthly prompt is here Newly published authors From time to time, we come across in the archive where one of the users is picked up by a publisher. Congratulations! +sniffles+ Didn't see anyone picked up by a publisher. Category requests and creation There are a few ways where I'll create a new subcategory, upon request. First (and quickest), request it in the forum. Directions for that are here. You don't need a forum login to make this request. Request via email, at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org?subject=New Category. The above rules apply to an email request as well. Name the fandom in your story itself, by disclaiming it properly. I go through the misc. categories about once a week and create categories for stories where there isn't one. Please note this does NOT apply to pair specific type categories. For those, I need to see links to 5 pre-existing stories, with the pair that you want the category for. Funding Status As always, we appreciate and thank everyone who can donate. It's certainly not required of the users, but every little bit helps! Tech Bits Internet Explorer- I THINK it's finally working the way it's supposed to with the rich text editor. Upgraded once again to the latest version of ckeditor, it's now at 4.31. Tried going in to a chapter in Internet Explorer, and was able to WITHOUT having to go through contortions to make it work. Had a few people test it as well, and they're telling me the same. Our FAQ section has much useful information. Having said that, if you're still having trouble, you can either email tech support, or post in the tech support forum. It can take me up to 48 hours to respond, due to real life obligations. Please be patient, I WILL get to you as soon as I can. Please remember that the authors you read do like to hear from you! Leave them a review or two, and let them know how they're doing! DemonGoddess061
  9. November Age Verification/Underagers (Current) Confirmed as 18 or older – 72 Now 18, but underage when registered – 1 accounts, 1 actual user Currently underage, deleted once – 14 accounts, 12 actual users Inconclusive data found – 82 users Users posting for minors – 0 users Returning minors – 4 accounts, 4 actual users Total users age checked - 185 Year to Date - 4454 Old Underage Users (by registration year) 2002 – 0 accounts, 0 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 0 actual users 2003 – 1 accounts, 1 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 1 actual users 2004 – 5 accounts, 3 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 3 actual users 2005 – 3 accounts, 2 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 2 actual users 2006 – 4 accounts, 1 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 1 actual users 2007 – 2 accounts, 2 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 2 actual users 2008 – 2 accounts, 1 users deleted, 1 users modified; total of 2 actual users Grand total – 17 accounts, 10 users deleted, 1 users modified; total of 11 actual users Year to Date – 2327 accounts, 1655 users deleted, 314 users modified; total of 1963 actual users Plagiarism Stories deleted (co-author information not provided) – 0, YTD - 4 Stories deleted (permissions not provided) – 3, YTD – 18 Story adoption confirmed – 0, YTD 2 Co – authors verified – 1, YTD – 10 Permissions provided – 2, YTD 24 Unsubstantiated claims of plagiarism – 1, YTD – 9 Users deleted – 0, YTD - 9 Added to the monitor list (for arrival to the archive) – 0, YTD - 4 Posting for another/posting others' work – 1, YTD 8 Added to the Hall of Shame – 0, YTD 3 Trolls/Flamers/Spammers users and content deleted (trolls) – 1, YTD 33 unfounded (trolls) – 0, YTD 2 flaming (instances found) – 0, YTD 11 spam registrations – 0, YTD 25 Other ToS Violations 28 violations resolved Year to Date – 420 The bulk of the violations this month was insufficient/improper story tags. Orphan and Duplicate stories Total orphan stories found and deleted – 0, YTD 0 Stories to merge – 0, YTD 73 Total stories left after merge – 0, YTD 34 Total stories looked at – 0, YTD 73 Shared Accounts and allowed alternate accounts Allowed additional accout – 0, YTD - 1 Found and allowed shared/joint accounts - 0, YTD - 12 Invalid and/or disposable email accounts No issues found with email address – 0, YTD - 0 Users registered with false or disposable mail addresses (deleted when found) – 0, YTD - 22 Users - deleted for non correction bad email address – 9, YTD - 1009 Users - corrected email address issue - 0, YTD - 25 Duplicate Users Processed Users with no duplicates found - 0,YTD - 1 Users merged - 3, YTD - 469 Users where duplicate had no data, and was deleted - 34, YTD - 881 Total extra accounts deleted after processing - 44, YTD - 1611 Total accounts looked at - 81, YTD - 2972 Actual user amount - 37, YTD – 1355
  10. you mean this one? The above were new sub sub categories added because they did not exist and were needed.
  11. SL Publishing group I think. She goes by Derekika Snake
  12. I stripped out the illegal function calls, first and foremost. You're welcome.
  13. Looking at it, it did strip a great deal of disallowed format tags. However, that is the problem. The disallowed html formatting is trying to reset certain properties which it's not allowing it to do. So, I went in and quick fixed and removed most of the garbage tags. You'll notice you are going to have to go through and add the centering where you need to, You'll also have to fix paragraphs where extra line breaks are inserted. The paste from word option is the 5th icon from the left in the menu bar when you have the chapter open. You'll see a little clipboard graphic with a "w" in the middle.
  14. We no longer allow html uploads. How you do it now, is you open your document, copy the text IN the document, and paste it into the text window. Depending on what you're using, is which copy option you choose. "Paste from word" works best.
  15. My guess is that it would be because there is so much extra garbage from the doc to html conversion, that the rte is having trouble finishing the conversion.
  16. Looking at your story, it would be best if I fixed this one. Once you get the chapter open, you'll end up with a wordwall. The NORMAL procedure in fixing this, provided the proper breaks were inserted by the word processing program after converting to html, would be to open the chapter, click edit, and that would fix the issue. However, having looked in the database at the data, those line breaks (i.e. ctrl+enter, or enter) created by the wordprocessor originally are NOT there. The alternative (if you don't want to wait on me, which would be wise, I won't get to it for awhile) would be to edit each chapter, by copy/pasting from your documents for this. Will it bump it up the list? Yes. In this for instance, though it's not a big deal. The important thing would be fixing the chapter. If you're using IE, that will cause the edit block to not appear, unless you follow the instructions listed here. If that's not it, then you need to logout, then BACK in, using the login boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser screen.
  17. Prompts tabatière taffeta temporal Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 12-21
  18. If it was a Kiix story that she removed, that would be for her publishing it. That's why she removed things.
  19. Happy Birthday Macha!

  20. DemonGoddess

    kannazuki no miko

    They were some stories that were hidden, for a Hall of Shamed person. Considering which one it is, no, you really didn't want to read those.
  21. When logged in to the forum, you click your profile link. Click edit profile. You'll see an option to change your email. If you've lost your password for the forum, when going to login, there is a link to click which will generate a new password.
  22. added
  23. added
  24. If the reviewer is not logged in, and leave an email address, the email address displays. Where it doesn't display is if they're logged in and review, unlogged in and don't input an email.
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