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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. already added
  2. added
  3. The structure is drawn with tables, not iframes, as iframes are often subject to issues as well
  4. The problem is html within the chapter data. It's entirely too easy to inject malicious code via an html upload. That's why it's not allowed. As to the javascript, why disable it? It's only used here for menuing, primarily, and is part of the rich text editor as well.
  5. As to the story disappearing in to the ether, the issue was that the author was underage at the time of posting the story.
  6. @Ariana I'm curious. Where the hell have they stacked it so that the stories are sorted by hits???? I'd rather know who updated. Nope, don't write, just read when I have the time.
  7. If you're at all familiar with Storyline, that's what the current software was reworked from years ago. Storyline is also the base for eFiction, among others. Yep, the counter thing will be addressed with the rewrite of the storyboarding. As to obscure font support, unless someone specifically asks for it (and the need would have to be demonstrated as being overall something many needed), the rich text editor only allows the fonts that are in the menu for it.
  8. thankee JayDee. Sorry for the delay
  9. This is where they live in the archive
  10. awesome! agree with bronxie, it's def quality WITH th quantity!
  11. DemonGoddess

    Story gone

    The posting author needs to provide some additional information to staff for the story to be made visible again.
  12. I have GOT to get a better handle on my time. ><

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BronxWench


      Especially with extra pepperoni.

    3. JayDee


      "I bought your hot, spicy pizza."

      "The box is empty."

      "Ok... I also ate it. Do I get a tip?"

    4. Krulos


      If you say so, Ma'am. You're the expert on your daily life. I'd say that if you need to get more time; cut back on either social activities or fun activities and go with your duties first- that helped me with the same problem, time and again.

  13. Our archive is php driven and everything is stored in the database for the archive. You have to set it up in a relational manner, to where different parts link together.
  14. aw jeez, very sorry for the delay. I've added it. WillowDarkling is right, I've been working non stop again
  15. If you set the margins in word, when using the rte to add your content, the margin settings (while posted within the chapter field), tab stops, and other formatting should be retained.
  16. I'm also going to remind you that we would prefer the answers to the challenge/requests (i.e. the stories generated) to be posted here. It's not required, but we'd definitely like to see that rather than elsewhere
  17. done through today again. Willow is right, I have loads and loads of no time on my hands as well.
  18. This link has all the guidelines for what will be accepted. ORIGINAL FICTION ONLY!
  19. Did you login using the boxes at the upper right? If not, most functions won't work for you.
  20. ignore idea indigo rules
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