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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. next time he posts it, post that he did, which review board, and review id, leave it, and we will take care of this for you.
  2. Got a couple options here. If you still have the data stored, you can upload it there, and delete from the other. But, if there are reviews and ratings attached, that won't work either. Yep, will get to it for ya.
  3. easy fix. both chapters are already contained in the fics they should be in, so I just need to delete 'em from THIS story.
  4. yeah, they're remnants of the corruptions that occurred because of the 2003 database crash. That crash created NUMEROUS weirdnesses throughout the archive..... fixed hey Raphaella, We could always use more helpers. We have .... 13? (or is it more) subdomains to go yet. And thousands upon thousands of stories to eyeball.
  5. fixed the squishie
  6. Okay, it's one thing providing linkage, which is what this forum is for. You do NOT copy other site content into your posts, such as their TOS, and other things. That belongs to that site, not us.
  7. not all that surprising considering the initial date of the things, really. This is one of those that were html uploads, and the 2003 crash stripped much of the tags from those record inserts. Easy enough to fix, but the ones that are this old, I'm expecting to see this and the wordord thing with regularity for them. fixed.
  8. After doing some more digging and testing, it actually appears to be OS related, more than anything. Apparently this particular menuing script is NOT Windows Vista compliant. I don't have these issues, and cannot duplicate them on my XP machine. ONLY on the Vista machine.
  9. I've fixed part of it, but only part of it. The actual menu controls need adjusted to allow for certain character types at the top level category, which should then fix this entirely. In any case, if, for example, you select an area to upload in, and in the dropdown box for subcategories, there are no selections, right click, and select reload from the menu which pop ups. This will correct the no display of the subcats.
  10. you keep giving 'em to me, I'll keep killing 'em.....
  11. all of 'em are gone.
  12. aff was started as a small archive, in response to the M rated stories being pulled at ff.net. There is no affiliation between the sites. I have a general idea of the what's and why's overall, but someone else who's been around since the beginning on the back end of all this would be better served to outline it all for ya. I CAN tell you from recent experience, that we're actually addressing things now that should have been addressed quite some time ago, simply due to the growth of the archive itself. It started out with something like 200 stories altogether, years ago. Of course, there's much more than that now. So, now we're in the process of making software to fit the site needs, while also shoring up, stabilizing and maintaining what's already here and in place, which we've outgrown. The current software itself simply doesn't provide the functions and capabilities we need for an archive of this size.
  13. Melrick has made valid points. Anything like this needs some form of structure, which is what foe is outlining for all of you who are considering participating. By having a structure, you have cohesivenes and flow. I'd think it'd be more of a challenge to try and write with others, within a specific structure, than it would be to write by oneself. I've actually done this sort of thing before, but as a crafter. Without having a specific guideline to work within, our end result of a round robin was really really UGLY. I also used this as a teaching tool for drawing (sometimes) and just as a silly thing to do WITH drawing. Again, without a bit of structure involved, it got out of hand, and was certainly not enjoyable.
  14. user will be emailed, story is deleted This is the actual TOS violation by the way
  15. That's part of what your guild is for too, you know. You have access to the treasury so you can buy potions, just like all other guild members.
  16. Quite frankly the search function in the archive is awful. But yes, it works the way FairyNiamh said to do it. We are planning to entirely REPLACE the search function, with something that is far better suited to searching a database the size of this one. The original search function wasn't designed with a large database in mind. As to moving the stories? The authors themselves can easily do that. All they need to do is edit the story, reselect their main category, and then select the sub or sub with sub sub (as that is how it generates the dropdown). i.e. The user would reselect "naruto", and from there (if it's a pair specific type fic) either het, yaoi, yuri, or threesomes. In this example you initially gave (Naruto/Sasuke) the selection would be Yaoi>Naruto/Sasuke. As to moving directly from my end, I do that direct IN the database.
  17. they're.....not there....anymore....
  18. it, and it's associated files are all gone.....
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