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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. user mailed, story deleted
  2. user mailed, story removed
  3. emailed many, deleted all those stories. Part of the problem is that even when those categories EXISTED, people weren't using 'em. More than half of the stories posted were six months old or older. As the categories were deleted 2 1/2 months ago, that kinda says something doesn't it? PLUS, there is the fact that it was announced. It's STILL THERE in site news.
  4. users mailed, fics deleted
  5. that's alright, where you find 'em like this, it's best to put up the author profile
  6. I'm assuming you're speaking about the originals subdomain? When we get there, I expect things will get shuffled around more. First thing with that will be to see exactly HOW the stories fall together. It's certainly going to be the trickiest of the subdomains to rework
  7. as bot free as we can make it. BUT, won't be implemented for awhile yet.
  8. easy enough to handle....someone can email 'em to add the disclaimer, and the stories can be hidden 'til that's done.
  9. well, I hope the rest of your day is better. Happy birthday!
  10. It actually wasn't a bug, your review board was spammed. All fixed now.
  11. When you login, use the jump menu in your user panel to make sure you're in the naruto subdomain. Once you are in the correct subdomain, then the categories for that subdomain will appear in the drop menu for adding a story.
  12. Nope, not in the current version. However, it IS going to be added for what is being written.
  13. first of all, make sure you're logged in. Then you do the following: go to your user panel, use the jump menu and make sure you select "anime", then click go If you have Vista, there is a bug. You have to just upload to whichever subdomain (in this for instance, anime) then go back and EDIT where the story is. For a variety of reasons (most prominently an incompatibility issue with old scripting language and Vista) the menu will not work correctly, so you have to take a second step. Make sure you select which category you want to upload to, after you select the subdomain.
  14. Link Death Note is now a top level category. I've linked to it (above) so you can see it. It's still in the anime subdomain.
  15. democratic underground is usually not a bad liberal site, but not a blog, more a forum type thing
  16. As I said, actual roleplay would and is deleted. sounds to me more like you might want to do a coauthor or round robin type thing, which is different.
  17. mailed and gone
  18. finally done with the last one.
  19. pffft....missed it dammit. 'sokay, it's dead now
  20. DemonGoddess


    all of 'em gone. hopefully, the banner I asked for will help to keep this from being such a problem. we shall see
  21. All but the quoted author link are done so far....got 15 merged of that one as well. six more merges to go
  22. won't be on the archives at all. However (time allowing) I'll consider for the forum, probably as a sub of Aimless Babble. but, cleanup has me very very busy, so don't expect to see anything like that any time soon
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