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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. all now handled
  2. all but the third one in the first post were unfic and deleted
  3. deleted
  4. It's not a default setting for Word, is the issue. Like many things, the RTE (any of 'em really) are set to work with the primary default setting of a given program. So, in order to make it so it doesn't continue to happen, you'll have to set up the document to do WITHOUT the LTR command, when typing in English.
  5. I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonsAngel


      oddly enough, i dont like tea. or mint.

    3. DemonGoddess


      I like hot unsweetened tea, with just a tiny bit of lemon, if anything. LOL. Mint I can take or leave. But, lemonade, hot day? Awesome!

    4. DemonsAngel



  6. yep, someone who uses Word regularly will have to verify, but you should be able to go in to your program options, and turn that off. I'm not exactly sure where, however, as I've not used Word for something like six years or better now
  7. The problem is how one software package works as opposed to another. If you're adding more than one carriage return in your original document, the Word default is for a carriage return (enter) to be a paragraph container. So when the RTE translates that, if you have, say, 3 carriage returns at the end of a paragraph, it not only inserts the blank line at the end of the paragraph, it also inserts additional blank lines even though those paragraphs are empty. I looked in the database at your chapters, and this is part of the markup I found. <p dir="LTR"> What SHOULD be there is <p> What word is telling your document, is to RESTRICT it's format from left to right. So, somewhere in your default settings for Word, you have it it forcing all documents to left to right in format, regardless of output medium. As I've not used Word in a number of years, if I remember right, where you find this would be in your document settings. I'll check with a normal Word user to be sure. For whatever reason, that little snippet of additional code is adding extra spaces. I removed it from the first paragraph of your newest page, and now it doesn't have all the extra spaces.
  8. Are you clicking on the paste from Word icon, and then copying in to that text box? I thought of something else as well. How many carriage returns do you make between paragraphs? If you do it at the end of the paragraph ONLY, the RTE will parse that to where there is the line in between the paragraphs. If you do it more than that, the RTE will see each carriage return as an empty paragraph.
  9. First, have you looked at this FAQ? Second, what are you using as your word processor and copying FROM, program wise?
  10. Not added. Please read requirements
  11. What software are you using to write the document in, initially?
  12. Update 6/29/2011 18:17 Underage Users in queue for age check/processing - 4 Deleted for the first time - 326 Deleted, turned 18 and allowed to return - 413 Confirmed 18 or older - 553 Inconclusive results - 404 Deleted for posting for a minor - 20 OLD minors in queue to process - 539 OLD minors processing complete - 657 Accounts taken over - chronic returning minors - 6 Accounts taken over - posting for chronic returning minors - 2 Total accounts looked at - 2924 *The shifted numbers are due to my having moved stuff around to allow for old minors processed, moved from now 18, to old minors processed, as that's what they were* Trolls/Flamers/Spammers monitoring behavior in archive - 3 accounts processed for this - 228 accounts taken over - 9 Total accounts looked at - 240 Plagiarism Monitoring for arrival to this archive (known plagiarists offsite) - 6 in queue while checking - 3 resolved - 125 permissions given - 46 unsubstantiated - 45 co-authored, verified - 27 uncited sources - 12 uncited sources, corrected - 80 accounts taken over - 26 Total instances looked at - 370 Other TOS Violations in queue - 7 resolved - 311 Total instances looked at - 318 Duplicate Users in the archive in queue - 2 merged/processed - 448 Shared and duplicate accounts allowed/documented - 31 *Total instances - 480 Orphan and Duplicate stories repaired/processed in queue - 0 processed - 122 Total stories looked at - 122 Invalid Email in queue - 3 processed -262 Total accounts looked at - 269 *This number does NOT include the total accounts per user merged. Number is also subject to change depending upon age verification. If they are minors, they're not merged, they're deleted. This will also apply in other areas where it turns out the member in question isn't so much what they were being reported as (i.e. troll), but actually underage. Something else to remember, is that this can affect an author's review board as well. When I delete a minor, for example, I also delete their reviews. Same for trolls, plagiarists, and etc. I delete ALL their content.
  13. the Celeb category you list. btw, as this involves real people, you will end up having to name 'em in the disclaimer
  14. The second is Lucifael. This person copy/pasted Unchained and Incubus here today. Ya know, if these authors chose to post these stories to this site, that's one thing. But, you DON'T add content that is not yours. This one's archive profile
  15. Firstly, MANY thanks to the sharp eyed reader who caught this! The first victim is stargatesg1fan1. This person stole two of his stories, Beginning a New Path and Reflections Through Time. As one can see with the publication dates, these were obviously much older than today.
  16. done. Some of the ANs in chapter mentioned were well under the 600 word limit, so left them. On the one referencing a possible flame war, found nothing to show that.
  17. Prompt: vilipend Rules here Good luck and have fun!
  18. Now that I have a pen name, was able to check further from staff end of things. Not something we did.
  19. So it took 4 hours to mow today, 7 big lawn bags full of clippings....and I have yet to weed..

    1. pittwitch


      You will win. You will win. You will win. (Is it working yet?)

    2. marley_station


      You're a better person than me. The weeds would be thriving in my backyard if someone else weren't designated to come and maintain the lawn.

    3. DemonGoddess


      that's okay. It's now raining like hell again, won't clear enough for me to get the weeding done until this afternoon.

  20. you're welcome!
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