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manta2g last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. My day job has been a gong show of late, troubleshooting AFF's woes has remained on my mind.

    Hoping to start the first phase of unlocking the site this week.  So don't be surprised if you get an email asking to re-verify your email and to change your password. 

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    2. manta2g


      Main archives, to make sure members accounts are secure and locking inactive and potentially hacked accounts. 

    3. JamesRyderErotica


      Yay to unlocking. Dang it to having to remember another new password.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Ack!  This means I’ll have to hurry up and finish that Halloween story fast so I can pretend that I’ve been working on it all along.  :devil:

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