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Everything posted by Ginevra
I am so tired of listening to my cranky sick baby cry. I am not feeling so good myself. I am wishing I had a day of from work.
I am glad that #1 son's grandfather is going to buy him dinner on the way home. I don't feel like fixing him something.
Neither have I. I have never gone to Six Flags.
I am no longer allowed to play forum games in peace. My baby is screaming at me from the play pen -- he's sick and I want him to rest.
^ Listens avidly while squinting at SFC < Babbles drunkenly between verses. Tries to come up with a song about topless Karaoke. V Is waiting for a turn on the stage.
For school, I usually did outline. But, for fiction, I usually worked differently. Originally, I would ponder an idea for a while, then sit down and write it. Usually the writing was more a means of pinning down the revolving wheel of possibilities of a plot or scene than anything else. Did this happen or that happen? Did it happen this way? Or a different way? Now the stories are getting longer and more complex...And there's so many of them running through my head that I have to get organized. When an idea pops into my head that I think will make a good story, I ponder it a bit. Then I sit down and write out some story notes. This is especially important when I don't have time to work on the idea right away. Story notes include: Main characters. Original characters get more description and definition. Canon characters from a fandom less so. Details: Physical characteristics, personality, pertinent background information, and of course, why is the character there? Enemy? Love interest? Protaganist? I usually include the "hook" -- that would be the interesting event or situation that starts the story. A fight, and abduction, a discovery...whatever. Often this is the initial conflict...By definition a story must have some sort of conflict. I also include a synopsis of the plot, at least as far as I've been able to think it out at the time I jot down my notes. I include any special scenes I've already envisioned, hopefully in the context of the plot. Love scenes, fight scenes, important conversations or revelations, etc. If any particularly good lines of dialog have occurred to me, they go in there too. Any other info I think I might need will probably get chucked in there too. For instance, if it is a song fic, or inspired by a song, I might include the lyrics. All this is written solely for my own benefit, as no one else is ever intended to read these notes. They don't have to be pretty or well worded. The point is to get enough down that I will be able to pick up my train of thought later when I'm ready to write. And once I start, I can go back to my notes to see if I'm heading too far off base. My notes might be anywhere from a paragraph to three pages, depending on the complexity of the story and how much pondering I've done. 'Nuff said.
^ Is half naked! OMG! Don't stare. < Stares drunkenly at SilverFox-Chan's ( . )Y( . ). Oops. Decides to take off her own top so SFC won't be embarrassed. V Is getting quite an eyeful tonight!
I am no longer allowed to wear cute shoes because my feet and ankles keep swelling.
Neither have I. I have never been to a rock concert.
I am so glad my hubby spotted this really great desk chair out by the dumpster and brought it home. It's awesomely comfortable and I don't know why someone would throw it out. I am glad for chocolate covered peanut butter wafers. I am glad I've found at least one other person as obsessed with Gambit as I am.
I am in desperate need of a nap I won't get. I am pondering what to cook for dinner. I am waiting for my hubby to come home with the boys.
Yeah, well I'm the world's greatest counterfeiter. I'm flooding the world market with fake money that has nude pictures of Gambit, Beast Boy, and Nightcrawler on them. Wolverine, Robin, and Aqualad will be on the quarter, dime, and nickel respectively, as soon as I finish engraving the proofs that is. Enjoy cashing in that check!
**Ducks tail.** That's an interesting trick. ^ Enjoys Teen Titan's stories.
Well I sneezed and created the universe. So every time you go swimming at the beach you're swimming in my heavenly snot.
Not the Holy Hand Grenade! Aargh! How dare you! It was I who invented All That's Holy. You have blasphemed! **crosses fingers and hopes not to be struck by lightning**
G: Green Arrow
I built a working stealth bomber out of Legos and used T.V. dinner trays. It's currently cruising somewhere over Afghanistan.
E: Everquest