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Everything posted by ladydeathfaerie

  1. ladydeathfaerie

    I Am...

    i am considering putting music on, so i can actually write tonight. i am considering (not too intently) the merits of giving up junk food and taking up exercise. i am also considering that i'm a lazy ass and it likely won't happen.
  2. erm.... if i worked on only one at a time, i'd likely finish them in a timely manner. my first fan fic was written and finshed within a time span of about three months. i started my second while working on my first. i started the third while on the second. i've never had only one story going, so times are somewhat difficult. the ones i've got going now i've been working on for more than a couple years. i have an original i'm working on, plus several one (and one plus one) shots that i've posted. at present, i'm working on five. one challenge piece that i hope won't take forever... it keeps growing on me when i'm not looking... and four multi-chaptered stories. and soooooooo many more ideas. sheesh. i need to write.
  3. holy gods, that is so fricking funny! we'll never look at Dumbledore the same again, will we? my brain is twisted. because all i can think is... if Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world..... what kind of wand does he have? and surely he could defeat Voldemort. especially like that. *snickers* yes, i'm sick. i know it. i'll go toddle off now and try to do something constructive. like work on my challenge piece.
  4. wow, Trae! those are so cool. i was something of a history buff while in school. not college, mind you. just high school. couldn't stand the idea of at least four more years of school, so i never went to college. but thanks for sharing. these are so great to look at. a real window into history.
  5. well, i'm new to writing slash, but i'll read it. hell, i'll read just about anything so long as its well written and.... well, you know. it has a plot and all that stuff. right now, i'm working on my very first real slash piece. its going to be multi-chaptered, with some angst, humor and smut tossed into it. its Harry and Lucius, which seems an odd pairing, but i can see it working well. i used to beta for a woman who was working on Snarry slash. her work was, in my opinion, brilliant. i haven't seen anything new from her in so long and i wonder if she's still writing.... she was so good. my only hope is that i'll be able to do this well and with a certain amount of rightness. you know? i don't want to completely fuck it up and ruin a perfectly good story.
  6. music is the driving force behind my ability to write most days. since my son plays video games.... constantly.... i generally put in earphones and crank up my discman. yes, i'm so living in the 90's, technology wise. as to what kind of music..... i have a few i work from constantly, though my music library is pretty vast and varied. it runs the gamut from rock to country to world music to thrash metal. mainly, i write to Godsmack, Loreena McKennitt, Evanescence, bag pipe music.... the list goes on and on. because i can write to anything. when i've got music on, it opens my mind and makes the ideas flow. my fingers follow suit and... bam!.... i've got tons of stuff written. i have had one story inspired by music. i'd been listening to alot of Type O Negative and watching too much Queen of the Damned..... so it sort of ended up moving into a fic. but for the most part, as long as it isn't rap, i can listen to it and write. in fact, i'm about to slip on the earphones in a moment and go to town.... maybe i'll get lucky and get a third of my challenge piece done tonight. *crosses fingers*
  7. my signature is a quote from one of my fan fictions, called A Brave New World. its definitely an AU Harry Potter fic in which the Dark Lord has won and Death Eaters have control of everything. Lucius has been made Minister of Magic and has found that his..... appetites have become rather more than he would like to expose his dear wife to. so he takes prostitutes to play with. many of them refuse to go near him again.... or do they never return? at any rate, that line comes from that story. its one of my favorite ones. i love the way it rolls off the tongue and, to be honest, its so very Lucius Malfoy when he's being a complete bastard. *sighs* there's something about a mean old Death Eater....
  8. mine is actually because of two seperate entities. i was positively mad for the Lady Death comics when they first came out and, truth be told, i always loved the art in them. Lady D just rocks because she's this serious badass with some monster personal issues and.... huge tracts of land! the clothes are just impossible, too. since i couldn't have just the name Lady Death, i decided to tack on faerie, which is a mythical being i've always found appealing. so i combined all three and presto. it shortens up easily, too. ldf
  9. i'd be hiding in your closet, waiting for you to open the door. if i were a rabid squirrel....
  10. i have the first six individual comics, which will be in the first anthology. there's some great art. i think Nicolas is dead on. and hell.... Jean Claude. ooooh, baby. i actually plan on getting the hardcover when it comes out. its supposed to be this next week, according to Marvel. i know Amazon lists it in a couple weeks. actually, there's also supposed to be a two part coming out the next couple months entitled The First Death. its supposed to be set a year before Guilty Pleasures and will show us how Anita met some of the characters in the book. i'm getting that, too. i'm looking forward to it.
  11. um... wow. some of the things being read make me feel decidedly..... stupid. because i'm not reading anything of the calibre some of you are. look! ldf stepped into the room. the IQ level just dropped again. i'm reading lots of series at present. i used to be a very avid Anne Rice fan, but after about... oh.... The Vampire Lestat, she got to be kind of.... crappy. still have my books and i might read them again at some point, but i'm not reading them now. just to name a few, and they cover lots of territory (i think), i'm reading: The Harry Potter books Laurell K. Hamilton-both sets of books Charlaine Harris-Southern Vampire series Jim Butcher-The Dresden Files C.E. Murphy-The Walker Papers Kim Harrison-The Hallows books Janet Evanovich-The Stephanie Plum books Lilith Saintcrow-The Dante Valentine books Simon R. Greene-The Nightside books M. R. Sellers- The Rowan Gant books another series i like but haven't read in a while (i own them. my room is being taken over by books) is the Diana Tregarde series by Mercedes Lackey i started the Bitterbynde trilogy but lost some of my enthusiasm when i got to the last book. in a move very unlike me, i have yet to finish it. i've read numerous anthologies lately, one of which gave birth to a whole slew of rabid plot bunnies for a story and also prompted me to go out and get a full book written off one of the shorts in the anthology. it was on dragons. Elves, Faeries, dragons and things of that sort are some of the subjects i love to read about. there are also a plethora of books i've picked up and haven't read yet. some that are turning into a series..... i love to read, but find i spend more time trying to write. as i said..... i feel kind of unintelligent next to some of you and the books you're reading or have read.... ps: those of you who have read any of Hamilton's books.... if you ever liked the AB series, check out the comics if you haven't already. the art is amazing and, hell's bells, some one drew a damned good version of Jean Claude.....
  12. thanks, Nan. i'm getting to know my way around here. i have yet to go visit all the forums because, well, there are just far too many of them. i'm going to have to stick with the forums this time. sadly, my brain gets on one tangent and i sort of lose track of everything else until it clears and then its like.... whoops! i went and forgot to eat and sleep and shower... you see the pattern? i used to be afraid of thunderstorms, Adara, when i was a small child. that was ages ago. i got over the fear by the time i was about seven or so, and then it was all my mother could do to keep me inside the house when it rained. she didn't mind thunder, but if there was lightning.... she wouldn't let me out the door. i loved to run in the rain. i'd get soaked and still keep at it. the past few months have been absolutely wonderful for me here. i live in Texas..... howdy, ya'll, from the Lone Star State. this time of year, its usually in the 100's, humid as hell and simply uncomfortable. right now, we're not even getting out of the 80's during the day. its cloudy at present. i love the gray of them. put in some music and i'm going to love writing today. we've gotten so much rain that it never dries out for me to go out and mow my lawn.... ugh, i hate mowing. every time i think about doing it, it gets cloudy and rainy again. yesterday, we had a couple of good downpours. and thunder, too. i can sleep through it with no problems..... i love it. rain is, in my opinion, the best sex weather. so i guess i better get writing some sex, then, cos i'm not getting any.
  13. well, folks. i've been and gone and been again. when they first opened the forums, i signed up and then promptly got lazy and forgot to come over here. DA got efficient and wiped me out. so i had to up and re-register myself. i'm known on the site as ladydeathfaerie. i write in both Harry Potter and Originals. i've got, to date, ten Potter fics and six originals. this is only what i've written and completed or am currently working on. this doesn't even get into the plot bunnies hopping around, the numerous stories i've started on paper or anything else i've written. my brain never seems to shut off. i've been a publishing member of AFF for four years now and have never really wanted to post anywhere else. i love the site. about me, personally. i'm single, female. in my thirties. going the single mom route... not that i really had much of a choice. can we all say sperm donor? sure we can. my son is a teenager and getting ready to be a freshman. sheesh, there's no pressure there, is there? hobbies include, but aren't limited to, writing (no, ya think?), reading, listening to music, spending time on the computer, movies..... i like thunderstorms and rain. i love the smell of fresh rain on the wind, freshly cut grass. darkness and shadows are my friends. i've been told that i'm a good, original writer and i've also been told that my mind is pretty sick. i can live with that. one of these days, i'd love to be published. we'll see if it happens.....
  14. i've written in third and first. i prefer third, because its easy to write in and easy to remember. first person is hard for some people to accomplish, though i guess i managed well enough on the one i did that way. oh, wait. i've done a couple in first person. one is an original in erotica, several years old and rather a defining piece, while the other is in HP and is done from several different character's POVs. both have different feels to them, not only because of subject matter but because i try hard to, if only for a moment, become the character i'm writing about. i know that sounds odd, but its truth. just as my characters determine the direction of my stories. not me. for me, either one works. it depends on the way i want my story to come across. mostly, i write in third person. and i commit a horrible sin. i write exactly as i think. because there's no way that anyone thinks as perfectly as editors want you to think. oh well. i'm not out to win any contests. i just write so i can get some of this crap out of my head!
  15. madlodger, yes, i'm the one responsible for The Harlequin. that one came from reading a couple of one shots. i love how its coming together so far and i'm glad you enjoy it. yes, i write one chapter on each fic, moving in a continuous circle so that they're always (almost) updated one after another. perhaps not right away. there've been updates that have been months in coming. i think we all go through those moments when your brain seizes up and won't produce anything for what you're working on. i don't believe in "writer's block" because that would imply you can't write anything. you can still write, but just not on what you want to write on. i've gone through many of those. we all know that RL is a bitch and a half at times. okay. let me think about this. four stories running on AFF. one for posting that's on paper. plus the one on my laptop. so actually... six WIPs. plus about a dozen or so bits of ideas and partially started fics on paper. you should see the notes i have laying scattered about. there's soooooo much stuff. people have told me that i think about things too much. does this prove it? i just can't stop my brain for very long. thanks for the star. and sorry about the font. i play and never know what its going to look like until its posted. i'll try not to do that anymore.
  16. at present, i have four WIPs going on at once. three of them are in the Harry Potter category while the other one is in the originals section. i've found that i can't work on just one. in point of fact, i have worked on up to six at a time. generally, i write one chapter for one story, then cycle through them. one for each and then back to the beginning. there's just too much going on in my head to allow me to only work on one at a time. and we won't talk about the bunnies that jump up and bite me at random intervals. i have so many ideas jotted down, parts of stories written down.... just general ideas that it isn't even funny. even now, there are two ideas that are in my head, vying for the right to be put down on paper first. let's not even include what i have on my laptop and the other story i'm working on on paper for publishing possibilities......
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