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Everything posted by ladydeathfaerie
i kind of did that, too. the whole... no boobs to boobs overnight thing. i don't have back troubles though. the gut kind of prevents it from happening. i have to admit that the last bras i got at LB were really nice. the kind with the padded cup. and i have to have underwire. but then, i'm a glutton for punishment. i wear a bodice and full skirts in 100+ degree weather and, someday, i'm going to actually have someone to wear the corset for..... red, i love the way you think. that's great.
i understand about the boobs. DD here for me. Victoria's Secret panties, Lane Bryant bras. there really is no justice in the world. cos VS bras stop at like a 42, i think. why would i want to wear sexy panties and then have to resort to old lady bras? it sucks big ones. and i ain't talking about these. *grabs said boobs*
A Teacher Grows Disillusioned After a ‘Fail’
ladydeathfaerie replied to a topic in News/Current Events
holy FUCKING crap!!!! i positively cannot believe the shit that was talked about in this article. i mean.... what the hell were those women thinking? that this girl, who found prom far more important than lessons, would be able to rely on her good looks to make a living? honey, its called prosititution and its illegal. as a mom, this saddens me. it frightens me, too. for my son's sake. he's got high school ahead of him. and, with the added bonus of having Asperger's (a mild form of autism, for those who don't know), his schooling is doubly hard. we've been lucky because the schools he's been in have been very active in making sure he gets the best education possible. i meet with the teachers at least twice a year and they've emailed me more than once. phone calls, too. it wasn't bad enough that text book publishers started changing history. but now we have to worry about teachers who just want them out of the class? such a disgrace for such an amazing and wonderful career. once upon a time, when i was in school, there were standardized tests, but they were more for placement purposes and to see what and how the students learned. they had no bearing on your grades at all. that was determined by your teacher and no one else. and damn it, if you failed, your mom and dad endorsed it. the teaching staff didn't over turn it. nor did the principal. i had, at one point, actually wanted to be a teacher. i've always thought that the knowledge passed on to me by my teachers was worth sharing over and over again. now, i'm glad i never went into it. i couldn't be one of those teachers who let the system tell me what i could and couldn't do with my students. it boils down to lazy parents who don't want to have to concern themselves with thier children's ability to learn. it boils down to school districts that are too afraid of a lawsuit to say 'Sorry, the teacher's grades stand.' "Little Suzy didn't pass, so that means that her teacher doesn't like her. I'm going to sue the school district for causing her pain and suffering." and then, ten years later, little Suzy is living in a trailer park with some drug using abuser who's gotten her knocked up a dozen times. oh, mom. how wonderful that you sued the school so that Suzy's failing grade in English was revoked. look at your daughter now. aren't you just fucking proud of her accomplishments? -
that's great, Leon. i always tell people that my boobs got so big because i kept feeding them. read: i always drop food on my chest. between your ass and my boobs... there isn't anything in this world we can't conquer and eat!
me and my angel card, baby. my underwear drawer is so.... full of underwear. and i'll wear them until there are more holes than cloth, which is a feat when wearing thongs. i have to admit that lowrise boyshorts are comfy, too. you should count yourself lucky, madlodger. women have so many types of panties to chose from. if you look at the VS website, i'm sure you'll see examples of all these undies. personally, i can't go. the temptation is too great....
erm... i've never really given thought to a man's undergarments, really. most of the time, when i'm around a guy who's in his underwear, we're working toward getting them off. that's been a while. i suppose, giving it consideration now, i'd have to say boxers or boxer briefs. i've always written in my fictions about men taking off boxers, so there you go. interesting poll, madlodger. so.... which do you prefer? since you started it up. and redsilver..... black is absolutely the best color. *toddles off to think dirty thoughts*
i prefer thongs. i used to wear bikinis, but i got tired of constantly picking them out of the crack of my ass. (yes, i know. nice visual) one day, it came to me like some kind of really sad epiphany. if my underwear was going to constantly be riding up, why not wear underwear that were made to do that and stay? so i bought a cheap pair and found i liked them. now, i can't even walk into Victoria's Secret without considering spending over $100. which is why i only go about once or twice a year.
i've finally finished and uploaded Chapter Twelve to my original fiction. it contains vampires and werewolves and lots of other lovely nasties. there's also blood and gore and violence, plus some romance. the lemons haven't completely ripened, but they're getting there. please feel free to read and, if so inclined, review. while reviews aren't necessary, they are appreciated. you can find it here: Shadows Of The Night ~blessings~ ldf
i've only ever deleted a review once. it was a flame. out of over 800 remaining reviews (i lost some in the DB crash a while back), i've only had one person flame me. she told me my original character was a Mary Sue and to stop writing the story immediately. the character was not, at least to my mind, a Mary Sue. she had her flaws and i made sure that they were pointed out. i have 11 stories posted in the HP section, plus another 6 in Originals. every single one of them has been rated with 5 +s. and i had one person tell me that i'd written a Mary Sue. so yes, i deleted the review. the funny thing is, in the next chapter of that story that i posted, i copied the review into it and answered it. so i guess technically, its not quite been deleted. i merely took it off my review board. in all honesty, as stingy as some people seem to be about leaving a review for something they've written (i'm just as guilty as the rest), i tend to cherish the reviews i get. i've got some concrit and i leave it because it at least means someone took the time to read, possibly enjoy, and then click the review button to point out a small mistake or give advice. i'm not a review whore, per se, but i do like to get them. so i answer every one of them. and i continue to write, despite one person's declaration that i had a Mary Sue. oh, i also have no plot, apparently. i was told that once, too. said woman is an author on the main site and hasn't updated in quite some time, if i'm not mistaken. i know i've got a damn sight more reviews and hits on my works than she does. so... i let that drive me. that, in and of itself, speaks the truth more loudly than anything else.
gee, this should be surprising, given the last list i rattled off, but i've found another series that i like. the author's name is Rob Thurman and there are two books so far. the first is called Nightlife and the second, which i'm reading now, is called Moonshine. they're filled with monsters, mystery, death and mayhem. what more could a bloodthirsty girl like me ask for? i'm not reading it seriously, though. if i were, i'd be done with the book already. its only about 300 pages long, i think. give or take. right now, its sitting in the bathroom and i'll read a few pages while i'm in there. i really have to stop leaving books in the bathroom.....
truth be told, i was sorted into every house but Hufflepuff on the official site. but honestly, the only reason we see Slytherin as being a house of arrogant, ignorant people is because that's the impression we're given of them. i know Crabbe and Goyle were idiots, but Draco was not stupid. more like misguided. arrogance is the gift of money and priviledge, but that doesn't mean other people can't be arrogant. or ignorant. i feel that arrogance on that level leads to a certain amount of ignorance. one should never take themselves, or thier life, that seriously.... we can all be ignorant, arrogant and any other number of unflattering things. just depends on the day and who's making the observation. *shrugs* i see nothing wrong with being in Slytherin. nor do i see anything wrong with being in any of the other houses. i just have a thing for Slytherin.
oh, i'd buy them both. it'd be interesting to know what she wanted to use but couldn't. or didn't want to but couldn't get out of her head. and who's in Ravenclaw? i'm in Slytherin and damn proud of it. it even says Slytherin on my robes. and then there's the black wand. and the tie. and the winter scarf.... well, *clears throat* you get the idea....
Caught Between Shadow And Light
ladydeathfaerie replied to ladydeathfaerie's topic in Promote a Story!
wow, Nan. thanks for the count. i was curious as i don't have a word program that does word counts for me. so i always judge my chapters by how many k it takes up. this one was 122k. and that was before i added my disclaimer and all the pertinent information to it. holy crap. OMFG is right. um... so its okay that i don't write something for your birthday then? did i tell you how much i love my new signature? again, thanks, Nan. its just great. -
Happy Birthday, Nan. may it be a blessed one. hope you get what you want. i'd write you some birthday smut... but it'd take forever.
that is still one of my most favorite books, Pix. i've always loved Where the Wild Things Are. in fact, we still have my son's copy of it somewhere. and he's now 14.
i read over 500 pages of the book on Saturday and then finished it yesterday. its taken this long for me to get my brain back into working gear. SPOILER : i have to say that i both loved and hated the book. as she promised, Jo Rowling explained away everything. i, too, saw the wandering as a bit of isolation for the three of them. yes, Ron was a prat. Hermione seemed to be a touch on the whiny side in this one. and Harry..... for someone who was supposed to be so intelligent, he seemed to be really stupid at times. could have just been me, though. gods know i was sort of delirious while reading. Barnes & Noble was a bitch, i tell you. a bitch!!!i loved the shift in attitude for Kreacher. and the scene where he and the other house elves burst from the kitchens during the final battle was great. i hated, positively HATED, that Dobby died. that pissed me off so much. then again, most of the deaths in the book royally pissed me off. i'm a Snape whore, so i hate that he was killed. however, i loved the method of his redemption. and i loved finding out that yes, it was true. Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him. i knew it was planned. i just knew it. and seeing what he did to help Harry made me cry. it was great. the sword of Godric Gryffindor, the doe Patronus.... all of it. and it was wonderful to see why he turned from the Dark Lord. because he loved Lily. that was so.... okay, i'm a hopeless romantic. i was very unhappy with Remus and Tonks' deaths, as well as Fred's death. if she had to kill off a Weasley, why not make it Percy? punishment for being an ass. how could she even dare consider separating the twins? it just boggles the mind. Hedwig was, i believe, a useless casualty. yes, let's alienate Harry even further. pointless. Moody... while i was upset with his death, i can understand. and i'm sure he was fully prepared to die. but what Umbridge (Umbitch!) did with his magical eye! i hope the dementors got her toady little...erm, big ass! but i was very happy with Harry's chat with Voldemort and how he made sure to let the fork lord know that Snape had died, as he'd lived, Dumbeldore's man. i also liked that he named his son after him and said to little Albus that Snape was a great man. still.... why not Severus Albus? or something. i forget who it was, i think it was NightScribe, who said that they wondered at Harry's lack of reaction to finding out Snape had been in love with Lily all his life, as well as what he was doing those nineteen years later. i look at it as being almost unimportant. what he was doing, i mean. and as for the lack of reaction, all i can think is he was already too emotionally wrung out to bother. who knows? maybe JK felt that adding those bits would be too much more information. maybe she felt that it wasn't important. whatever. even without.... eh. it was okay. and yes, Dumbledore was such a prick in some of those memories, recollections... what have you. ugh, i wanted to Avada Kedavra him myself. anyhow, on a whole, i enjoyed the book. at the finish, i wasn't left with loads and loads of questions. still, i'm sad that its all over and i'm anxiously awaiting the next two movies to see what they do and don't include.
mine is specially made by Nan for me. because Jean Claude is one of the sexiest vampires to ever grace the pages of a book. at least, i think he is. when i saw the image and i saw Nan's other In-A-Boxes, i begged her to make me one. and i paid her for her work, too. i think she's happy about that....
yes, as the title states... i've finally finished a challenge written for our own Nanaea in payment for my lovely Jean Claude In-A-Box. its been a couple weeks since she issued it and what i'm going to link you to is the result. a word of warning: take something cold to drink with you. smokes if you got them, anything to nibble on and perhaps a man or your nearest toy. i've been told that my smut is hot and i'm hoping this is no exception. *crosses fingers* the premise of the story is that Hermione has a secret she doesn't really want to share with anyone. two intriguing and intrigued Wizards discover this secret and plot to make use of it in ways that will benefit them. exploitation never tasted so sweet. reviews are not necessary, but would be greatly appreciated. hope you like it, Nan. you can find it here: Caught Between Shadow And Light enjoy, everyone!
thanks for sharing, foe. that was a giggle fest!
ah.... ideas. the main staple of every writer, be they original or fan fiction writers. for me, ideas come from all places. one day it could merely be a sentence. another day, it could be from reading what someone else has written. honestly, my bunnies are sneaky, vicious, heartless little creatures. and i love them. once i have an idea, i work at building both the characters and the events that surround the beginning of the story. i have a tendency to not plan out anything that's going to happen, with exception of perhaps some of the more major events. you know, so that i can go from one stepping stone to another without having a chosen path laid out before me. i love the element of surprise and thus allow the characters to go where they will. in the original i have going at the moment, Shadows Of The Night, the story actually evolved out of the conversation had by two of the characters in the first chapter. i built an entire world and drew up characters off a few sentences of exchanged banter. the story is dark and violent in some places, but its been so fun to write and, to some extent, very theraputic when dealing with some RL events that i had to find my way through. its had some very positive feedback, too. and i now have another idea for an original going through my head that stems from reading a short story. i'm still in the planning stages on this one, still working out characters and some of the major events that take place in the beginning, as well as some that happen later in the story. i just don't know when i'll get to it because i have four stories running and a few more in my head. plus what i've gotten jotted down on scraps of paper. keeping track of all the ideas is a task, so i write good stuff down on just about anything i can get my hands on. which means i have a three ring binder filled with paper, scraps and notes. spiral notebooks. signs from work..... just about anything, really. sheesh. its horrible. but i suppose i'll live through it all. just so long as i can keep on writing!
i read this yesteday, quamp, and i was like... WTF? its sad when a child that young is drinking more than an adult. what's frightening is she was apparently able to drive with that much alcohol in her system. that mus mean she's the size of my brother, who is in his 40's and is over 6 feet tall. its sad and its wrong.
holy crap, Nan. where in the state do you live? we lived in Circle Pines, in Anoka county. that's where i was born and where i lived for the first twelve years of my life before moving to just outside Dallas. yes, the laws are very stupid. the ones from Texas about dildos must have been done by men with some serious penis envy and size issues.
read, enjoyed and reviewed, daz!
i love the t-shirts. my problem would be not which one, but when to stop. .....cos i like far too many of them.
okay, so i only have a son and, unless by some miracle this changes any time soon (single and not getting any), this isn't going to directly affect my family. however, that doesn't mean that i don't find the whole thing deplorable. as with Leonhart29, i too live in the state of Texas. i don't want to sound terrible or anything, but my experience with native Texans (please don't take offense, Leon) is that they are, in general, lacking in intelligence. this isn't to say that all of them are. but there's a good portion who are more concerned with sports than education. when we moved here from Minnesota 24 years ago, i felt that we'd entered some kind of backwoods horror show. we don't know our neighbors. while we don't live in a bad area, it isn't as good as it used to be. what's sad is my parents picked this town because we had one of the better school systems in the DFW area. it was a serious culture shock because position was more important to some of these people than anything else. when the news broke about our Governor *makes a few rude comments* trying to push this bill through the state legislature (he wrote it and sent it to the house), my mother and i were just astounded. to me, this is one of the best and most prime examples of masculine stupidity (please don't take offense, gents. i don't mean you personally) that i've ever been witness to. he isn't the one who has to take this shot. he isn't the one who has to wonder if it'll have any adverse side effects upon them. its stupid to make people take a vaccine that hasn't been shown to be helpful. i can understand for small pox and polio. but not for something that may or may not do what it's supposed to without side effects that can be more devestating than the disease its supposed to prevent. if i had a daughter.... there's no fucking way in all the seven hells that i'd ever make her get this shot. people need to stop worrying about everyone else and worry about themselves. there were a couple of really great statements made here. prairiefire is right. parents should teach their children themselves. especially when you live in a state that doesn't even really teach abstinence. they just kind of ignore the whole sex thing here. and APP (sorry, i'm lazy). yes. neglectful parenting. there's the new craze. let's let our kids learn everything they need to know about sex from TV and movies(just so realistic there!) and the internet (just how big do you want your cock to be?)