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Everything posted by madlodger

  1. Yet again, FUCK LABLES! I think of myself and others primarily as 'human'. We all are essentially the same; two arms, two legs, one head with a bit of poorly functioning gray matter inside. Everyone has a set of genitals as well, there is a bit of variety in that, but on a bigger scale, it's not all that different. Never Conform to society, but don't bait society either; I am not fond of revolutionaries who would like to force society to conform to them. Things are changing if we want it or not, human race as a whole is moving towards acceptance of PERSONS. (Or it's what I would like to believe, ha!)
  2. Hi, Pixagi, FUCK LABLES! Well, technically, asexual people won't fuck labels because they are not attracted to them, LOL. I voted without actually reading that staff, will write a better response when get to it
  3. Hi, taker, I like this poll, but it's been a bit inactive lately. Let's see if we can revive it a bit Majorly Yaoi/Shonen Ai Whatever I WANT! That is, if It was possible to vote for two options. I've chosen Yaoi, because the main pairing in my story is Draco/Harry. The secondary one is Ron/Hermione, so anything goes. I'd say that Slash is my main interest, but a good Het plot could possibly take over at some point. Fem Slash is not appealing at all. I suppose that I could write it, but why, when my head is full of Hot Men. LOL
  4. madlodger

    Answers First

    Why is your apartment overflowing with erotic plot bunnies? Ewww! Take it off of me!
  5. madlodger

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    Should I clean it up? That wasn't cow's milk at all.
  6. madlodger

    Answers First

    Quampy, any mortal who gets to apply sunscreen to a half-demon's back becomes automatically enslaved to the said demon. You knew that before you started, right? Hehehe! There is no need to cry.
  7. madlodger

    Answers First

    Mr. Demon, what do you use instead of massage oil in Hell? Rub it in in slow circles.
  8. madlodger

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    Hey, quampy, we are going out tonight - Yes or No? Chocolates and cherries.
  9. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd blend in with the masses, hehe! If I were a traffic light...
  10. madlodger

    Answers First

    Why do you attach serial numbers to dead bodies in your basement, Mr. Hannibal Lector? We'll take it slow.
  11. You are right, Adara, I did miss bit. The issue of kidney stones is a bit personal to me, as a member of my family I loved suffered from them. I remember her pain, no meds were helpful. Only time made it go away. I think that bit created a strong emotional response in me and brought back some memories.I am glad that the pain is not there anymore, Serenanna. It looks like they did pass, although, it's hard to tell if they were not captured. One of them or both could be gone at this point. Probably both, because they were small. You will feel better! Your blood pressure meds might of lowered it too much. Low blood pressure would interfere with sleep and cause nosia. It's not my place to give any advice, but if this was hapenning to me then I would ask my parents to buy me a blood pressure monitor and see what the numbers are. Maybe cut those pills in half. Wish that I could be more helpful. *hugs*
  12. I am sorry that you are in pain *hugs very carefully* Well, what I know probably wont be very usefull, but I've heard that eating a watermellon(s) in large quantities would make small stones to pass out of the body, speed the process. And it's painfull when it happens. It looks like you had stones passing out for two weeks. Did you have more than two when it started? I am not an expert but pain in the abdominal area probably means that stuff was going through tne urinary truck, leaving abrasions. Calcium oxalate is supposed to be sharp. Why did they give you blood pressure meds? You do need antibotics for sure. Picture of a stone Pretty scary but it explaines the pain. I hope that the pain will be gone soon.
  13. madlodger

    Answers First

    Why did Microsoft go bananas? It's a standard procedure.
  14. I am all for protecting the spouses. Religion should play no role in creating government laws. And which religion should it be? Religion of a small cannibalistic tribe would condemn a person to hell if they ate a captive's liver before the chief had a chance to. So much for religious ethics. Human ethics is a way to go. So far I don't see this society as very ethical. We appear civilized on outside: driving cars, talking on cell phones and flying to Mars. But, as species, humans are civilized only technologically. From the Ethics point of view, we are a bunch of apes driving cars, talking on cell phones. Slavery was legal a very short time ago. Minorities are fighting for their rights this exact moment in time, which only can mean one thing: People don't have equal rights from the moment of birth. I suppose that developing Universal Human Ethics and modifying current laws to comply with them is a way of the future. Gay marriage as well as choices between different marital arrangements (including polygamy) would come to existence automatically. As well as a number of other freedoms, so to speak.
  15. madlodger

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    What sort of boyfriend are you looking for these days? Yes, but not today.
  16. Yes with consent of all spouses. I am not convinced that humans are monogamous species. Love happens and lasts for a while. Does it last a lifetime? I see so many people who started with being in love with each other and ended up as roommates and friends raising their kids together. Many married couples end up not making love anymore, even though they behave all lovey in public. I think that polygamy should be one of many options. People could choose to be single celibate, single sexually active, a member of an exclusive couple or a polygamic arrangement. I find it sad that sexual practices of ADULTs are regulated by Government. Through human history one human category had no control over their sex lives-slaves. Well, slavery is illegal, so Government has no business to restrict citizen’s private lives. I do agree with laws protecting and nourishing CHILDREN (the age of consent is hugely important). It's a job of all collective adults to take care of all collective children, so to speak, so Government is doing the right thing creating those laws. But it should take its grabby mitts off as soon as a citizen turns 18! Regulate taxes, yes, not arrangements. With DNA testing so available and accurate, paternity should be very easy to establish. I am not sure why birth certificates don't have Genetical Father and Mother lines included. That's off topic, though. So, yes for polygamy redsliver So, let's say, your girlfriend would bring this adorable 19-year old boy into relationship as a beta male. Would it be OK? (He can mow the lawn, LOL)
  17. madlodger

    Answers First

    Did you know that I named the silver-green teddy you gave me Draco? The army of killer ants is approaching.
  18. madlodger

    Answers First

    Who would like to volunteer to test our new ultrasonic vibrator? It was 'responsive', not 'responsible'
  19. madlodger

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    Why did you tickle that boy until he passed out? Someone peed in his pants.
  20. madlodger

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    What's your first contribution to Devil Worshippers cult meeting? Little grabby hands.
  21. madlodger

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    What does Gackt see in his nightmares? A Japanese pop-star, that's who!
  22. madlodger

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    What's your profile signature for hardyaoi.com? Three gallons of Dragon Dang should solve it.
  23. madlodger

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    Did you know that fast food chains are using pulverized chicken shit for extra flavouring? I will never wax that!
  24. madlodger

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    Who turned your tap water green? Sell my soul.
  25. madlodger

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    Tell me, sweetie, what was your ex like? Reverse the flow immediately.
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