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Posts posted by madlodger

  1. Well, Pixagi,

    After all time, effort and money spent; after finally getting published FOR REAL; do you really want your fans to ran away and write Harry Potter fanfics?

    I would have an official Pixagi/Cain website with a very clear statement about my position on fanfics. It would be pretty friendly and permited almost anything with, perhaps, exeption of underaged sex.

    EveKnight is right about

    - I wouldn't allow fanwork to be posted online on any profit site

    However, people can submit quality fiction for AUTHORIZED publishing, which would bring in a per cent of profits. Who knows, maybe it would become more popular than the fic itself and bring in 10 times more dow. How pragmatic. smile.gif

  2. what I would do if I had a hermaphrodite

    Well, the first thing I would spend a few hundred hours to read everything on the subject. And then do nothing, unless there is some obstruction for daily body functions. Why fix it if it's not broken? I'd let my kid know what's going on as early as possible and teach them how to handle this. The real time to do something is at puberty; by that time their opinion on what to do would depend on available technology and understanding of self.

  3. Wow, Quampy, the rumor is that Dazzled came to your place, cleaned it and made your a six course dinner worshippy.gif

    Would you read my Oprah/Angela Lansbury yuri please?

    Hey, redsliver

    That was a good one two_thumbs.gif

    I'll answer that after consulting my friends.,

  4. Wow, Pixagi,

    I just posted my first so-called Flame in Deleting Reviews poll. Let me cut and paste it:


    I haven't deleted a single review yet. So far there was only one soft-core flame on Forever Fandom (same story as on AFF). I kept it; here it is:

    No, so instead of pansy-bashing you made her a stunningly beautiful girl... you mayaswell be 12-yr-old girl putting yourself into your favourite character and making some 'improvements'...

    It was pretty funny, actually, I replied with:

    Author's Response: 12 years old? You flatter me so:) He, He. Pansy is beautiful because she is an Elf, as well as Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They all are tall, blond and gorgeous. They all changed their looks to go to school. Pansy is not my favorite character but I can't imagine Draco as having only idiots for friends. He is pretty smart and good looking himself (snobby and conflicted too, ha). In most fiction I've read Pansy is all the same, boring. She was made a prefect so she is not ordinary. This fic is AU so I have freedom to play with characters a bit. Does that help?

    Overall I would most likely keep real Flames which might occur in the future (considering all the kink and a future non-con bit)

    Does that even qualify as a Flame?

  5. No

    I haven't deleted a single review yet. So far there was only one soft-core flame on Forever Fandom (same story as on AFF). I kept it; here it is:

    No, so instead of pansy-bashing you made her a stunningly beautiful girl... you mayaswell be 12-yr-old girl putting yourself into your favourite character and making some 'improvements'...

    It was pretty funny, actually, I replied with:

    Author's Response: 12 years old? You flatter me so:) He, He. Pansy is beautiful because she is an Elf, as well as Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They all are tall, blond and gorgeous. They all changed their looks to go to school. Pansy is not my favorite character but I can't imagine Draco as having only idiots for friends. He is pretty smart and good looking himself (snobby and conflicted too, ha). In most fiction I've read Pansy is all the same, boring. She was made a prefect so she is not ordinary. This fic is AU so I have freedom to play with characters a bit. Does that help?

    Overall I would most likely keep real Flames which might occur in the future (considering all the kink and a future non-con bit)

    There is one kind of reviews which would be deleted:

    The kind which stretches the page sideways. Like, when people post a continuous row of hearts 3 pages wide, without breaking the line.

    teeta -

    she just left the flames as they were, not deleting them

    I did like it when she left them on the board. It's a very mature approach. There weren't any flames since smile.gif

    Most flamers are not sighned on, so they loose control of their post as soon as pushing the 'send' button. They can't remove it now and it becomes an embarassment.

  6. Went for transmale, because honestly that's the best way to explain it away. A more complicated explaination is why I don't intend to get surgery.

    It does explain it pretty clearly smile.gif As to why not getting the surgery, well it's pretty understandable as well. Any transmale person is on a tough spot - physically, emotionally and socially. I have no first hand knowledge of that, but we all know the world we live in.

    I expect that in a nearby future (like, 10 years from now) the technology would allow to grow fully functioning organs made of person's own tissues. Fully functioning testicles instead of testosteron injections, anatomically correct penis and so on.

    That would be expensive, though.

  7. Nan and Daz -

    Oh, and I practially live on HP Lexicon when I'm writing.  I'm a stickler for getting my cannon facts straight.
    I have the Lexicon open in another window right now! (btw... see the bit on Invisibility Cloaks...

    I use it too smile.gif It's a really good reference material and it's perfectly normal to use it for REFERENCE. Plus you, guys are not Fanbrats! rofl.gif

    It seems that some actual Fanbrats use it to compensate for not reading books, though. They would read the wizard's General Profile and sort of build the fic on that, repeating the same thing over. They do that with Draco a lot, which is one of my favorite characters, so I get annoyed by that.

  8. Eve and Daz - don't even get me started on a subject of fanbrats...

    People who write horrible HP fics. no.gif

    People who havn't actually read the books. realmad.gif

    People who repeat same info from HP Lexicon over and over in their fics. sick.gif

    ... or there will be a Fanbrat Poll posted, a mean one smile.gif

    There seems to be more of them these past few years and finding a decent fic becomes a shore.

    ZombieDuke -

    I picked the first choice because I remember after OoTP that there were a sudden influx of Sirius didn't die fics, or a people writing so-called "end letters" from Sirius to Harry.

    That makes a lot of sense. I really hope that Book Seven will be great, but, more likely, it will be, er... anticlimactic. I am very concerned about Harry, he will either die or loose his powers. That would be very upsetting, that boy had a crappy life so far with Hogwarts being the only good thing.

  9. Wow, this is deep! I always thought that those things were called Nouns

    Let me quote Essentials of English Grammar, page 4:

    A noun refers to a person, place, or thing (objects, concepts, ideas, or events)

    I suppose, that calling them 'labels' would be correct as well, it is a utilitarian language function. In my mind, not all nouns are labels. Labels are things which have a limiting or hostile aspect to them and produce a strong emotional response in people.

    Calling people Poofs or Pussy-shine-boys, for example, has a negative aspect to it and they are, in fact, labels, LOL.

    I can't express how much I enjoy this forum. Writers are really interesting people with a lot on their minds tongue.gif

  10. Hey, Teeta! You do come up with good topics. *hugs*

    I can tell you how I started in Harry Potter Fandom (being a reader only untill very recently)

    Many years ago, when I was younger and a better person, I was on line searching for any info on Harry Potter books. I had no idea that there was HP fanfiction in existence. So, I did some searches and one of websites came out with Veela Fiction.

    That was at the times when Veela Fics became popular; I suppose, that would time this event around, um... year 2001, after GOF was published and the First movie was just out. Was it really Six Years then!?! Or dear!

    Anyway, I started reading Draco/Hermione Veela Fic and it was so hot and NC-17 and my mind went crazy, yeah. So, I read all Veela fics on that list and on a very bottom there was a small Draco/Harry section. I was, like, wow, this is crazy, those boys are not gay! Of course, Draco is not a Veela in Cannon either. So, I read them all and enjoyed them MORE than straight HP fics. Ever since then I was reading primarily HP Slash, even though Slash pairings are more OOC than straight ones.

    That started my HP Slash obsession, which I stick with even now. I did brunch out into reading Original Slash past few years (but you know that already smile.gif ) I've read some Gravitation and Ai no Kusabi fics but HP still rules.

    P.S. That lovely website does not exist anymore, as well as many others I used to go to. At one point, I believe, I had more than 50 sites bookmarked.

  11. Unauthorized Biographies That is a very good idea! Another one I didn't think of. I would like to read one on Draco and one on Weasley twins, as their full potential was never explored in fannon, cannon or movies (movies being the worst about it and just giving us a glimpse)

    I agree that there will be a shift in fannon. It won't go away, of course, Star Wars one has been around for, er, quarter century now, right?

    Fics centered around the postwar world, Harry and co. as adults (and their kids) already run rampant.

    Completely true. There will be a new influx of those and they will have a different flavor because of Book Seven's outcome. There will be some squabble, I'm sure and some current AUs will become obsolete.

    I do expect more of quality fics to appear, written by more mature fanwriters smile.gif

  12. Maybe the time turner stories will get popular again.

    You right, dazzledfirestar! It's a strong possibility. I didn't even think of that one when making a poll, darn it! I expect that some beloved major characters will either die or get permanently injured, so the Time Turner trend is very likely.

  13. The Book Seven is coming soon now. How will it change HP fandom? There will be no more books, according to JK. She might release small ones, like Fantastic Beasts, but no Book Eight.

    Fandoms have trends. For example, I started reading HP fiction when Veela trend was in a full swing. Later it was abused Harry and Snape as a mentor type of fics.

    What is going to happen now?

    Give your predictions, dear devoted fans smile.gif

    This poll doesn't cover all possibilities (how could it?), that's why I added the last choice. Personally, I have that feeling that the last book may be upsetting, so people would write their own or continue the story with a Book Eight.

  14. Yet again,


    I think of myself and others primarily as 'human'. We all are essentially the same; two arms, two legs, one head with a bit of poorly functioning gray matter inside. Everyone has a set of genitals as well, there is a bit of variety in that, but on a bigger scale, it's not all that different.

    Never Conform to society, but don't bait society either; I am not fond of revolutionaries who would like to force society to conform to them. Things are changing if we want it or not, human race as a whole is moving towards acceptance of PERSONS. (Or it's what I would like to believe, ha!)

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