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Everything posted by madlodger

  1. Not guilty. G/NG Has at least two kinds of alcoholic beverages in the house right now.
  2. Yes, it's when a person uses someone else's wand to do kinky spells. What would be a treatment for wandorrhea?
  3. Thanks a lot! Now I have a pissed off deer in my living room. There is deer shit everywhere. *Figures a way to transport the deer to the National Park as fast as possible.* Chucks a baby hellcat.
  4. Because they are worth their weight in gold. Why?
  5. askew. Driving a car in reverse____
  6. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd be a Demon If I were a cigarette...
  7. ^ 100% correct.
  8. Phone
  9. Baby Remember, Eating Animal Shit Truly Sucks. N U T S A C K
  10. Kayak
  11. I have. I have never liked having to have a job.
  12. Not really Is Persian Shrivelfig a wizarding STD?
  13. meatballs - Wow, these meatballs are simply huge! What to do, hmm... I'll serve them to a couple of Orcs I know. I chuck one of those Orcs.
  14. Because vikings are greedy buggers. Why?
  15. less shitty. Adding orange juice to vodka_____
  16. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd pass out contemplating going for the sixth. If I were making out with a Demon...
  17. madlodger

    Answers First

    What do we say about a party attended by ten sluts? Green light.
  18. Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound
  19. Wow, Keith, it's a very impressive list. 137 and they all seem to apply. Did you write them all? I like ones with exeptions, like:
  20. ^, ^^, ^^^ will be friendly gropped at the party and after but sadly won't remember on account of drinking too much.
  21. Again
  22. Why Have Orcs Raped Elves? VAGINA
  23. Not guilty. Don't go to classes. AH -asshole in capital letters G/NG - Likes to whistle.
  24. ^ Will keep an eye on Red at the party.
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