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Everything posted by teeta

  1. Yup, some weasel it is
  2. "Full moon" by Sonata Arctica.
  3. teeta

    The Anything Game

  4. 8810
  5. teeta

    The Anything Game

  6. teeta

    I Am...

    I am procrastinating again, and RPing again and listening to the same song again ... I am repetitive, am I not?
  7. teeta

    The Anything Game

  8. 8808
  9. I don't have some weird eating habits but I can tell you what the strangest food I have ever eaten is. It's made of boiled blood, mixed with barley, freid with fat and onion. Oh, and I have also eaten scrambled eggs with cow brain ... Both were good!
  10. teeta

    The Anything Game

  11. Still the same ...
  12. 8806
  13. "Only an ocean away" by Sarah Brightmann
  14. Hmm, I haven't really read anything apart from 'Deathly Hallows' and somehow I got stuck =_=
  15. From the childhood ... Yup, Smurfs And anime ... I adore, simply adore X - TV series!
  16. teeta

    The Anything Game

  17. 8804
  18. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hello again, Darma! You have no idea how your words cheered me up, really, so I'm indebted in you! Anyway, yes, you noticed two very important things, Uri IS much more accepting now, just think of Silver Creek trip and his vomiting bout and him spazzing for a couple of days. Secondly, you're right about Uri and Rane; I was talkling with my friend about it, and she said just the same thing as you did, that it doesn't seem Uri's in love with Rane. So let's see later how it'll work out ^__^ The party, unfortunately, is not going to be in the next chap, but the one after that; the next chap still has some important thing to deal with. I'm slowly clearing off the smaller secrets, leaving only the really big ones, hihihi. Once again, thank you for this comment; I was really down after posting this chap, and you really cheered me up. Big hugs! teeta
  19. I did. How do you drink online?
  20. teeta

    The Anything Game

  21. teeta

    The Anything Game

  22. 8800
  23. Will he have recovered his wits by then?
  24. I am no longer allowed to not to pay attention to my expenditures =_=
  25. Ohayo! Leon, nod.
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