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Everything posted by teeta

  1. Hi Iggy! Thanks for your story and we do seem to share at least one favorite pairing! CloudxReno! But if we're talking in listing terms ... HeeroxDuo from Gundam Wing AyaxKen from Weiss Kreuz DarkxDaisuke from DNAngel KyoxYuki from Furuba RoyxEd from FMA SiriusxRemus from HP (some other pairings from HP ... lots of them, in fact but NOT HarryxDraco) and the golden pairing for me ... Snarry ^__^
  2. Not guilty ... would get lost everywhere. G/NG: got lost more than a few times?
  3. Hi everyone! I'm a really curious person and it interest me how and why you became involved in reading and/or writing slash? Any interesting stories to be told? Favorite fandoms? Pairings? As far as I am concerned, it started with this yaoi article I read in the local manga/anime magazine, getting immediately interested and wanting to know more. I even copied the article and then went looking for the mangas described there. And I accidentally discovered the whole world of yaoi fanfiction and original fiction. I remember myself reading countless amount of Gundam Wing fanfiction despite the fact I have never watched the amine and didn't find manga that interesting. Yet the characters were so good and the fanfics I came across were so good that they sucked me in for a good couple of months. Then I got familiar with the term 'slash' and stumbled across several slash fandoms, like HP (hm, this was funny, when I first found it, I was grossed out a bit, especially by the HPSS pairing ... and now I am a hard core HPSS fan, figures ...) Now ... with writing ... that's a bit different. I am rather new to writing, but couldn't imagine myself writing het, it was slash for me, at least with the serious stories. After reading all those slash stories I seriously find myself unable to think in het terms ... So ... that's my story. What about you? I will appreciate every story I get ^__^
  4. Soap
  5. Errr ... not guilty any more ... G/NG: was caught by a member of their family when in compromising situation.
  6. Not guilty. G/NG: has caught a member of their family in a compromising situation.
  7. Fluids
  8. teeta

    I Am...

    I am not about to post anything funny cause I am tired.
  9. When reviewing, I try to keep a few things in my mind ... First of all, I don't review all stories I read, only those I really like or those which have a potential to be great but for some reason the author 'forgot' about them. So it's like kicking someone in the rear to make them write further, so to speak. No, I don't leave the flames; if I don't like a story, I simply don't review. Secondly, I always try to say something personal in my reviews; I think it's nicer for the author to read something that someone put a part of themselves in. A personal comment is just ... special for me. I always try to say what I liked in the chapter, and ALWAYS make some predictions about the future chapters, that's just my quirk. Hm ... I try to remember about greetings and thanks for the chapter, after all, someone who posted a good, interesting chapter deserves them. I don't know if it makes any sense but that's my recipe for a review.
  10. 'Where's the sex?' question happens to me all the time. Hm, I am not a newbie as far as reading adult themes is concerned and I do agree that there is more to them than just sex. A LOT more. I enjoy stories with conflicting feelings, I love it when the characters involved have to discover things about themselves to mature and sex scenes are for me only ... hm ... a pleasant but not necessary additive to the PLOT. Now ... as a writer, I am a newbie. And I don't feel secure enough to write sex scenes. I know you can't be good at them if you barely start writing! Therefore I chose the slow way, I'm learning along the way, together with my characters. At the beginning it pissed me off big time whenever I got another review with the question 'When are they going to DO IT?!' but then I decided to play a little game with those whiners, promising them what they were asking for and then ... keeping my promise and at the same time not keeping it at all. Hm ... 28 chapters, no real sex ... a game is still on ^__^
  11. Music, you ask ... That depends on my mood, I have a large collection of music pieces I love but ... I have this irritating habit. If I like certain song and it inspires me, I just listen to this one song all over again, on repeat mode. My last 'hit' was 'Panzer battalion' by Sabaton, I guess ...
  12. Just one longer story at a time ... oh, oneshots don't really count. It's a matter of creativity, when I'm busy with one story I tend to concentrate on it to the point when it fills every moment of my free time. And writing certain characters I become them so ... I can't be three people at a time ^__^ But seriously ... one story is quite a lot to juggle, if I need it to be good, I need to spend time on it and other stories would just interrupt. Plus, this one story sucks all my ideas up and even if I try to think of some other story, I just can't, my thoughts automatically come back to the story I'm writing and I can't 'stray'. Does that answer your question?
  13. My style? Hm ... if I have any style ... bacuse having only one story written (and not a complete one, either) doesn't entitle me to have a style ... BUT! First person POV, and present tenses ... I have never expected to do so well with this! I guess stream of conscious is the type I do (or I'm doing, maybe it'll change?)
  14. Nervous breakdown ... Seriously, those two are very dear to me, I can't choose between them. It's like that: when I don't read, I write and vice versa. I could give up watching TV (hm, I actually have) and could give up many other things in my life, orange juice included, but not writing or reading. They're equally important to me. But if someone put a knife to my throat and said: "Choose or die!" ... err ... reading? Because it's more versatile? There are so many things I haven't read so far that it would be a shame to give up on them!
  15. Hihi, 50-50 for me please! I guess it's because I don't really like angst, too heavy for me but on the other hand, too much sweetness just makes me go 'guh!' So the middle for me, please!
  16. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hehe, of course it's slash!
  17. teeta

    Not supposed to

    color of her eyes ... Because she suggested it would be interesting to be able to discuss the story with me, I decided to actually start this topic. If you feel you have something to say about it, if you want to ask me about anything, you're welcome to leave me a comment ^__^
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