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Everything posted by teeta

  1. teeta

    I Am...

    I am being grilled by my friend who is addicted to RPing. I am addicted to RPing myself but this is just too much! I am in need of HELP!
  2. My favorite story ... hmmm ... I like many stories and I was thinking about this question AND I had no problems answering it. My absolute favorite original story is "Perseverance" by lime green and tangerine. What a shame it's updated every 6 months or more rarely
  3. teeta

    I Am...

    I am on a review low ... I am missing my friend terribly, she'll be online 5 days from now. I am experiencing the effects of runny nose.
  4. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I have. I have never wanted to have a tarantula as a pet.
  5. Not guilty ... well, not with an axe. G/NG Has ever hit someone?
  6. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hihihi, hah, wouldn't you like to know ... Bad, bad, bad dirty little secret, not pleasant in any way. I think that apart from teasing streak I also have the 'torture my characters mentally' streak. Developing it slowly. Hmmm ... Rane sort of happened, really. It was just like that, I just wanted someone who would comment on Uri giving a cold shoulder to Allie ... and he happened to pop up. At the beginning I was like 'WTH?! Where does he come from? What's he doing here?' but then slowly I figured out why he appeared. Still a lot of work ahead of Rane! Right now (just as I'm posting this) I'm working on the next chapter, part of which was RPed with my friend, and I'm literally LMAO at some of the things we put there. This will be a weird, weird chapter ... but funny, I hope. Ok, getting back to work; finally I have some time to write and I'm intending to use it to the fullest. See you around sometime! Hugs!
  7. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hello again! No problem about pesting me, well, I don't treat it as pesting anyway. Yeah, Shane is not someone who would look cool in a leather jacket and on a motorbike. Shane would rather be a guy in cute glasses, looking like Shawn, but having a bit different attitude to life, I think. Definitely no motorbike! Yes, you're right, I'm not about to tell you what happened to Shawn, this is for some other time, and slowly it's getting closer, too. Hehe, so you're firm member of Shawn Team, I see That's ok with me, though I - for the obvious reasons - find myself in both Teams. There was one time when I was a firm supporter of one Team ... but I won't tell you which one. Now I'm 50% Shawn's supporter and the remaining 50% - Rane's. Pervs everywhere, yup though I would say Shawn is a different kind of perv than Rane. Shawn doesn't say much, he's more the action man, hihihi, so if he ever attempted anything, it would be like throwing Uri on the ground and thoroughly ravishing him *ponders* while Rane - while having exactly the same objective, takes the friendship approach, step by step ... but just notice, his 'good bye' kisses are getting more frequent Hmmm, both Rane and Shawn have their secrets and while Rane's secret is at least partly out (Caden and something with Kyle, yup, I did hint at it), Shawn's dirty little secret (no, not this one ) is still to be excavated. Hehehe, I'm glad I manage to surprise you. When I was starting this story, I was afraid of a few things, one of them being predictability. The other was ... somehow I always manage to spoil jokes when I tell them, so I was like: 'Don't try to be funny, it'll spoil the story.' And believe me, up to some point I was trying to be deadly serious but then ... people started to comment on how hilarious some things are. You won't believe how relieved I felt about it. Hope to surprise you more in the future, many times, as much as tease! Hugs and you're always welcome to ask further, nod!
  8. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hello again, darma Hmmm, about Uri's name ... it's kind of long story. Long time ago (and I really mean long, like around 10 years ago) I came across this weird name Urian (notice that it's not Uriel) and for one of my very early short stories I used the shortened version Uri. But later I read a book that had this angel character in it, named Uriel, and it was simply perfect. So when I started this story I knew I wanted this particular name. It was a bit different with Shawn and Rane. Shawn was just a random pick, and I hesitated between Shawn and Shane but Shane sounds too girly to me. And Rane ... hmm, pure creation, I wanted him to have a nickname 'Rain' but then found the name Coltrane and just shortened it. Ok, so that's about names. Now going to this cutting in mid-thought ... hmm, if you go back to initial chapters, you'll see that Uri always says 'It's my twited imagination'. He thinks that whatever he happens to notice it's because he subconsciously wants it to happen, and then the incest starts to play its role. He knows it's wrong so he cuts himself in mid-thought. Hmm, Uri's thought would be 'I see something weird but because it's me lusting here, it must be my imagination, so it's not really happening, or it means something different than I read into it'. A bit twisted ... Now as to Shawn's fears ... you really don't know yet what he has gone through maybe not really the same as Uri? Anyway, he tries to help him but Shawn will always be Shawn, a little pervy and ... well, he definitely won't go hugging Uri and tell him something sappy. And always feel free to ask any question, don't worry, you're really not suffocating me. Hope to 'talk' to you again and hugs!
  9. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Hello darma, and first of all, thanks for such nice words *a big hug* Hihihi, I see I infected another person with incest, if only for my story. Yes, as you guessed, Shawn's birthday party is getting closer and in fact it should be chapter 31 or 32 so not much waiting. Secondly, please don't worry, of course I'm fully intending to finish the story; it wouldn't leave me in peace if I stopped writing it. However, the reason for not updating for the last ... hmmm ... three weeks is that a real life caught up with me. I had this huge renovation at home and it lasted for - yes - three weeks. Hopefully, it should be over by Monday or so ... so then I'll devote myself to writing more seriously. Hmmm, I already have 15 pages of chapter 30 but I think I'll need another 30 or so pages, it's just a huge chunk, and many things have to fit into it. As to your other question, if it's possible for someone to be this oblivious ... hmmm ... Uri doesn't really expect Shawn to be in love with him, he doesn't even know that Shawn is gay, so when you don't expect something, you simply don't see it. That's how it works for me. But ... yes, there are people so oblivious as him, I think I'm one of them, too, and a few of my reviewers also said they're oblivious as well. Maybe not to such extend but ... Ok, if you have any other question, feel free to ask ^__^
  10. One of the reviews that I absolutely adore are the ones that tell me something along the lines: "I don't usually read incest but your story 'converted' me". I always grin like an idiot when I receive one of those ^__^ And also ... I have never thought it's even possible to treat a totally fictional character like a living person. I received really a lot of reviews in which people express their compassion and sympathy towards the characters in my story. Those reviews make me glow almost. As to a single most favorite review ... uhh, hard to say, really ... but I can say which one I remember the best, it was by Yblue, in which she actually included a short scene with the characters. It went like this: I love this review, really do!
  11. Hm, for me every review is precious, it doesn't matter if it is the gushy one, or the concrit. Yet, my favorite reviews are those which say that people can relate to what I have written, those always make my day. And those in which people actually tell me what their lives look like in comparizon to the characters from my story. They make my writing seem even more worth the effort I put into it.
  12. I find an idea of a blog slightly ... off putting. I mean, the whole idea of a personal journal is just that - it's supposed to be PERSONAL. Therefore ... I would never write a blog or any other written form that would make my personal thoughts and emotions public. For that same reason I don't think I'll ever write a rant.
  13. Alien Pirate Pixagi Also, something that doesn't read like fan fiction would also be great... Oh, Pixagi, you also had this impression after Book 6 that the story resembled a fanfic? Who knows, maybe Jo went googling for ideas? What are the chances that Harry ends up with Snape?
  14. I'm not from the USA but I went googling for weird laws and OMG what I have found! California -> *No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash. *Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine. (ROFL!) *Toads may not be licked. (in LA) *It is illegal to wipe one's car with used underwear. Florida-> * Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. (OUCH) Illinois-> *There is a $1,000 dollar fine for beating rats with baseball bats. *Ice skating at the Riverside pond during the months of June and August is prohibited. Louisiana-> *It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol. *You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant. Massachusetts-> *Quakers and witches are banned. *One may not detonate a nuclear device in the city. (hmmm, I wonder what the punishment for that would be) Michigan-> *There is a 10 cent bounty for each rat's head brought into a town office. (you can actually make money ...) New Jersey-> *People may not slurp their soup. Oklahoma-> *It is unlawful to put any hypnotized person in a display window. Oregon-> *People may not whistle underwater. *You cannot wear roller skates in restrooms. Utah-> *It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them. (looks like an obsession ...) Washington-> *Men who deflower virgins, regardless of age or marital status, may face up to five years in jail. (does that mean that Washington is a state of virgins?)
  15. 'Panzer Battallion' by Sabaton. Rrrawrr ... hihihi!
  16. Reno! Reno! Reno! Reno!!! I think I have a thing for red heads, really ... The close second would be Cloud (but only because he would go beautifully with Reno, ne Iggy?) and the third ... Vincent (my second favorite hair color).
  17. So my curiosity strikes again ... Are there any topics you would never write yourself? Does anything make you cringe when you attemnp to write it? For me it's the rape scenes, I find them extermely hard to write and read as well. One of my friends wrote a story with those and although I know the story IS good, I just can't get myself to read it. BDSM is also something I wouldn't like to touch, even with a very long stick. Just not my cup of tea, I guess. And the children abuse is the third thing I would rather not dabble with. Disgusting ... So ... what about you?
  18. teeta


    My first flame ... is kind of hilarious. I got it on 2nd April, when I posted 19th chapter of my story. It went like this: "Hmm... I don't normally do this, but I need to offer you some advice. PLEASE in the future of your writing, get to some symblance of a plot within your story before chapter 19!!! I chose not to review this until this chapter in hopes that it would get better, but sadly I was wrong. Now, I am not one of those people who "flame" stories, but this one is in needs of some serious editing of redundancy." It made me laugh wholeheartedly because ... hm, my story has a plot, quite developed one. Yeah, I kept it ^__^ And that's my response to it: You know, I must say I admire you. You were able to read 19 chapters (200+ pages) of a redundant story with no plot whatsoever. Wow! I would stop after chapter 1! Thank you for your advice but I think I will keep this story the way it is. A chocolate Easter bunny for you for the silliest flame ever! It actually made me laugh so I have no hard feelings for you. This really is one of the silliest flames ever, can't bring myself not to like it ^__^
  19. teeta

    Deleting Reviews

    I have a friend who received a few ugly flames, really ugly ones, with swearing and accusations of racism (unjustly so!). She did have a problem what to do with them. She asked me what I would do if I ever received a flame. After a while she just left the flames as they were, not deleting them, because she said what doesn't destroy her, it will make her stronger.
  20. OK, another bunch of responses! madlodger: hm, fixation with Veela fics? I had obsession with bonding fics, at some point I remember myself looking specifically for bonding fics, guess which pairing? That's how I actually found 'Cambiare Podentes' which I will be eternally thankful for! And i still love HP fanfics very much, you could say they are the ultimate goodness ^__^ though as of late I have been too busy writing to be able to read much *receiving bashing* I hope I will make up for it now when I have my long awaited holiday~~ Yup, lots of reading ^__^ Mourningstar: isn't that funny that those who DID create those stories, had no idea of their slash-y potential? Hm, to tell the truth, I have a few favorite het pairings myself but just like in your case, they serve as the exception to the rule. reine Seele: well, everyone has their own preferences as far as reading material is concerned. You mentioned one thing, certain characters do seem to be the dominant ones while other are perceived as - pardon for the expression - total bottoms. What I find really interesting in fics is the breaking of this stereotype. For example, in many Naruto fics, with Sasuke/Naruto pairing, Naruto is the bottom one. Why? And why for that matter make someone a total top/bottom? Ok, ANYONE else willing to share their stories?
  21. teeta

    Fannon Future

    What I think about the future of HP fandom? Much as I love the story itself, it is coming to its end and I don't think JKR will try to write another big book with poor Harry (who I suspect, might as well die, judging by the notion of killing off important characters). That's why I think that fanfiction will take over, and - because in book 7 Harry will be an adult (at least by Wizard standards) - it will be mostly with him as an adult. Now, as we saw after book 6, people were disappointed with it and made their own version of what they thought should have happened ... I do expect many of them to be disapointed with book 7, too. So I think adult Harry AU fics will abound. Just to compensate for the said disappointment.
  22. teeta

    Deleting Reviews

    Hmmm ... I never delete the reviews, why do that when someone went to lengths to leave one for me? Every review is preciousss ... But seriously ... if I post something, I must be ready to accept both good and bad reviews. Even the flames say something about my story (not that I received many, maybe two? Still they are there, among the reviews, not touched). What I WOULD clean up ... I saw a person who was leaving junk reviews, literally. They were pointless, filled with dumb blabbering. The person who left them, made a lot of 'noise' demanding the story to be updated now or else ... and here a string of stupidity ensued ... and this person tended to leave 20 of such reviews in a row! THIS I would erase immediately!
  23. teeta

    Hey HP fans!

    OMG ... *bursting out with laughter* It' soooo wrong and yet soooo funny!!! *wiping tears*
  24. Ok, quite a few replies, thank you for them! And let me answer to them. ladydeathfaerie: I know what you mean, not wanting to spoil your first slash story. Actually I'm trying to keep mine as credible as possible. Which is not that easy as one could think, especially when I'm being pressured into premature smut =_= And no, Harry/Lucius pairing is not that uncommon, I have come across a few of them myself. Alien Pirate Pixagi: oh, I remember the first slash fic I have ever read very well ^__^ It was Weiss Kreuz fanfic, and it dealt with threesome and after-rape effects. I found it really disturbing, the rape thing ... I'm not really into violence in fiction, but that one simply caught my attention. Sadly, I can't remember the title ... toxictattoo: hello! I'm new as well, so ... Oh, Phantom Menace! Ok, I admit, I have been there, too! Just the pairing was different ^__^ I came across a series of fics containing Qui GonXObi Wan pairing and then spent a few weeks, literally downloading everything I could find. Golden times ^__^ DodgeSuperBee: that's actually very funny if you think that most of slash fics are written by women ^__^ AND they are thought to be men! Anyway, het ... Ok, must admit, I started reading lemons from het but today I go YIKES! when seeing those two words together. Not saying that het is bad, I do enjoy romance stories but actually it's more interesting to watch how feelings blossom on the less friendly ground, so to speak. Iggy Lovechild: I DO agree it's very hard to find some good CloudxReno fics, even here there are very few *whines* I don't understand how people can't see the potential of this particular pairing. A cookie for you! *hugs*
  25. Hihihi, ok, I'll tell you ... First of all Fire and Ice (which means Ron and Draco) then ... some Weasleycest pairings (guh, I have a thing for incest, I suppose) HaryyxCedric, at least in a few fics ... I have read one or two fics with decent SeverusxRemus but not really fancying that pairing, I totally see Snape with Harry ^__^ That's about it, I guess.
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