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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 31257
  2. 31255
  3. "More than this", by Roxy Music
  4. 31253
  5. 31251
  6. 31249
  7. 31247
  8. "End of the Innocence" by Don Henley
  9. 31241
  10. 31236
  11. 31234
  12. 31231
  13. 31229
  14. 31227
  15. 31225
  16. 31221
  17. If I was going to read fanfiction, I'd much rather read stuff that I won't come across in the book/series/movie/whatever. After all, what's really the point if you can simply see it in the show/book/etc? I've really never understood that. A bit of variety is always nice. A relevant quote from the wonderful English author Terry Pratchett: Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.
  18. 31219
  19. 31217
  20. Yeah, we enjoy ripping flamers a new cavity, so feel free to report them. As far as annoying, overly obsessive fans are concerned, I'm not sure if Harry Potter is as bad as it was, because as much as I really enjoyed the books, I found the fandom just a giant pain in the arse, where people demanded that everyone write stories exactly the way they know they should be written, so don't you dare write anything even slightly different! Screw that; screw that right to the wall and hang a picture on it. As much as I can see the appeal of writing fanfiction - all the hard work has been done for you - I much prefer to just stick to original fiction... when I can be bothered. I really don't like having my creativity stifled to such an enormous degree that it inevitably is when you write fanfiction.
  21. 31215
  22. 31213
  23. 31210
  24. 31208
  25. 31206
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