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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 31376
  2. 31374
  3. 31370
  4. No sleep at all last night, 6 hours in the emergency ward because of my mum falling ill, and my favourite author, Sir Terry Pratchett, dies. Not been a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: It certainly can, but we do the best we can for them.

    3. BronxWench


      How's your mum doing?

    4. Melrick


      Doing better than she was. But the older a person gets, the harder illnesses hit them and the longer it takes for them to bounce back.

  5. 31368
  6. 31363
  7. 31361
  8. 31359
  9. Done! "Yup" is Japanese for "yes" isn't it? I'm sure the rest will sort itself out. You can rest easy! I look forward to reading new stuff in the future!
  10. 31357
  11. 31355
  12. 31352
  13. 31350
  14. I used to have a female German friend whose English was also immaculate. She used to get me to beta her stories, for some mystifying reason, even though I had nothing to do. Her spoken English was also virtually immaculate. It's kind of depressing that foreigners speak and write better English than most native English speakers. But that does mean that people like yourself are very good at writing stories, so I command you to write more!
  15. 31348
  16. Oh, and how is English not your first language when it's better than 90% of the 'gems' that are posted in the archive?
  17. 31345
  18. 31342
  19. You shouldn't give up on it. I like your smut involving 'innocents' becoming less innocent. Oh, and the rest of it, too.
  20. 31340
  21. lol I'm glad you liked my review. It's good getting an unexpected review from an old story. I did enjoy it. Now imagine how good you'd be if you wrote non-slash stories with characters like this one! lol
  22. 31334
  23. 31332
  24. "Tender is the night", by Jackson Browne
  25. 31329
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