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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Strangely enough I haven't either - I've always had a problem with the drop and splat. I have never had a problem with spiders (I hate them but I'm not scared of them)
  2. You know - they weren't that bad... if you like the sound of nails on a chalk board that is. *sigh* Well - it's official then - the world has turned to shit and the record labels are stirring up one hell of a stink.
  3. I too find it morally wrong - but... Bush didn't Pardon Libby - he commuted the sentence. It's still on his criminal record that he was convicted, he still has to pay the fine (how much you wanna bet that old Bushy boy and his buddies will put together a pool to help Libby out of that one too?) and he still has to do the probation. I know it's a bit nit picky, but Bush didn't wipe the slate clean with a pardon. Yes this pisses me off - it's like Bush is coming clean on his part of the bargain. "Hey Libby - you take the fall for me and I'll make damn sure you don't have to do any time." It's like he's saying that it's okay to lie and put an agent's life in danger as long as it benefits him in the long run. But if you think back on his entire 2 terms in office you'll see that Bush tends to do that an awful lot.
  4. hmmm - I guess I'll have to register to read that particular article...
  5. Well - I guess it's a good thing I signed on for a couple of seconds this morning. quamp?
  6. Because as a child he was punished with a bar of Life Boy. Why?
  7. I am no longer allowed to be jealous of an ice cream cake.
  8. a nice relaxing foot bath.
  9. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be the sexiest tin can you've ever seen. If I were an ice cream cake....
  10. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy to have Red back. I am wondering what I'm going to do for the rest of the night.
  11. ^ Has one thing on his mind at the moment < Isn't diddling... yet V Is wanting a notice of when < starts
  12. Wow - I guess the third time is the charm huh? Red?
  13. Transformers
  14. I have. I have never been in a car accident that was my fault
  15. Day
  16. Oh honey, I wish nothing but the best and a speedy recovery for you. I know a little of what you're going through and I definitely feel your pain. I'm hoping that you're able to get back to what you enjoy soon, and know that I'm behind you all the way. Get better soon.
  17. I'm 100% female in everything I do, but I do understand how someone can be confused about it. The idea that there is male, female, neuter, dual sex and such isn't new to me, but I can understand how stressful that can be to someone who can't decide who they are. Is it a chemical imbalance or are some people just born confused and unsure? Is it societies fault that these people feel like they don't have anywhere to turn? Hell yes, but what can we do about it? If one of my girls came to me and said that they didn't know who or what they were I'd be saddened but I'd still help them the best I could to find out who they want to be. I would however ask myself everyday what I did that confused them.
  18. I did vote for Homo, Hetero, Bi AND Pansexuality. Although I have met some asexual people as well, the majority I have met fall into those groups. Personally I'm more Hetero than anything, but pansexual has it's advantages in my eyes. The thought of not looking at gender (or assumed gender) but at the person is very appealing to me. It's how I chose my friends, but as yet I have not found myself attracted to a woman in a sexual way so I wouldn't be able to speak to that portion of the whole thing.
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that I need to go to the movies pretty soon. I am wondering if I can find a babysitter so I don't have to take my kids (it's a pain to have them in one theater and myself in another - the worrying is not conducive to enjoyment).
  20. Caustic
  21. Harry Houdini
  22. I haven't either. I have never been so drunk I threw up.
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