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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to take my kids and my brother out to dinner and a movie. I am hoping it will put me in a better mood.
  2. I am no longer allowed to think that 3 pad locks are enough of an obstacle to a thief.
  3. I have - barefooted no less. I have never understood the way a criminal's mind works
  4. ^ knows me really well < Will dance to anything with a beat and a melody V Isn't a country/western fan
  5. Not Guilty - I want to keep my job. G/NG Has ever been robbed?
  6. Neither
  7. You know - not everyone down here is stupid, and you did make that disclaimer. But you're right - there are a lot of "Good ol' Boys" that think we "woman folk don't know shit" to quote my uncle. It's that way everywhere to differing degrees. I was born in this state and left shortly afterwards... only to be pulled back into the Black Hole of Texas about 16 years ago. Maybe because I left the great state I have more of a respect for my body and that of my children - I don't know. It really is no surprise to me that our Governor did this though - especially when you stop to think about how he was elected. One woman said (when asked why she was voting for Perry) "I don't know what he stands for but he's just so cute!" I'm not joking - It's on tape somewhere... and one man said "Well who wants a Governor named Kinky?" Texas is all about big bucks - from oil to pharmaceuticals to whatever else they can sell. It's always been that way and always will be that way. The poor just don't have a voice or a place here - and sadly that's the way it is all over the United States.
  8. That one will do nicely. So ... what was this I heard about sex?
  9. Damn Ninja! Trae?
  10. I haven't either - but scorpions... *shudder* I'm allergic to them and have a nice little crater (ha! notice sarcasm) on my ass from one... it stung right through 2 layers of denim, a layer of sweat pant material and 3 pairs of undies... don't ask. I have never Worn more layers of clothing than outlined above.
  11. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am able to believe it as I've lived a lot of different places other than Texas. I am thinking I want to be above the Mason Dixon line right at the moment though.
  12. Damn Daz! If we did that the whole North American Continent (with a handful of exceptions) would be up there.... Wait - that's not a bad idea ya know.
  13. The real problem as I see it is Big Business. Everything is for the all mighty dollar - who gives a shit if someone dies or is hurt as long as the Big Businesses line their pockets. It's bullshit - but it's the way the world is.
  14. Hmpft - I think we all have one or two trolls in our families. I happen to have two that I can speak of right now - but I haven't checked under the bridge lately - they may have multiplied.
  15. I have - and it hurts. I have never been bitten by a snake.
  16. Bet it smells better than here. quamp?
  17. Guilty - but only a book or two. G/NG Has stood in line to buy a book/game/movie
  18. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy Red had a good day. I am even happier that I can't smell him at the moment.
  19. Crop-Top (we are fun - just not your kind of fun sometimes)
  20. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am currently on the best life diet and am losing a few pounds here and there. I am not exorcising like I should though. I am completely bummed out by what I found out today. I am thinking an early night is just what the doctor ordered.
  21. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be on hand to spray the cat when it was doing something naughty. If I were a lion
  22. I'm here - right in the old arm pit of Texas. quamp?
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