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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Not Guilty!!!!!!!! I'm of the opinion that if I haven't used it in 6 months I don't need it - now if I could just get my mom to go through her stuff. G/NG has a family member that's such a bad pack rat the an intervention is in order.
  2. Cid Highwind
  3. It depends on the situation. For the most part I'm impatient though. I have never seen so much junk (I'm actually going through closets)
  4. Teat
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am putzing around and not doing what I should be doing. I am alone for the first time in over a month. I am stating that I kinda like being alone.
  6. I am no longer allowed to procrastinate. (yeah - like that's gonna happen!)
  7. Cheer leading Camp
  8. Games would be best - don't you think?
  9. ^ is in the same boat as < < owns everything known in creation at one point or another to tame <'s locks V Likes the bed head look
  10. Guilty - every time I go to the grocery store (it's fun to embarrass the kids) G/NG Has more junk than you know what to do with.
  11. Scott Summers
  12. Constructed
  13. I have - and that wasn't a good thing. I have never been able to de-clutter my house
  14. Trite
  15. I've been looking for that ring tone to tell you the truth - I just can't find the damn thing.
  16. You betcha! Daz?
  17. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Did you hear that they are now advertising Coke on the side of the space station? You know, that would really hurt.
  18. For quamp's costume or for games and such?
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thanking Daz for her thoughts - and I know she meant it. I am hoping that her iPod will help block out the ruckus. I am about to go to bed... maybe.
  20. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am going to take my girls to see the new HP movie as soon as I can. I am thinking I need to forget about my personal rant thread for a while. I am being too loose lipped for my own good.
  21. Yeah - that's me. Daz?
  22. Right gender - wrong person quamp?
  23. No actually I haven't. I've been looking for a good candidate but have not found one. Politics really doesn't lend itself to "for the people" any more.
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