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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Silence - my empty house
  2. Alike
  3. Nigerian
  4. "I quit!"
  5. Ah! Another birth to celebrate! Have a wonderful one Knorg!
  6. I agree with you Pix - the thing is that the Golden Rule (which says almost the same thing) has been around forever it seems and no one pays that much attention to it unless it's broken against them.
  7. Bill Weasley
  8. Forgotten
  9. Nose
  10. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Movie)
  11. Alphabet Street - Prince
  12. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Hey hot stuff! Wanna date? Only if a whole opened up in the Earth and swallowed me whole.
  13. Nope - my apologies. Trae?
  14. If you offered to pick it up shouldn't you pay for it?
  15. Ears. But a redhead would rather you grabbed her...
  16. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that Trae is right on that one. I am saying that my kids finally settled down and behaved like humans. I am about to try and grab some sleep. I am hoping that it won't be like the last 4 nights and I'll be in dream land before 2 am and without the aid of a sleeping pill. I am stating that the one I took last night only made me groggy not sleepy.
  17. I haven't either - but I've come close. I have never had sex while being held off of the ground by my partner.
  18. Because it enabled them to fly high and shit copious amounts on those below. Why?
  19. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I would be as cool as a cucumber on a block of ice. (I haven't wanted to bash you with a hammer quamp - I'm not THAT violent ) If I were a tube of sun tan lotion...
  20. I guess because I grew up where people routinely dyed their hair they didn't think much of mine. I wasn't teased quite as much as y'all... but it was still there. What I don't get is the comment "If you have red hair you must be Irish." Um - well yeah... but I'm also Scottish, Romanian, Welsh, English, Anglo, Greek, Italian, Russian, American Indian, and I have 2 Black slaves in my past (not that I would ever call my Great, Great, Great Grandmom on my mother's side and a Great x's 2 Aunt on my father's side anything other than kin). I'm a Heinze 57 mixed mutt thank you very much and quite proud of it. It was just a twist of fate that I ended up with the witch coloring (red hair and blue eyes). So what if it's a recessive trait - it's beautiful and I'm fucking proud of it. Anyone who says differently doesn't count for much in my book. Now that I've had a little rant let's see what everyone else has to say about it shall we?
  21. Excited
  22. Even
  23. Nevile Longbottom
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