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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. 8547
  2. Guilty - extremely guilty. G/NG is a victim
  3. Michael T Weiss
  4. Because we read and write smut. Why?
  5. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Lost in Space (movie/tv)
  6. Murder
  7. I haven't either - unless you count the back 40 at the ranch. I have never realized before that most of Cher's songs deal with a love affair's breakup.
  8. 8545
  9. ^ Is correct < Hopes that < won't have new mommy feelings again as <'s kids are almost grown. V Has hugged someone today.
  10. Strong Enough - Cher
  11. Guilty - for the most part. G/NG has told a baldfaced lie and been caught.
  12. Bill Clinton
  13. Because we needed to clean our brains. Why?
  14. Murmur
  15. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    The Thing (Movie)
  16. Not this time. Trae?
  17. Shoving a couple up their asses. But you have to be careful when doing that because.....
  18. 8543
  19. Sorry - I don't know what's wrong with the Forum Games.
  20. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be asking all the men to bend over and cough. If I were a fan...
  21. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am finished with the chapter I was working on and it's winging its way to my new Beta.
  22. I haven't either come to think about it. I have never cheered at a cartoon.
  23. Pick-up
  24. ^ Has new mommy anxiety. < Had that quite a bit when < first had her babies. V Doesn't know about new mommy feelings.
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