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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Wallow
  2. So close you could be sitting in my lap. Trae?
  3. Only if you want to be a white knight and get some tonight. Do you think that would work?
  4. Guilty! Who would want to drink or bathe in orangish brown gunk? G/NG - has clear water
  5. Okay - I can't help it - I have to come clean about a little "obsession" I have. I love garter belts and stockings. They are under garments - so they count. I personally think there's nothing sexier on a woman - and I tend to wear them every day. You won't ever catch me in a pair of panty hose. As far as bra's go - the lacier the better - you should see some of my sports bras! I can't wear those to the gym by themselves that's for sure.
  6. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    When Harry Met Sally - Movie
  7. Howling
  8. 8561
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing Daz a safe and fun weekend. I am contemplating an Orgy update. I am thinking I won't get to it tonight as I am in the middle of some ghostly smut that has my full attention.
  10. As a general rule I'm not scared of snakes - I respect them - which is good seeing as we get rattlers in the house sometimes. I have never read a stereo instructional manual.
  11. Bill Cosby
  12. Tarry
  13. Hey! You're good! Nan?
  14. Eating for the first time in 2 days.
  15. Probably. But isn't there something else you'd like held against you?
  16. Guilty - But damn that Blue Bear costume is hot - even with the AC in the ass. G/NG works somewhere that has a mascot?
  17. I am no longer allowed to be very happy with a TV dinner.
  18. Willy Wonka - Chocolatier and all around goofball.
  19. Thing? It is if you write ______
  20. Well - let's put it this way - it is the same shithead principal, and we don't have to deal with her anymore. She only lasted one year - but after loosing 7 of her 23 teachers due to "personal matters" and after getting "super intendant" on her resume she's gone (Read forced out!). The new guy is smart - in both books and common sense which is so rare it's frightening. I don't think we'll have a problem any more.
  21. I had to say nothing at all - when mother nature lets me get away with it. I don't care what kind of undies I put on they always turn out to be butt floss by the end of the day so I don't see why I should have to bother. I swear - sometimes I think my ass is starving as it's always trying to eat the cotton covering it. The funny thing is - when I'm not wearing any - my ass leaves my pants and skirts alone - nothing ever creeps up on me. I wonder why that is?
  22. I honestly prefer Boxers on my guys - but that's only because of the cute little door that opens up for their little fella to wink and say "hi".
  23. I remember when I was in high school (yeah - old lady rant ahead) and I have to tell you the the ONLY standardized tests we had were the college entrance exams. Our teachers had to set their own exams and grade them. Sure we had scantrons but the teacher still had to come up with the answer key. What that means is that the teacher actually had to know their subject. Now they just parrot what the government says is right. Which is really scary - does anyone actually think that our representatives can read and write? I don't - they have "people" who do that for them. I sat with my kids when they did the Texas form of the tests (The TAKS tests) and I found so many errors the teacher apologized to me for not catching them herself. The principal told me to shut up - after all who am I to say that our politicians are wrong? They get paid for being correct. Bullshit is what I say. Most of them can't add their way out of an ice bucket. I take an active interest in my kids schooling and if I wasn't a single mom trying to not only support my kids but also my brother and my mother I would home school them. As it is I have to entrust them to the public school system - I just make damn sure I keep in contact with their teachers. We email back and forth and have monthly conferences. I'm ashamed to say I'm the only parent in the school that does this - most of them can't even be bothered with ONE conference per year.
  24. Welcome - At one point or another we all asked ourselves "Why did I spend the naughty points for this?" I happen to love this thread though - it helps a lot when all I want to do is bitch and not be slapped for it. Give it time - you'll find the use for it... whatever that is for you.
  25. Peanut butter
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