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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing I could order take away for dinner. I am going to go start dinner. I am hoping to be back later on tonight
  2. Floor
  3. ^ is very correct < Is throwing < in to make the number 3 V Is willing to make it 4
  4. Guilty G/NG Tried to bleach out freckles as a kid
  5. 9074
  6. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that I should get dinner started. I am not looking forward to it. I am looking forward to a quite evening though.
  7. Thaw
  8. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd just be background noise. If I were a piece of gum...
  9. I am no longer allowed to skip breakfast and lunch.
  10. Because peace is something people look for, and repulsion isn't peaceful. Why?
  11. Dick Van Dyke
  12. I did at one point in time - until I tried it for 2 years. I have never been one to shirk my duties.
  13. I was induced a month to a month and a half early for both of my pregnancies - so all I can do is give you my well wishes. I honestly wish I had been able to go to term - especially with the twins.
  14. I want to thank everyone who has been civil and understanding during this period of confusion. If we as Mods did know what was going on we would let you know. Honestly, (and I speak for myself and only myself here) I have been just as confused and scared as the rest of you. However, keeping a cool head and open eyes helps calm one down. I have questions just like the rest of you and I'm sure we will get the answers we seek in good time. Please remember that this was done quickly and no one had the chance to let us know what was going on a head of time. Speaking of time, that is what we all need. Time to calm down, take a few deep breaths and figure out what we're going to do next. Patience is a virtue after all. Once again, thank you for asking questions that needed to be asked, and being adults in waiting for the answers. (And please remember that mudslinging not only gets the person it's slung at dirty, but those who sling it as well.) Thank you, Leonhart29 *I only speak for myself and my feelings - not the rest of the Mods, so please take that into consideration as well. I just wanted to impart my thanks to all*
  15. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am telling Nan that that sounds really nice.
  16. Wound
  17. Not this time. Daz?
  18. First-Place
  19. Peace
  20. I am no longer allowed to take a cold shower on a nippy night (I don't even have to have the AC on).
  21. ^ Is right - it's in the closet with the other broken but repairable electronics. < Is very happy with the new computer < has V Would love a new computer
  22. Gag me with a chainsaw (I think me mum would try it - so that's a no go)
  23. If Wal Mart wasn't the only game in town for groceries at an affordable price I'd never go there.
  24. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am hungry - but not for food. I am wondering who will make comments as to what I'm hungry for.
  25. Guilty - and it would take a subpoena and some jail time to get me to spill it - if then. G/NG is trustworthy?
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