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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Having not only a chapter but also a one shot sent off to my beautiful and wonderful Beta Reader.
  2. 9181
  3. That would be me - wow! You're good! Trae?
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am hoping that Red does wake up on time for his first class of the semester. I am about to take my tired body to bed. I am thankful that I have a chapter to Memories and a one shot with my Beta Reader - and hopefully will be able to put them up sometime tomorrow afternoon.
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am saying that the Dawn did work - my hair is back to just being red and not Little Mermaid stop light red. I am never going to allow my mom to touch my hair again. I am thinking that it would have been easier if I had just gone down to the local beauty supplier and bought a color stripper.
  6. That's me! *bright Auburn hair and all - ick!* Daz?
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am telling all y'all that my toes are black and blue but are much better and I can walk quite well. I am thanking everyone for their thoughts. I am wondering what possessed me last night to "cover the gray" and allow my mother to die my hair. I am stating that my hair is still red - though it looks like it did when I was a kid and people asked me how in the hell I was born with mahogany (read purple in the sun) hair. I am hoping that a little Dawn dish washing detergent will take the majority of the Auburn out of my tresses. I am stating that from here on out I will grow gray gracefully and damn my mother if she can't take the fact that one of her kids is grayer than her.
  8. A Little More Time On You - N-Sync
  9. Because Pepper is one of the most abundant spices of life. Why?
  10. I haven - from Big Lake, Montana to San Angelo, Texas - it took us 3 days because I couldn't drive more than 13 hours straight (according to my Father). I have never bought one of those "For Dummies" books for myself.
  11. Big Ben
  12. 9142
  13. Pigeon
  14. I honestly don't think it's the sexes we have to wonder about. It's the size of the classes that's the problem. My children go to a small country school and on the whole they learn more, enjoy their friends more, and are very happy. They've been in large classes (like I was through out my entire school career) and they never did as well. There's something to be said about a teacher being able to know his/her students well instead of guessing at which John or Jane they are talking to or about.
  15. Leave it up to me to open my mouth.
  16. Thank you Ice. I think that's a very good idea.
  17. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am home early from work and nursing some toes that look like sausages. I am sending condolences to all.
  18. Oh Red! That was... so you.
  19. Currently reading The Cat Who Could Read Backwards
  20. I hope I'm not cutting my own throat here, which is the reason why I have relatively been silent. The thing is folks, we are shit slinging. This isn't helping matters at all. We're in an endless circle of He said / She said and it's not getting us anywhere. How anyone can say that the majority of the posts on this thread alone are professional is beyond me. There has been name calling (hello school yard), accusations, and double talk. I haven't even wanted to look into this thread as well as a few others because of that. That's not to say that the opinions aren't valid, they are for the most part, and the questions are valid as well. All I'm saying is that when a question has been asked the answer given for the most part has been used as an excuse to bash the 4 former mods which is NEVER a professional reaction. I love the AFF community, I have done everything I can to become a part of a family, and now that there is strife all I see is it falling apart. DA loved AFF and did everything she could to make it what it is today. She did the coding work, she started the resort of the main site, she worked her ass off with little or no thanks from anyone. What saddens me is that some of you have forgotten that fact because it's so much easier to either sit back and stay silent or "forget" about what has happened before so you don't make waves. I know I probably just slit my throat and allowed someone to happily piss in the wound by saying this - I just couldn't stay silent any longer. I hope that I didn't - my hope is that you will take this as my opinion and a sad attempt to ask people to sit back, take a deep breath, remember what has happened over the past year, and think damn it! Please - we do need to get along, and belittling, attacking, and slinging the shit isn't doing it.
  21. Hmmm - Vampire Dolphin... lol
  22. The slow load is still happening - the load clocked for about 30 seconds just for this page. I have DSL, so this shouldn't have happened. Here's hoping that whatever the problem is it's rectified soon.
  23. Hi there! Miss me? Trae?
  24. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that some sleep would do Trae some good.
  25. Hmmm - Reading that makes me realize that a hell of a lot of characters in my favorite fandoms ARE Mary/Marty Sues.
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