My children actually requested to help me this weekend with a few chores. This is not a normal occurance and like almost any other parent I'm going to say "Sure!" Why look a gift horse in the mouth right? Anyway, I'm out there trying to prime the siding for the side of the house and cut them and hang them when my little darlings offered their services.
"Okay" I thought - the easiest and safest thing would be to have them paint, so I sent them in to change into old clothes and put them to work while I weilded the circular saw, and the nail gun and the hammer - well you get the idea. I was half way up the ladder trying to hang the stupid thing when I hear some giggling and footsteps approaching. I know the warning signs, but as my hands were full and my mouth was overflowing with nails I couldn't do anything until it was too late.
I felt the cold wet WHITE paint seep through the fabric of my shorts and my daughters colapsing with laughter. I called my ex-stepfather to come and finish the job for me - my excuse? "I'm sick - I just shit my pants with wet paint and now my ass is white." He finally quit laughing long enough to come over, and my kids? Poop patrol once again in the back yard. Me? I plan on sitting in turpintine later on tonight once I've pried my panties off of my ass.