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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Do animals count? I have never had more than 16 animals in the house at one time (not counting bugs)
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking I'm in the middle.
  3. You hit it again - Red?
  4. Stand by me. Think you can do that?
  5. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    The Man Show
  6. Accidental
  7. I haven't either I have never owned a fur coat
  8. Broken-rubber
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am corrected - I am not minding much on the share idea either.
  10. a man enjoying a day without clothes with ME
  11. Billy Ray Cyrus
  12. Oh yeah - you got it! Red
  13. Arousal
  14. 6275
  15. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Girls, Girls, Girls (song)
  16. Procreation.
  17. A day without clothes
  18. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am crossing my eyes at the nude pic of Harry Potter I received in my in box.... who knew? I am never going to be able to watch Harry Potter movies the same way ever again. I am feeling like a "spare toy"... damn!
  19. That's the idea G/Ng delights in making the drunk misserable
  20. Erection
  21. Only if I get to hold the hand gun and sit in the pilot's seat. Do you trust me with a fire arm?
  22. I have - they're really cute but really smelly. I have never run for my life from a seal
  23. Nevil Longbottom - (No promises but I'll try my best)
  24. Abeo! Let's try this again - Red?
  25. Fun!!!!!!
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