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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I haven't either. I have never flirtted as much as I did last night (sorry folks - it just kinda happened - naughty me...)
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am going to bed as well - 4:30 am comes really early now a days and this old lady (humph - yeah right) needs her beauty sleep. I am wishing you all a good night.
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am taking a wee little potty break - I hope....
  4. Nope - just a humble little beggar girl... Red?
  5. I haven't either - my avitar does it for me. I have never been able to get over seeing my brother streak across the stage at one of his concerts.
  6. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Dream a little Dream (song)
  7. Mortimer Mouse
  8. Pocketpool hustler
  9. I guess so.... What are we doing again? (all this flirting has scrambled my memory a bit and I can't read backwards)
  10. Present and acounted for your ladyship. Red?
  11. I haven't either I have never failed to say I'm sorry after realizing I've screwed up a game
  12. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am admitting that I don't share well either - but that's life.
  13. I guess our guts just aren't up for it tonight. Daz?
  14. Crook
  15. I have never done that - no I have never been able to tell Red he's in the wrong game before.
  16. I guess we need to go with our gut feelings... Red?
  17. Errr - sometimes depends on the couple I guess. G/NG joins in instead of watching?
  18. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking you're right - no one touches my baby but me.
  19. nope - sorry to mess up the order of things. Daz?
  20. Wow
  21. Guilty - my ex-husband and his whore of the day. G/NG - has stood there and watched after walking in on someone having sex?
  22. 6287
  23. Nope - sorry about that. Red?
  24. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am also admitting that I do as well.. I am sad to say that hasn't happened in a while. I am feeling Daz's pain - and we've missed her.
  25. Way Guilty G/NG - has given oral sex in full view of someone else other than the recipiant
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