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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. ^ Is now searching for more secrets
  2. Nirvana
  3. I Touch Myself be The DeVinels
  4. You are so welcome. Trae?
  5. ^ Has been telling <'s secrets
  6. I haven't either - although for some reason a Republican never really seemed like the right person for the job. I have never declared a party on my voters registration.
  7. ^ has good taste. < Has DPDD (danger prone Daphne Disorder) V Is trying to find a cure
  8. Thanks for calling! Trae?
  9. ^ is willing to look under <'s chair for the clarity (as that's where < hid it)
  10. ^ Is standing on the train tracks in a daze < Is willing to push ^ off of the tracks at the right moment. V Thinks the light might just be Scooby Doo with a flash light.
  11. Not Guilty - something tells me you can do that yourself. G/NG - makes sure that at least one comment in a conversation is said just for shock value
  12. ^ Changes the channel when spandex wearing men scream at each other. < Does not watch any form of wrestling - professional or otherwise. V Has a guilty pleasure that V won't admit to.
  13. That would be me Trae?
  14. ^ Is looking for clarity in the wrong places
  15. I have - Let me quote one red neck from my state when talking about why she was voting for Gov. Rick Perry "I don't know what he stand for, but he sure is cute." Phah... there you have it in a nut shell... I have never voted for a republican
  16. ^ Knows what ^ wants to say and does so - no tangents needed.
  17. Hmmm - sometimes everyone guesses right. Trae?
  18. Lean
  19. Bliss
  20. Wonderful - but I wouldn't want you to over do it. Daz?
  21. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am glad to induct Daz into the Mommy club. I am also telling her that her baby will be with her soon and then the sleepless nights will ensue. I am also saying that the pain will fade and all that will be left will be the perfect love you have for your little angel... at least that's what happened with me.
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