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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Church
  2. Kiss
  3. ^ Is projecting pussy preference on others
  4. Harsh
  5. Still plugging along Trae?
  6. ^ Is squirting super glue on <'s chair < Is smart enough not to sit in a sticky chair V Is now looking for the duct tape
  7. Perfect in every way Trae?
  8. ^ Has < all wrong on the cat front
  9. Rat
  10. Hypnosis
  11. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Why do I have this blue screen on my monitor - and where the hell did my taxes go? Danger Prone Daphne Disorder
  12. Nugat
  13. Hell
  14. Without a doubt Trae?
  15. Night
  16. ^ Is now looking in the storm cellar in the northeast corner (oops - I just let the cat out of the bag)
  17. I haven't either... it should be the person and the platform that's important not the party I have never been able to fully believe in a politician
  18. Elongate
  19. Yes - this is true. Trae?
  20. ^ Is fishing for the cure < Is thinking that boyfriend's cure of a padded room and no dangerous toys is not the true cure. V Has another cure in mind
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