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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Because it pissed in his Cheerios. Why?
  2. ^ Is thinking ahead < Shouldn't have to audition because < is already a major player V Doesn't thing V should have to audition either.
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am also happy with the Orgy's latest posts (well done) I am going to power down my computer until the thunderstorm stops outside. I am hoping to be back later on ... basically because my street is already flooded after only 5 minutes of rain.
  4. It was a sudden departure brought on by not looking at the clock. Nan?
  5. 7602 (only because I could)
  6. Nope - he's gone for the night. Nan?
  7. Because his parents were afraid of him. Why?
  8. Hmmm - after reading this article it appears to me that you have to get approval to KEEP your current job... scary.
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am considering my next move in the orgy. I am thinking that this thing is now a living creature in need of direction. I am thankful that we are almost all in the same place.
  10. That's me... Sin?
  11. I am no longer allowed to think that when my Mother says she'll be back in the late afternoon that actually means the late afternoon.
  12. ^ Is an aspiring porn director < Doesn't drink very often ... and doesn't have to to get in the mood. V Will bring extras for the background
  13. Gas
  14. Oh course - the more the merrier. What would you bring?
  15. The ability to put dogs OUTSIDE!
  16. I would - she'll be able to answer your questions.
  17. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am at the thought of Nan updating the Orgy.
  18. I'm afraid not Nan?
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am eagerly awaiting the new Transformer movie as well.
  20. I'm sure they'll see this one coming. Or do you think we should have asked first?
  21. Final Frontier
  22. ^ Is a good teacher in the art of reveling
  23. The prince then lost his kingdom when his father found out he had been bumping uglies with the king's chamber pot maid. Red?
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