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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I haven't for 7 people... only 4 and that was bad enough (you have my sympathies and I knew it wasn't directed at me... but if you need a whipping boy I'm here ) I have never offered to be a whipping boy until just now
  2. You got it Sweetie! Daz?
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking more along the lines of a jackhammer really. I am saying I've already tried the sledgehammer rout and it didn't work. I am hoping that Daz gets some of her own back really soon.
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am feeling Daz's pain and wishing I could help. I am thinking that tar and feathers might be a bit too much. I am still trying to come up with a way to break this block I've got.
  5. The one and only at your service. Daz?
  6. as I don't know just how foul your mood is I can't really say one way or the other (but honestly Daz... I can't imagine you being in a less than chipper mood) I have never seen Daz in a bad mood (and I hope that one doesn't come back to bite me on the ass )
  7. I have to agree with you. When we stop trying to fix things that's when we're in a shit load of trouble.
  8. *shrugs* Unfortunately that's the way it is. People slip in things that would benefit them and if someone isn't on their toes enough to spot it it's all gravy. I'm with you on the thought that it's illegal, but with the way things are being run now that seems to be the norm.
  9. When I was younger (a lot younger) I took a first look "down there" and almost had kittens. It was the scariest thing I think I ever saw, and I wouldn't even put on a swim suit because someone might see something they shouldn't. You know what? The older I got the more comfortable I got with myself and what I was given by my parents. I'm not abnormal by any stretch of the imagination, but to a young girl (or boy) it's still a bit of a shocker. Some people never grow out of it... hence the designer vaginas and penile implants. My ex didn't help either... he actually asked the doctor to slip in a few extra stitches after I had my first kid. That's not a big help either. Suffice it to say, when one isn't happy in their own skin they'll do drastic things to make it "better". Stupid, defacing and completely wrong, but it's there any way. It's the society we live in... be thinner, sexier and beautiful even down south. What really needs to happen is the instillation of self-worth and self-esteem, but sadly that's not going to line doctor's pockets now is it?
  10. You didn't misunderstand the fine print. It's one of the many oversights our "government" has been slipping into these bills for years. You wouldn't believe some of the shit these guys get passed just by jotting a one liner in the bill on page 78 down at the bottom in double speak. It's scary, it's wrong, and it's the way this government works - fuck the public, they won't know what hit 'em until it's too late.
  11. Crime
  12. That would be me. Sin?
  13. ^ A job well done < Counts posts just like everyone else and is going to make <'s 6,257 th post V is now looking at their post meter.
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy as well - but something tells me they'll be barn cats when we move out to the ranchette.
  15. Filth
  16. I see no reason why we can't. So, who will bring the props?
  17. Trucks
  18. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am saying I have a river instead of a street. I am also happy to report that Munchkin (my kid's cat) just had 3 (at last count) of the smallest kittens I've ever seen. I am wondering if they're big enough to survive.
  19. Sic, Ventis secundis, tene cursum. Sin?
  20. I am no longer allowed to spend my alone time on the forums when I should be writing as well. (Thanks Sin... I needed the guilt trip)
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