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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. That's the spirit! Daz?
  2. Guilty- my ex-husband is 13 years older than me. G/NG Has learned their lesson from past relationships
  3. Eye opening and envy inducing is more like it. Is it true that Marilyn Manson had a couple of ribs removed so he could go head over heels?
  4. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be howling at the moon and looking for a cute German Shepard to play with. If I were a video game....
  5. Scotty
  6. Guilty - I actually put in "U. R. Slut" on one... got a few laughs. G/NG Has a cute nickname that they hate
  7. Because they felt that the tighter the better. Why?
  8. Keep
  9. Daniel Radcliffe
  10. Well it was worth a try - right? Daz?
  11. Guilty - I'm in one now and loving it - although the lack of physical contact can be a bit depressing (but my guy makes up for it every time) G/NG Has been in a relationship with someone more than 5 years younger than you
  12. Not at all. Have you ever seen a "head over heels" porn?
  13. I am no longer allowed to go an entire day without eating.
  14. Not having to make dinner but still being able to eat it.
  15. I too have to put in my apology if you thought I was calling you a racist DC - it was not intentional at all. Like Daz and you I was expressing my opinion.
  16. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be between a Quidich (?) player's ass cheeks and loving it. If I were an angel...
  17. David
  18. I have - but I got over it pretty quickly. I have never liked name tags.
  19. ^ Is trying to convince her muses to play nice. < Knows all to well what happens when you follow your muses into a dark and dank place. V Has an iron handed control on their muses
  20. Living in Texas gives me a lot of time to watch things like this happen. I personally don't give a flying rat's ass where you were born, what your nationality is, or what color your skin is. What I care about is you as a person and what you do with the life you were handed. (And I'm using You as an all encompassing pronoun - I don't mean any one of you specifically) Are you lazy and take what's given to you as your right instead of a little help when you need it? Or do you work hard (sometimes at menial jobs that pay next to nothing), live strong, and love completely? Whether you fight in the war is not the issue. It's how you feel about the country you reside in. It's how you treat your fellow Earthlings that matter - it's you as a person that matters. This is one of my pet peeves. People tend to assume things about you based just on your appearance. Just because I have red hair and blue eyes and talk with an accent doesn't mean that I am stupid, hot to trot, a slut, a witch, a bitch, or of any nationality. It means I'm a person with feelings and ideals of my own. Get to know someone before you throw out useless names to describe them. Why is it that people have to be so fucking hateful?! I know I've rambled a bit, but I can't help it. Aliens (be it illegal or legal) came to the country they reside in for a better life - who are we to tell them they can't have it because of where they come from? It's disgraceful that people look closer at some nationalities than others - but I understand a little of why we do. It's a learned response - especially when we are at war with their home country. I guess it's just human nature, and that I'm more naive and accepting than I should be. I've never gotten angry about a Hispanic getting a job I was going after - they were probably more suited to it. I have never felt that your nationality should give you a leg up on benefits either though.
  21. I'm actually trying to better myself a bit - I'm in the middle of "The Best Life Diet" by Bob Greene... It's actually quite good and makes a lot of sense.
  22. Well - I have finally finished the really big one I was working on - all 33 chapters or so. Now I have a bit more time to work on my other things a bit more diligently. I have 4 Final Fantasy one shots in the works right now, one original story, the beginnings of the next installment of my Questions Arc (which I've put on the back burner for far too long - Squall and Seifer have threatened to resign as my muses if I don't get my ass moving on them), another Harry Potter one shot (although I think I'll wait for the last book to come out and go from there on it), and one Vampire story that will probably never see AFF because I'm thinking of trying to get it published... and then there are my Murphy stories... all 7 of them. I'm a bit busy - but as I pick up one when the feeling strikes me it's no big thing.
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