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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. My lover
  2. Not Guilty - yet. G/NG - has had more than 7 IM conversations going on at once
  3. Do I Have to Say the Words - Bryan Adams
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am also welcoming stasa to the forum (and I'm one of those that bites - just not very hard) I am not looking forward to the 4th of July this year as I'm off in the middle of the week. I am doing nothing this weekend other than picking up 2 riding lawn mowers and then mowing 6.05 acres of land.
  5. Squeaky
  6. Hi there Red?
  7. Dementor
  8. ^ Is without an answer < Knows that Classic Radio stations play newer music as "filler" so they don't play the same song more than 2 times in a day. V Has another reason
  9. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd stand outside my trailer in a thunderstorm in the hopes that a tornado would come by and do $10,000 worth of improvements. If I were a wizard ......
  10. Cold drink of water on a hot day
  11. Not Guilty - ever... I want to keep my job thanks - and I believe this would fall into the "no adult content allowed" category. G/NG Has changed their avy in the last 2 days
  12. I happen to love cartoons too - and I'm 34 - no shame in that. Now about the original topic of this thread... I hate those damn Kids Bop CD's and refuse to get them for my kids. If they like the songs I'll get them the original songs and let them go for it.
  13. Okay - Women do suffer from it - all you have to do is speak to my mother for five minutes and you'll realize it. Do you know how hard it is to raise accepting and non-prejudiced children when their Grammy spouts off about homosexuals whenever she gets the chance? She even told me once that if I or one of my children turned out to be gay she'd disown us. Now when the same subject came up about my younger brother and sister (and her kids) she did a complete 180... but that's my Mum. I've learned to ignore it. Calling her on it only causes fights and her swearing up and down that she's not prejudiced in any way (you should hear her when she spouts off about any race other than white - it's scary). I sometimes wonder how I grew up to be as accommodating as I am... my sister grew up to be accepting as well - the only one she poisoned is my brother... but I have theories about that one.
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am to Trae and wishing him a good night. I am about ready for bed myself.
  15. Door
  16. Adjacent
  17. Sure why not... let's see here. Do you think the guy at the beginning of the Flying Circus episodes who says "it's" will ever get a break?
  18. Not this time around. Trae?
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that Trae's rambling could be cured by a midnight snack and some sleep.
  20. Digger
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