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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Okay, yes, in response to the email, i realize that my two offerings do not, quite, fulfill the requirements i posted.

    So, if it makes it easier for anyone, where i said 'must be' in my challenged, read 'Should' or 'could' or 'maybe' or 'don't forget' or 'consider also' or 'avocado.'

    Whatever works.

  2. Nonetheless, that is a penis that one can see from space. Impressive feat!
    What? It's not the feet that are impressive...

    Anyway, this inspired me to try to find that giant Chalk Outline of a well-hung man in Southern England on Google Earth. Either it's not visible from the satellite they had access to, or it's under the carefully positioned clouds on the shot they used for Cerne Abbas on the map.

    Darn. I was so looking forward to an ancient finding 'visible from orbit' manhood.

  3. I've been married for nigh on 6 years now. If I were still a virgin, my hubby would be one unhappy man.
    Unless you were Shakers.

    I have areas and openings that have remained virginal so far, but in the main, i haven't been a virgin since the early 80s.

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