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Everything posted by InBrightestDay

  1. As it is New Year’s Eve, I’ll get a review for one of the holiday party stories up tonight. Unfortunately, I’ll have to delay reviewing InvidiaRed’s story, because as it’s part of the Holiday Canon, I need to go back and look at last year’s Christmas story before I can read this one. It may not be required reading exactly, but it can be kind of hard to read these things out of order.
  2. So I’ve been away for months now, and it was for what might honestly have been a stupid reason.  Last Christmas, I’d wanted to submit a story called Meaningful Gifts, and I didn’t finish it on time.  I took two weeks off in January, and actually managed to make a lot of progress on it, but I still didn’t finish.  If I’d taken three weeks I probably would have finished it, but that didn’t happen.

    I was so deeply ashamed of not having anything to contribute that I felt like I couldn’t show my face around here, so I just disappeared.

    Recently, I’ve realized that maybe not successfully submitting a story, even if it’s a story people are waiting on, isn’t as bad as I thought, so if it’s ok, I think I’ll be coming by here more often.  I’ll finish Meaningful Gifts eventually, but hopefully the fact that I didn’t manage it last year isn’t as bad as I feared.

    In the meantime, I’ll work on reviews for a few other people’s stories and just try to be more active here in general.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Dude, you're a terrific writer, but we're glad to have you around whether you're producing or not.

    3. BronxWench


      Welcome back! I managed not to write anything for Hallowe’en or Christmas myself. It happens, and in my case, more often than I’d like, but life isn’t always as predictable or smooth as we’d like. So, come hang out anyway! 

    4. Thundercloud


      I am sure the story will be worth the wait when you overcome the writers block.

      It my conviction that you cannot easily command story progress. Assigning one extra week to the effort is by no means sure to be able to get the done the job. Sometimes you run into situation were the subconscious is intruding on writing and that is life when working with a creative process. Sometimes you just need some cool-down to make the problem go away and sometimes you realize that you subconsciousness was right and the story need some kind of change.

  3. That’s probably what’s going to happen with my story too. I’ve made some progress, but in addition to having a long way to go, the story takes place on Christmas Eve anyway, so it’ll either go up then or on Christmas Day. Super happy to see you joining in! These holiday anthologies are always better the more people are in on them, so the more the merrier. 🙂
  4. Oooh maybe I do need to read all the other stories in this series to read this one. Well…let’s see how fast I can do that. 😅
  5. TFW you’re trying to work on one story, and circumstances cause the idea for a completely different one to pop into your head, and now a big chunk of your brain is trying to iron out the kinks, try different variations and make Story 2 work while you need to finish Story 1. 🫠

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wilde_Guess


      I won’t say that that’s happened to all of us, but it’s certainly happened to me!  And it only cost the lives of seven “my original fiction universe” characters plus changes in the deaths of four more to stuff my original universe into “Rowling’s Wizarding World/Harry Potter.”  And the resulting crossover is now two month ahead of the “my original-original” story.  Go figure.


    3. InBrightestDay


      I mourn the passing of your original characters.  Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m more equal opportunity, sure I’ll kill original characters, I’ll also kill off canon characters too.

  6. Alright, now that I have a moment, let me talk a bit here! Well then I think you nailed it. 😁 There’s something I can’t quite describe about the stories, something you can feel about the world of the Hyborian Age, and I got that same feeling from your story. And he actually led with that one! I don’t think he started shit-talking her husbands until after mentioning that he strangled her baby in the womb. That does make me wonder about his goal there. It felt like he was deliberately antagonizing Berta, but I can’t see what that was supposed to accomplish...aside from being the world’s most epic suicide, I suppose. Sorry 😅, I was bad at wording it there. I meant I spent a while trying to work out if it took place in actual Medieval Europe, rather than a fictional equivalent. Aha, so it was a bit of surprise to the author as well as the reader! Writing is kind of an interesting process like that, both creation and discovery, in a way. Apologies for that bit. I actually went back and forth about whether to even put it in the review, as I didn’t want it to sound like I didn’t enjoy the story. Maybe he just didn’t seem that bad compared to other spouses I’ve read in stories like this; I don’t know. I don’t think you did anything wrong as a writer, I promise. Thank you! I’ll do my best!
  7. I’ll try and start writing soon! I want this to be on time. 🙂
  8. It is unfortunately way too late at night for me to post another review or respond to Invidia, but I will get to it tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy this dramatic reenactment of @GeorgeGlass’s story.
  9. Dang it… I’m in the middle of something else, and the only thing I have enough of that I could write it quickly isn’t original. I’ll be here for the holiday anthology, though. Meaningful Gifts has waited long enough!
  10. Well, the admins of AFF are so skilled they scared the crap out of me.

    The other day I got an update that I would need to verify my email or something to that effect, since the site was at long last coming out of Read Only mode.

    ...only problem was, I received this email at an address I didn’t think you all knew.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. InBrightestDay


      Well, now that I’ve said all that, I tried using the links, and neither seems to be valid.  I suspect I may have waited too long and they expired. 😅  Would it be possible to resend them, or is that maybe not what happened?

    3. BronxWench


      I can resend them, no problem!

    4. InBrightestDay
  11. Wow. I didn’t even realize this had happened. I guess in a way it’s kind of a good thing I haven’t had anything to publish.😅
  12. Like Thundercloud, I may be late. Work at the lab is kind of strained at the moment (sometimes a lot of people call out and those of us who are there end up stretched rather thin). As a result, I haven’t gotten much writing done. I have the 31st off, so I’m going to try and spend most of the day writing, but don’t be surprised if this ends up being one or two days late. I am also struggling a bit with what to include. Don’t want to use all of the kinks, since that’ll make all my sex scenes rather similar. Makes the end result a bit tricky. I try and work around that generally by focusing on the emotional context of a scene like this, which is generally somewhat different from story to story, given what leads up to the sex scene. I do worry, admittedly, that the sex scene in a future story might end up looking familiar, but hopefully the stories as a whole will be distinct enough for audiences.
  13. It might also be, to be very generous about this, that the reviewer began with the books or films when the characters were like 11 and has a difficult time allowing them all to grow up in his mind. I know I actually struggled with that a bit when I was watching the films. Granted, that was a rather immature response. I had hopes we were kind of past that as a society when it came to internet reviews. ...I say things now that I never really said before. Odd sentences are becoming commonplace.
  14. I’ve gotten three: two on WitS and one on The Least I Can Do over in Books. I’ve deleted them, and thankfully had the same thought as Bronx when it came to the links. I don’t really want to turn off anonymous reviews, as I’ve gotten several genuine reviews from fans who simply don’t have an account, so I’ll just keep deleting them as they pop up.
  15. Ok, so I looked back to see where I’d last responded to @Sinfulwolf’s reviews, and it turns out I’d somehow neglected to do so since her review of Chapter 9. So I have several reviews to respond to, not just one. First, Chapter 10. I have included this sentence of the review purely for the sake of irony. Thank you! I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this elsewhere in this thread, but I got my start writing Gundam fanfiction, and writing the action scenes has always been fun. I should probably write another space battle one of these days. Not to spoil anything I’ve started reading recently, but you write some pretty intense action scenes yourself, so that’s a serious compliment. I definitely see what you’re getting at. It is a tricky sort of balancing act, and I’m not sure I’ll ever entirely master the “detail versus flow” thing, but I will try! Thanks again! Your comments did make me really think about why I was writing this the way I was, and made me realize that while it’s somehow socially acceptable for a male protagonist to have a love interest who’s a noncombatant, it doesn’t seem to be done the other way around. I guess we’ve gotten to the point where a large segment of the population will accept women as action heroes, but at the same time there are boundaries on masculinity we’re reluctant to push. The Non-Action Guy, as TV Tropes puts it, is often played for comedy rather than just accepted as viable. The traps are another example of me trying to follow stuff @JayDee set up in WoH, expanding on a quick line and working to figure out what “the traps of Hell” might be like. While I like the matter prism from Chapters 11 and 12 is cool in a very “high magic” sort of way, there is something about the aesthetic of the fractal impalement trap that I think works on a visceral level; I may have mentioned The Evil Within as an inspiration before, but that trap is something I can sort of imagine being in the first game, crawling through a maze while spikes grow toward you with metal rasping noise. And once again I am really glad at how popular Luzurial’s “Fine, I’ll let you talk to my boss” moment is. Because, as I said when I read (some of) MRaD, fuck that guy.
  16. I got two more reviews for WitS, though, which I can respond to before work. Well, Cthulhu fhtagn. Note that these aren’t the entirety of the reviews, but the rest are links to...somewhere (I didn’t follow them). As this is rather obviously spam, I’m deleting these.
  17. Wait, I...*looks*… … AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! So I thought I’d replied to that, BUT IT WOULD SEEM I NEVER DID! Expect one later tonight after I get back from work!
  18. *nods* Such are the choices that vex the hearts of men...
  19. And wouldn’t you know it, one story became your own little shared universe! Lots of effort, I realize, but hey, the result is kind of cool. Sorry about that! I realize it can be kind of a hassle. That’d be a hell of a thing, though there is some precedent historically. Christian modernism (or liberal Christianity, whichever term you prefer) was the predominant form of the religion in the US up until the world wars happened. It’s debated exactly what the cause was (it may have been the world wars or even the Cold War; why change your traditions if the world is about to end in nuclear fire?), but post WWII saw the rise of evangelicalism, a term I’m using here in its political science definition (Christians who tend toward biblical literalism/fundamentalism and social conservatism), as the larger branch of Protestant Christianity in the country. I’m not sure what would cause a shift so drastic that the WBC would look normal, but it’s possible. I just really hope that doesn’t happen (fingers fucking crossed). Hey, we have something in common. We’ve obviously landed in rather different places, and talking with you more, I really do hope nothing I’ve said has brought up any bad memories. I wasn’t really aiming for a debate, but I am glad this is a positive experience for you!
  20. Ok, so I’ve finished Chapter 2, and am sort of figuring out how to write the review for it, but it occurs to me that there’s a question concerning Chapter 1 I actually forgot to ask. I’m not going to ask about how the theocracy works in general, since you explained a decent amount of it in the post above, and the question of how we got here may come up later (or, frankly, might not actually be important), but I will ask about this: the theocracy is referred to as Christian, and it is, in broad strokes, but throughout the first chapter you seemed to be dropping hints that these people aren’t a denomination of Christianity as it is practiced today. During the baptism scene, for instance, the reverend says to Joe that it’s been x amount of time since his brother “was given angel wings”, and says that said brother is watching over them. While you do sometimes hear this from laypeople, it would be somewhat odd to hear it from an actual minister. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, angels are a very different form of life, and humans do not become angels when they die. Later, during the shared birthday, you had one of the boys given a “Saint James Bible”. So far as I can tell, no such translation exists, which suggests that the theocracy has its own version of the scriptures, likely edited for its politcal purposes. I thought this was actually really clever, but it did catch my eye that the gang is attending what’s referred to as a Baptist church. The theocracy has practices that don’t align with Baptists (a toddler is being baptized in that one scene, and the Baptist denomination doesn’t practice infant baptism, instead waiting until the child is around seven or eight years old), so what’s going on there? It’s possible that Southern Baptists were allowed to continue worship as they do (though a lot of Christian denominations would end up opposed to this theocracy, and would likely have been driven underground), or that this church used to belong to the Southern Baptist Conference but now belongs to whatever denomination the theocracy is. I was just curious about how it worked out. Examples of the “driven underground” thing above:
  21. Sorry if that came across as harsh. The cut-offs really were the only thing I would call a criticism, and that is a delicate balancing act, figuring out when and where to employ it. Like I said, there were times it worked exactly as intended and made the dialogue feel more real. As you no doubt noticed from there being no review today, I won’t be able to do one of these daily. I have several other things I’m reading and writing. Amusingly, one of the stories taking shape in my head (I have the plot, but haven’t worked out the main character’s arc yet) is almost like Fiends’ mirror image. Anyway, I will try and steadily work my way through Chapter 2 soonish. You mention that this is an early work and maybe a little rough compared to your later stuff, but while I don’t have anything later to compare it to, I think it’s a hell of a good start!
  22. Alright! The last review from @GeorgeGlass I won’t go into this too deeply, as a future story may have a scene addressing the topic again, but this is definitely an overriding philosophy on display here: science and philosophy (religion included) are two ways of looking at the world, and if both religion and science are equally valid, as is the case in this story, then at the points where the two touch, they should overlap without conflicting. I personally like the effect when you combine the two. This comes up in Chapter 3 with Luzurial’s happiest memory being 13.6 billion years ago, fusion igniting inside the first star, when Luzurial explains that lower-ranking angels look like the mortals of whatever planet they’re assigned to and so on. It’s something I really enjoyed doing with the story. I had so much fun with that. Credit must also be given to @JayDee, because way back in the day, I was actually just going to have Luzurial get a new sword when she regained her wings. However, during conversation with JayDee, they mentioned that the sword is actually a part of Luzurial, like a shard of her soul, so at that point she had to get it back, and the idea of using the flaming whip like that was way too good to pass up! I thought about that, and I admit this has to do with the mental image that resulted. Holy water is water that’s been blessed by a priest, and when I considered it being standard use against beings like this, I had the image of a bunch of priests on like an assembly line, blessing holy water in huge quantities...and I started chuckling at the image. So yeah, holy water is made in relatively small quantities, but it’s for a very personal reason. So...I am very sorry about that. I wish there were some manner of explanation I could give you, but the simple fact was that I didn’t think of it. I can’t begin to explain why I never thought to have her say it in the denouement. Doesn’t make me look particularly intelligent, does it? Again, I’m sorry. Thank you again! The Hell scene wasn’t something I’d planned from the beginning but evolved out of the storytelling. It all started with that bit in Chapter 4 where I was sort of summing Eparlegna’s character up through dialogue, and then later with his dialogue with Kevin in Chapter 6 he kept insulting Lucifer and I started to have thoughts... Thank you for the reviews, and I’m really happy you enjoyed it.
  23. Ok, so I was away from home for a while, but we have some more reviews for WitS from @GeorgeGlass! This is definitely an area where the compressed timeframe of the story affected how fast it moved. This whole thing takes place over about a week, and I had a hard time believing Eparlegna would wait too long to make his move. Given that, I definitely ended up having Luzurial come to her decision faster than if the story had taken place over, say, a month. I was definitely aware of what you’re talking about, which was why I stretched the timeline out by one more day, so that Luzurial had around an entire day to think about what she was going to do, rather than, say, a few hours. Thank you! That kind of came from JayDee. In Whore of Heaven, the barrier is described as looking vaguely like smoke, so I figured there might be a sense of that as it expanded, and with the agents driving away from it I was kind of reminded of the pyroclastic flow scene from Dante’s Peak. Correct. I didn’t think I’d be able to create a Sloth monster that was actually threatening, but figured out I could make it work if it sapped the energy from people around it. The Gluttony creature you only hear about, from the elevator shaft, actually has a little bit of extra story behind it. I remember talking in the review thread for one of @InvidiaRed’s stories about insect mouthparts and the proboscis, and posting by way of example a wheelbug up close to show it. Invidia was like “Well THAT’s terrifying.” I couldn’t resist having a creature design with a similar organ and have someone else take Invidia’s “Well SCREW that!” attitude toward it. Thank you again! I was rather fond of that one. *shakes fist at the sky* JAAAAAYDEEEEEE!
  24. Another review from @GeorgeGlass, this time for WitS chapters 4-6! One does wonder about the insurance claim there… Kind of reminds me of that bit from Big Trouble in Little China where Jack Burton is trying to figure out what to do concerning the loss of his truck due to supernatural forces. “...And I don’t want to hear ‘Act of God’.” The Charnel Spider does seem to be something of a fan favorite. Because none of this would have happened without JayDee giving me permission to write it, they got an advance copy of every chapter before posting, and I remember being really excited to show them the Charnel Spider, due to the...well, I guess it really being kind of fucked up horror imagery. I wasn’t really sure how to portray an Envy-based monster. The problem there was that the obvious solution, shapeshifting to be what it wants to be, was something that, if I recall correctly, Fullmetal Alchemist had already done with the homunculus Envy. The idea of, instead of copying what you want, taking it from someone else, was sufficiently creepy to me (“I wish I had skin like that...so I’ll just take yours.”) that I went with that. I’m glad the confrontation was reminiscent of WoH, as this was probably the part of the story where I was most dedicated to evoking some of the feel of JayDee’s first story. Thanks again for the review!
  25. Ok, so, I’m working on a few different things, and I just now happened to go to my gmail account and oh crap @GeorgeGlass left a WitS review two days ago and I didn’t notice it! Well, let’s rectify that. Thank you! The “castrate him with a spork” thing made me chuckle a bit as well. I mentioned this in the AN, but the tentacle scene was the first one I’d ever actually written, so I was definitely nervous. The positive reception it’s gotten has been very encouraging. Finally, I’m glad you enjoyed the little bit of payback Hobbes gets. I knew what I was going to do to Barbara, and I just kind of wanted to give her...I don’t know, something, some little moment where she gets back at him at least a little. Glad you’re enjoying the story so far, and I hope it continues to be fun for you!
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