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Everything posted by Red_Light_Zone

  1. Okay, a “Let’s play” or “Walkthrough” is a series of videos where a youtuber plays videogames.
  2. Have you even heard of YouTube?
  3. You’ll have to look up the games they were made for. some of the older ones can be played on the PC probably.
  4. It’s Nintendo.
  5. Okay, to make a long story short, Zelda is about a reincarnating hero, Link, going to save the land and the princess, Zelda, from the evil king, Ganondorf.
  6. But like… this is ZELDA!!! Not knowing that but knowing Overlord is like knowing how to drive a car, but never having heard of of a bicycle!
  7. Dear lord… How do you even know about Overlord if you’ve never heard of the Legend of Zelda?
  8. Its Midna from Zelda in her imp form.
  9. What did you think of the picture?
  10. You could just say she’s a tall fairy…
  11. Also, my opinion that dwarves and imps cn be sext still stand. your adding fairies that are ridiculously small anyway.
  12. Oh, well I would suggest either keeping the original Netherghul since they weren’t exactly deep characters anyway.
  13. I second this idea
  14. Also, don’t my suggestions, too litterally. I only said them because it seemed like you had too much going on at once IMO. Do what you like.
  15. I don’t know the Haka, but keep the Netherghul as is. They are, after all, character unto themselves.
  16. That’s why I said you aren’t missing much. It’s not a bad movie, but I like the cartoon better.
  17. Also this was back in 2014
  18. Basically, they fleshed out Maleficent's back story as to why she's evil. She was once a powerful fairy girl who fell in love with an ambitious peasent boy. Her duty was to protect Moors, a magic forrest that stood between two kingdoms. King Henry decides to conqure Moors for reasons and he and malefecent come to blows. It ends woth him being mortally wounded, but he declairs that whover kills maleficent will be named his successer and marry his daughter. Stefan, the peasent boy she fell for, betrays her by drugging her but cant bring himself to kill her. So he just cuts off her wings. Angry, Malefecent takes revenge on the now king stefan by cursing her daughter. This drives the king mad. Over time, malefecient cares for Aurora when the bumbling fairies fail to do so. She tries to end the curse, but it was too perfect, so she grabs a prince to have him un do it. This fails. Finally she gives the princess a motherly kiss on the forhead, which counts as a true loves kiss.
  19. Wait, what did you think of my suggestions?
  20. And I will counter saying that there is no story in this guys account.
  21. Add another minion: and Indigo type born with wings so that you can have a flying force. Get rid of Narissa and just have Ursula be one of the sorceresses sacrificed to the tower heart. She’s already described as a sea witch and hardly anyone knows about Enchanted. This is more of a personal thing, but don’t have the Netherghul be his concubines and don’t make the dragons shapeshifting bimbos. The sorceresses are one thing as they can have physical bodies to sleep with, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Don’t make Maleficent an orc, she’d already stated to be a type of fairy, just stick with that. How about losing the LOTR races too? Not that it’s bad to have, but it just seems unnecessary to have considering how big this story is. It’s already a tree way crossover between HTTYD, Overlord, and Disney, adding more will make it boring and confusing real fast. If you love the orcs so much, why not just make the minions the same size as orcs with Hiccup’s alchemy? It wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to have him make a potion that would increase their size and strength. Don’t make the Minions females, just keep them (Mostly) genderless. If you want a sexy minion, why not have the Jester drink an experimental potion by mistake and have her be a sort of Harlequin to entertain Hiccup more. Don’t make Dagur and Tuffnut women. It removes their personality, plus having essentially two Ruffnuts is taxing. How about making the Netherghul based off of the chaos gods from Warhammer? There is four gods for four bodyguards. And they already have the same colors. Make Khorne a pure melee DPS, Tzeetch the mage, Slaanesh a speedy rogue that fights in booth range and melee, and Nurgle a tanky meat shield (though, to be honest, I would also make him a Tree man and have him be a sort of Healer/Tank).
  22. A Good story. I like how you’ve incorporated elements from the game into them occupying the Disney Kingdoms. But I would make some changes if you’d like to hear them.
  23. Lay it on us, Strange!
  24. Oh, so don’t be afraid to include both? I like it, but my issue is that some readers may be confused. and I may be forced to chose one or the other. No I meant Mabel, sorry. Monster Girl Encyclopedia? The monsters from Scooby Doo: Ghoul School? Several Anime series with monster girls? That’s not a problem. Remember how despite Supes being capable of seeing and hearing things millions of miles away yet still taken off guard by anything? Plus magic has always been a consistant weakness with kryptonians, even H’el, who’s written to be the ultimate kryptonian, and can even time travel, died from a magic sword.
  25. First off, I’d go male April due to having seen a rule 63 version of April and the turtles and Splinter, and it was pretty hot. I have no preference, but you could make it like that monster girl manual where Dipper runs into random time to time. One could be a ghost that possesses Babel/Wendy/Pacifica and he fucks the spirit out of them. Y’know, fun stuff like that. So, do you mean you want to have SnakeKing’s idea for girls of other cartoons in the rolls of RPG NPCs or have completely origional characters. Also, I’ll probably have Jon in a strict “Kill only when absolutely necessary” rule. He’s a young man trying to establish a global order, so it makes sense to have him be a killer. And BTW, Jon is already stated to have a dormant meta gene in his human DNA along with his Kryptonian power set. So why not pack that shit in and make him like H’el? He’d still be vulnerable to magic, and getting a handle on his new powers would take a tremendous effort on his part as to not make his whole kingdom disappear.
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