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Everything posted by Red_Light_Zone

  1. https://luscious.net/albums/teisou-gyakuten-sekai-world-of-reversed-gender-rol_282901/ Anyone ever read this hentai or interested in the premise in any way, shape, or form? I think there’s a good plot to be had here. Random Fan, do you think you can come up with anything based of the premise of a world of reversed gender roles?
  2. Hey, RF, you never got back to me. Everything alright?
  3. That’s… actually not a bad idea. In fact, that’s kind of crazy good. Of course I would think after reaching his full potential, Luther and Petra would go into the DC world via REALITY WARPING SHENANIGANS in typical comic book fashion. Or maybe they wake up in another world. Westeros seems interesting with all it’s political intrigue. Imagine the lords and ladies having to deal with a guy who can decimate armies in an hour with his bare hands. But I was talking about an original story idea of humanity having conventional limits and the ability to break those limits and becoming the perfect ubermensch. Like making new characters there are some theories about how Luther passively emits pheromones that makes him both more attractive to females and more threatening to males.
  4. Yeah, it’s a brutal comic, but one I find compelling. The story revolves around a scrawny high school nerd that who doesn’t want to be a nerd any more. So he buys a self help book called the Herculean Method which is basically a guide into forcing your body, mind, and spirit into achieving human perfection. With this, Luther Strode’s body became fast enough doge automatic fire, strong enough to break apart buildings, and durable enough to block bullets with his muscles. His mind became a supercomputer able to process information to the point of being able read a person’s movements like precognition. He also gained a healing factor as a result of mastering control over his body to the point of just willing his body to heal. Of course, there’s a caveat to this. That self help book he got was actually written b histories first murderer, Cain, who killed his own brother in the bible. He decided to make murder his new religion and himself its god. With a number of psychopathic disciples roaming around murdering whoever they please, it’s up to Luther to kill or change them for the better. I tell you all this because I think you can make a story off of that premise or being humanly perfect. Just with a lot more sex and a lot less murder.
  5. Hmm... you ever heard of Luther Strode?
  6. Ah, I see. Well, as for magical powers, the best thing I can give you is to have it follow at least some game logic. Maybe make it like coding where the player has to spend time coding the specific algorithms to achieve various effects that warp reality. Because what is magic if not reality warping?
  7. Okay, so that’s 4 ideas at once. I’m not sure about all of them, but what seems like the most interesting for you?
  8. Wait, so the VR fic with gaming tropes isn’t the fantasy setting?
  9. What idea appeals the most so far? Because depending on the type of story you want (A purely game fantasy where you can write about video game tropes or one with different IP character) I can give you different advice. As far as leveling goes, I’d say go for challenges in order to test out your new abilities and skills. Like nailing a ricochet trick shot with a handgun or successfully convincing a number of enemies to fight for you, or solving certain puzzles/riddles in a set amount of time. This way you don’t have to deal with the tedious grind fest and you can show the MC progressing with his skillset by familiarizing himself with his abilities until it becomes second nature for him. One instance, if your going for the log horizon approach, is to have him constantly face off against a dungeon boss to complete the challenge, but he keeps losing again and again to the point where he’s sick of it. You know the feeling in Dark Souls or Hotline Miami where you just keep being killed and rapidly restarting until you were frustrated? BBEG: Foolish mortal, the moment you set foot in my lair, your life was forfeit. Now, prepare to MC: I FUCKING KNOW ALREADY! SHUT UP AND FUCKING DIE! BBEG: Is… is that a wooden sword? MC: GYAAAAAAAHH!!! (Charges into battle)
  10. Yeah, I can understand your reasoning, but remember that you said that the VR is actually magical in some way, You could just make it so that the skills correlates to the person by simply making them more capable depending on the level of their specific skill/ability. One example is in a Dragon Age Inquisition fanfiction where the main character, a self inserted human in the body of a qunari warrior, notes that he actually knows what how to fight despite never picking up a blade before. Almost like it’s muscle memory. You could do the same where the MC instinctively knows how to do things or how to behave in situations because the leveling elements incerts the knowledge and power into him. And yeah, you can certainly make the leveling like Dark Souls, Skyrim, or fallout where the leveling is open ended and is tailored for the player to make their own archetype. In fact, that would be a brilliant strategy of having certain skills, talents, and knowledges available to you if your willing to grind for them. Personally, though, I would make all of the levels obtainable as I would make it more of a power fantasy, but that’s just me. And hey, you could make a patron system where in whatever counts as a hubworld for the player there’s this alter for them to pray to and offer whatever it asks for in return for power. Or maybe you can just unlock the ability to do certain actions or wield powers and it’s up to MC to level them up to their liking. Though, I wouldn’t make the levels 1-99. I’d personally have a lot of skills and make the levels 0-5. 0 being abysmal while 5 is anime spectacle badassery. One more thing to note is just how fast you can level up. IMO the best way to level it up is to just make it easy in the first few levels so that the MC can be at least decent in a specific skill before ramping up the difficulty in leveling up during later levels. You can also have him level up by completing certain challenges. If you wanna be a better fighter, just kick the asses of a few bad guys hand to hand. Wanna be better at driving, win a few races. Want to be able to fuck better, make sure not to cum first. Of course, you can ramp up the difficulty of the challenges later on like having the MC win a battle with Akuma hand to hand, Successfully lie to Batman, Lead an army of Orcs to victory, you name it. As far as translating stats to stats goes, I’d just make the stats universal. Hear me out. Since a lot of games have a ton of the same or similar stats, I would just make a skill tree with everything you’d expect from weapons handling, to actining, to academics, to aerobics. And then have those skills and abilities translate into different actions you can do in the game. Want to be a parkour master? Allocate points into dexterity, agility, and aerobics. Want to be Networker from Cyberpunk?Increase your intellect and pick up some degrees in computer science and engineering. This way, if you are going into a game world, you’re basically ensured that there’s at least something you can do. And this can go into magic as well, if you want to go into the superpower element as well. You could do the Dungeons and Dragons method of having different spells in certain schools (or the Mage: the Ascension method where there are different facets of the universe you can control) and unlock spells by leveling up. If you’re interested and want more details, PM me or just reply here.
  11. Here you go.
  12. Hello world, this is the RedLightZone discussion thread where I can talk to you about potential ideas, comments on stories, and discussions on different topics like kinks and turn ons.
  13. Is there any other way to get in touch with you?
  14. Shit, I don’t have any stories yet. I just want some input.
  15. Oh, okay then… what is a hint tank and how do I make one?
  16. Okay, can you make one? It’s easy and free.
  17. Actually, do you have a Discord? I can friend you there.
  18. I actually like idea of a skill tree that increases over time the more a person plays. The more of a certain action the character does, the more it increases. And if this is a Virtual Simulation, those increased skills, and even powers could translate into the real world. Imagine going out and being so charismatic and lucky that you could just walk out of a store with free stuff and no one would dare stop you because you were just so nice. Or being so strong that you could outperform the world's strongest man x10 over. That would be pretty cool. Of course there's the issue of just what kind of skills would you have, how much does it take to increase them, and by how much do they increase each level. For this, you have to take into account every skill you could think of. From broad categories like strength, charisma, and intelligence, to more detailed and scenario specific skills and abilities like driving, shooting, delegation, investigation, cooking, computers music, etc.
  19. Hey, I see you make some very good scenarios and have a great imagination. How would you like to collab with me? I'm writing a few stories and having someone with your imagination could be really help me out.
  20. This is pretty good! I especially like the requirement of the girls making their bodies thiccer. Question how “big” is Harry? Is there a rule/guideline to follow? Same with the girls.
  21. Who are you talking to?
  22. You know, someone just so happened to write such a fiction only moments ago: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Cambrian/35785/Peter-Parker-Harem-King-Marvel-Cinematic-Universe Also, Praetor, are you still working on that fic with Jessica Rabbit?
  23. It's a shota thing.
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