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Everything posted by Red_Light_Zone

  1. Please? I just got this account and I have no idea how anything works, I cant even fav my favorite authors.
  2. No, these are my own. Some are porn, others are just stories.
  3. Oh... well I thought 18 was a big enough number. I was going off of Garabatoz's comic featuring Cody and 4 other girls. While we'er on the subject, I have to say that I've read your challenges and an very impressed. I'd like to go over some ideas with you.
  4. Oh really, and what would you have changed?
  5. Okay, let me first say that this isn’t my idea. I just brought it from FFN because it’s a good challenge and I thought it belonged here. So, this is an AU where all of the characters of the Total Drama series from TDI to The Ridonculous Race are set in a high school. So all of the teens are the students, the hosts Chris and Don as well as other adults like Chef, Blainly, and most of the adult contestants from RR are faculty, the Police Cadets are acting campus police, you get the picture. Summer Break has just ended and Cody Anderson has come back with some “souvenirs.” And by souvenirs, I of course mean an enormous Schlong courtesy of some aliens (For those who’ve watched World Tour, you know what I mean). He’s desperately trying to hide his embiggened endowments in order to avoid being labeled a freak for the rest of the year, but Duncan has other plans. Wanting to start the year off messing with some nerds for fun, he pants Cody during lunch for the whole school to see. Because he cant fit any underwear anymore, he’s full commando for everyone to see and be left gobslmaked at the revelation. But Cody runs, not wanting to deal with the backlash. In actuality, the sight if his healthy Daikon Radish left all of the female student body and faculty rather hungry. Gwen (who just broke up with Duncan) consoles Cody and tells him that his trouser snake is nothing to be ashamed of. To prove it, she shows him all the fun to be had with his Joy Stick in the bathroom. When that’s said and done, Cody soon discovers that many ladies around him, student and faculty alike, have been more than a little interested with what he can do with his Jack Hammer. And so, the perverted geek sets out on a personal mission to deliver his extra long Package to as many eligible bachelorettes as possible, while also desperately not get busted because he’s been caught with his pants down. Now this can go one of two ways. A:This is just your standard AU where Cody is sees aliens while visiting Nevada during the summer and is given the endowments “mysteriously” B: Cody, after the events of World Tour, wishes things to be different and him winning when he suddenly wakes up to a school he’s never heard of and an long Anaconda that wasn’t there before Rules and Guidlines No Yaoi, I’ve made it clear that Cody is to fuck Kittens not Cockholes Cucking isn’t usually, but if it involves a TD villain (ex. Duncan, Alejandro, Scott, Shawn [because he tried to steal the whole money from Jasmine]) then by all means go nuts! No heavy BDSM, scat, pegging, or water sports The length of Cody’s Pocket Rocket can very from 14 to 18 inches, just be sure to scale the body types of the women with his length. I.e. if he’s 14 inches you make the girls reasonably sized, but if he’s 18 inches then you throw logic out the window and give them T&A drawn by thePIT. Here are all of the females that Cody’s Bologna Pony will be giving rides to. (Gwens first by default but it can go any order after that Gwen Lindsey Heather Izzy Bridgette Courtney Beth Eva Katie Sadie (She’s thicc in this story) Leshawna Sierra Zoey Dawn Jo Anne Maria Dakota Sky Amy Sammy (Samey) Ella Jasmine Scarlett Sugar NO NOT THIS HONEY BOO BOO BITCH!!! Kitty Emma Taylor Kelly Stephanie Jen Josee Crimson Sanders
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