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Everything posted by Red_Light_Zone

  1. Okay first, good ideas, but i decided to move away from the manga and focus on the videogames. But the idea of Jon just being labeled an overlord due to his insane abilities and wanting to pretect races seen as evil like the Drow. I also had the idea that his human side has a meta gene, leading him to be as powerful as H'el. (Look him up for context, but he is super OP) Also, should Jon kill? Being in a different world and a ruler trying to bring order to the world, his morales may shift to meet demand. But should he? I know its OOC, but I remember Superman from Gods and Monsters and he killed when it was necissary. Maybe Jon could go the same route. Also, what about a pseudo amalgam universe? Some of the girls were chatacters from other universes, and others are completly original. Or must it be one or the other? And I liked your harem fics. The Dpper one especially
  2. These are actually the people that inspired me. Ive wanted to write for a while and i figured porn would be the most fun. The hardest part is starting. I set my mind on havong Jon be the overlord.
  3. I actually like this idea a lot more than I thought I would. Idk, maybe its just my inner roll-player demanding I keep a consistant tone when in the end of the day this is all porn and Im taking things too seriously. If all els fails, I'll likely end up doing it because it all sounds fun.
  4. I can promise a soft maybe...
  5. Its just I didnt think youd like him as an overlord.
  6. Or the dicking is so good they get addicted? Also, You Like Zak Saturday?
  7. Hmmm… maybe. I may do that. Or I might just have the girls from other universes stick around, or just be one-off omake chapters, who knows. And yes, anal will be a thing, maybe even rimming.
  8. And yeah, she's far more T than A. It’s even brought up in the comic. But hey, tits are tits and hers are natural, so thats a win in my book.
  9. Yeah, dimension hopping is hard to write, but I was going for more comical chapters where the Overlord is taken to an alternate world for a while to dick around for a while and band a new girl.
  10. No that was be an accident, I meant to say just Korra. And I had this idea that the overlord, more than once, tried to take over other worlds, leaving “Gates” to come back to, the girls would unwittingly wall into the gate and into the overlord’s chambers. or the opposite happened and the Overlord ended up sucked into their world. A funny thought is that the Overlord is sucked into the Avatar world multiple times. This is Panda, and that’s actually how big her boobs are.
  11. Sorry for the late reply, but here’s my list of potential overlords from greatest to least potential. Jon Kent: Being the son of Superman, one of my favorite heroes, he’s supposed to surpass his father. A Superman that’s not completely goody two-shoes has always been interesting, and having him take over a planet would be awesome. That, and having a Kryptonian being being a master of the mystic arts would make him flat out op. Gohan: He was supposed to be the universes greatest fighter, for Kai’s sake! I say let him reach that potential by taking over the planet. Marco: He has good reason to be an Overlord with the short end of the stick he’s constantly given to clean Star’s messes. Plus that tentacle, illidid brain-eater arm could transform him. Zak Saturday: His powers are undefined enough to justify him being the heir of the Overlord’s throne. Dipper: His knowledge and experience with the metaphysical would help him on his journey to be the overlord. Kazuma: I need to watch the anime, but interesting premis non the less.
  12. No, but that show will likely be referenced. Oh, just some standard stuff along with some unique girls. All of whom are busty I might add. Just to name a few: AtlA (LoK) Toph Korra Azula Tylee Korra Gwen (Ben 10) Wendy(Gravity Falls) April O’Neel (TMNT) Velma (Scooby Doo {she’s my waifu guys}) Shego (Kim Possible) Lord Dominator (Wander over Yonder) Panda Delgado (Body Baggers) Yeah, my least is either good girls to be cherished or bad girls to be dominated.
  13. Right, and so long as we all enjoy it and no one gets hurt, it’s all good clean fun!
  14. No, while there have been Overlords in the pastof this world, there hasnt been a real one for centuries. He might meet characters in other shows if he were transported there. Also, my rule for the harem would be one to two from each race like an orc, a goblin shorkstack, a dragon lady, etc. There is one must have, the daughter of darksied and the kryptonian goddess Cythonna. For refference look up Lady Darkseid and just give her blue ice skin. Neat. I'll look this up later.
  15. Also, Gohan would be a good candidate.
  16. I still need to see Konosuba, but if it is what I think it is, I’ll have something worked out.
  17. Sorry about the long reply, but here. Kazuma and Jon Kent are easily the most interesting. For Jon, I can see a story with him. His a teenager who’s starting to be more and more conflicted with his parental teachings and the real world issues he has to save people from. He starts to get tired of the monotonous cycle of catching the bad guy only for them to be free and ruin more innocent lives. This comes to a head when Lex builds a device to control reality on a planetary scale and nearly makes him and his family disappear. Jon stops him, but is then left stranded in the source (The DC’s equivalent to a Blank canvas where all other multiverses reside like Marvel and Dragon Ball). He then appears to be stranded on a fantasy universe like WoW, LotR, and Final Fantasy XIV. Only this time it looks like George R.R. Martin directed it so it’s a sort of Grim Dark fantasy filled with political intrigue and strife where people of different fantasy races suffer, are at war, or are in some way evil. Even many the gods are either insane, evil, or power hungry. He then finds a man named Telos, a wizard who who ascended to godhood status and wants Gohan to save this world from itself while he goes off into the multiverse. Jon agrees and is given the Tome of Telos, a magical text book that contains knowledge on all the magical arts there is and can teach the user to bend the fundamental laws of reality in accordance to their very will. Jon starts Kicking ass, and gains the title of Overlord, a derogitory term for villain. Of course he gains a harem along the way.
  18. Well, there are always AUs… How about a list, hmm?
  19. No, I mean the old videogame overlord, with minions and evil heroes. I want to do something like thebooblovers challenge where hiccup is the overlord. But lets make someone else have the mantel. Any thoughts?
  20. Ok first, I am definitely watching this anime now. Second, basically, the Overlord’s soul is transferred into his Max Level Character in the anime and short novel with no explanation. And he’s trying to conquer the world partly to get some answers like what happened and is there any one else. But he’s mostly doing it out of peer pressure due to the fact that the player made NPCs of Nazeric by his guild-mates expect him to be this ultimate overlord and his own racial class actually influencing his behavior. He does this by doing what we all do in videogames. Find exploits, make plans, use you level to your advantage, build a reputation, use the high level items you farmed/crafted to your advantaged, start working politically and make good choices. The trill in this anime isn’t that Ainz will defeat the enemy, but he’ll do it in accordance to his plan. He’s a Schemer using all his tools available to him to get the advantage. Plus, theres just enough new things in this new world to keep things interesting and challenging for Momonga. This is all canon. What I was planning on doing was having whatever inhibitions he had before gone. Ainz still has a human mind, so he makes a lot of cautious and chast decisions. He also can’t actually Bone anyone despite being a Bone Daddy. (The Celestial Race is more like Asguardians, alien demigod with phenominal power) Y’know, the more I think about it, the more I don’t like my idea, I think I’ll just stick to the video game version. Do you know anyone that would make a good Overlord?
  21. Well, One of my ideas was to just have Momonga lose his inhibitions. When the servers shut down, instead of just being stuck, he finds himself face to face in a room with a mysterious figure saying that he’s been killed by some home invaders at the moment of the game’s shutdown. And now he has the option of doing a New Game + involving him with a new avatar, new features, a new magic system, and absolute freedom to do what ever the hell he wants to do. He accepts, makes 4 new NPC followers in the image of the Chaos Gods from Warhammer (idk, I just pictured him like thanos with his own Black Order), tweeks the older NPCs a bit to fit his ideas, and goes into the new world with no concequences. Also, instead of being a skeleton, he’s now a Celestial (No real difference, he just has a mega-dick now.) Also no, but I have seen memes about it Konosuba.
  22. First, go see the anime, its pretty great. Second, that’s my problem. I don’t know how to freaking write for it! I had some ideas but they all fell through.
  23. The anime, not the game.
  24. Depends, do you know about Overlord?
  25. Can I get a habd here, need help with something relating to Overlord.
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